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Skip04 Blog

Still Alive!!

:lol: After about 4 and a half months, I'm writing another entry...

That's so bad!! :P

Hmm...well lots of stuff has changed - my manga collection has grown once again, YAY!!
However I'm contemplating on getting rid of my Naruto Volumes - I don't read them it would give me more room for Bleach and FullMetal Alchemist :D

Game-wise, a bunch of new DS games, some PSP games, and no PS2 games :(
I just finished Kingdom Hearts Days, which was pretty good considering it was on the DS, but I'm sort of in DS limbo now, just waiting for Pokemon Soul Silver to come out! Because of that, I've picked up Bleach The 3rd Phantom - the beginning took to long and I was put off, but now I've FINALLY got up to the part where I can control Ichigo - which is probably not that far in the game, :lol:
My PSP usage has ... well it's gone. After I finished (Bleach) Soul Carnival 2, I put it down and haven't picked it up since...I might start playing Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's, but ... we'll see...

I've also been introduced to several TV shows that I am loving - Better off Ted, Fringe, The Big Bang Theory and Hung are a few of my favourites - but of course now that Season 6 of Lost is out...well all my attention is focused on that :)
Unfortunately I don't see any reason to write about Heroes, apart from this sentence...

Oh, and on a massive plus side, I now have an extra Terabyte for my computer - massive YAY!!

Well I guess that's all for now...
I may post pics of my ever-growing Manga collection next time :)

Take Care and stay safe!!


It's been a looooooooong time!!

Wow!! I can't believe how long it's been since I last wrote something!!
How frikken lazy am I?! (Actually don't answer that :P)

Well heaps of stuff has happened ... but too much to go into ...
Hmm... I really don't know what to write, I'm so out of it :lol:

Oh, one big thing is that I'm now up-to-date with everything FullMetal Alchemist (Manga-wise).
Thanks to AVCON (an Anime/Manga/Video Games convention hosted at the end of July), I decided to buy the FMA manga because it was SOOOO cheap... ... ... then I had to get the rest :? But it's worth it, it's such an awesome story and the art is fantastic.
I've also just finished my DragonBall VIZBIG manga collection!! Volume 5 (4 in 1) is MASSIVE!!

Oh, and Bleach Volume 28 came out last week too, so, yay! I just wish they would release them more often!! JAPAN IS UP TO 40!!!
*Sigh* oh well, at least I have my Urahara Hat to cheer me up...8)

Anyway, if I write anymore, I'm going to start rambling (oh, no :o) so I'm gonna stop it here :)

It's good to write something again :)

Denny Crane - Lock and Load!!

Manga Update + Holiday Time!!

Yay!! It's time for a Manga Update!!

As you may, or may not know, I love collecting Manga and I like to show it off :p
Here it is!

The 4th BIG Volume of Dragon Ball Z "will be avaliable next week" says my store :) Can't wait!!

All of Bleach, so far...

One Volume of Gantz (IT'S CRAZY!) and the first 6 of Naruto.

The rest of Naruto - I'm not collecting Shippuden....I just don't want to :D
And the beginning of (the original) Yu-Gi-Oh!

The last few volumes of the original, and all of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist

And finally, Yu-Gi-Oh! Millennium World and the first 3 Volumes of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

Hooray!! Manga is cool!!!!!!!

OK, now for some important news...


I am going on holidays from the 8th of July to the 15th - so, obviously I wont be around :(
It also means that I won't be here for my birthday (the 10th) :(
I'm going to the snow - it's been SOOOOOO long since I've been...the last time was when I was a little kid :)
Just letting everyone know :)

Take care everyone!!

The 6th Soul, A Stadium, The 4th Ninja and a Kingdom of Hearts

Hooray!! Another entry!

OK, now first things first - HEAT THE SOUL 6.
It's a pretty good game - and when you compare it to HTS5, it's friggen awesome!
While the game is not perfect, there are enough modes/characters/new specials to make up for it :)
At a glance you can see that the story mode is what the most effort went into - and it looks pretty damn good :)
Most of the story fights have small cut-scenes before hand, and they did very well with that!

I don't want to go too much into it (this isn't a review :D) but, if you can, definately have a look at this game - its a great fighter wether your new to the series or an old HTS veteran.

Battle Stadium D.O.N.
I know that this has been out for ages, but I decided to finally have a look at it - I haven't played much (I'll explain later), but from what I have played, it's a decent brawler. It's fun, the controls are fairly easy to learn, and your favourite characters from Dragon Ball Z, One Piece and Naruto are smooshed into one game, like the Super Smash Brothers games or the Jump games on DS.

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja 4
Another new addition to my collection, and another I haven't played a lot of - NS:UN4, as far as I can tell, expands on what it's previous game offered - and that is an amazing thing :)
My only gripe with what I've played so far is that in .... the mode....the main mode - I forget what it's called, you walk around as Naruto (cool!!) but you can't exit the mode without resetting or turning off the PS2, UNLESS you find a save point. You need to access the save point to save (duh! :P) and exit the mode. It's a little annoying, but whaddaya going to do? :D

And finally, the game I've been spending all my time on lately:
Kingdom Hearts II
I know the game is a little old, but I have just discovered it - and I'm loving it!! I've nearly finished it (I think) and looking back, I wish I had played the first game to get better acquainted with the story-line :D My only peeve is that all you have to do to beat your enemies is smash the X button, but everything else in the game MORE than makes up for that!!
Also I love the game's music so much, that I got the Sound track - it's funny cos it's Japanese, so the songs from Atlantica sound ... odd :D

Oh, and Kingdom Hearts has made such an impression on me that I'm thinking of getting 358/2 days on DS now...AND when it comes out in English (close to the end of the year), as well as Birth by Sleep for PSP (when it comes out :D)

Well, that's all for now, I'm off to play Kingdom Hearts!!

Next time: a Manga update :)

WAA!! Much needed update!! + Pokemon Giveaway!!

Wow, It's been over a month since my last blog entry - how lazy am I?!

I blame 2 things for my absence:

1. My University crap - I mean work


2. Pokemon.

My exams are coming up in a few weeks and I have to practice like there is no tomorrow (I'm studying C!assical Piano). I'm getting just a little sick of seeing pianos now...but oh well :)

Ah, now, Pokemon - When I haven't been practicing I've been on the Pokemon D/P/Pt Trading boards either hacking, editing or getting events for people - I think i ended up making a total of 4 topics, I'm in the 5th one now, but I've given up hacking - people just aren't responsible enough to come BACK for their Pokemon...
Anyway because I appreciate people reading (suffering) through my blog, I'm offering 1 free Pokemon per customer!
If you have Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum - you can take advantage of this offer!!
Simply copy and paste this "coupon" in my thread.
Good for 1 free hack!!!!
Special coupon!!
Limited time offer!!

Valid from the 11-May to the 31-May
After you post that in my topic you can either post the hack you want in the thread or PM me.
I'll make your order as soon as I can and send it out to you :) Be sure to keep an eye on my topic, though :)

And while I'm on the topic of free Pokemon, to celebrate the Pokemon Gold and Sliver Remakes Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver,I'm also giving away the 3 starter Pokemon of Johto!! They're all at lv 5, shiny, and were met in Johto!!
I can't wait for these games to come out!! I think they're set to be released in Spring (Southern Hemisphere season) in Japan, so there will most probably be a 6 month wait for an English release...
But I'm still looking forward to it!!!

I also got the new Dragon Ball Kai game!! It is one of the best Dragon Ball/Z related games I have ever played. In all honesty it's like playing Dragon Quest - which makes it awesome!!
The story begins in Dragon Ball in the 3 year wait before Goku fight Piccolo (Jr.) at the Tenkaichi Budokai and ends with Vegeta - it doesn't seem like much, but there is HEAPS to do, I'm clocking 20+ hours and I haven't even come close to finishing the game perfectly. There is quite a bit to do - and its all fun :)
If I can be bothered, I might write a review for it...hmm...
Anyway give it a look over - it goes without saying, though, it's all in Japanese.
And for those of you wondering "what the heck is Dragon Ball Kai", its basically a director's cut of Dragon Ball Z - it's been remade for HD, the voice cast have redone their work, new music and sound effects have been added, a new opening and closing themes to go with the new credits and most of all, it's been cut down to remove all damaged film and filler crap.
As far as I can tell Goku gets on and off of Snake Way in around about 3 episodes!!!!

Now possibly what I've been looking forward to the most - Bleach: Heat the Soul 6 is coming out in just 3 days!!!
All I can say is *Drool*
Sooooo many characters, new game modes, Turn Back the Pendulum costumes - I'm actually willing to forgive and forget HTS 5 - AS LONG AS THIS KICKS ASS, which it looks like it will :D
Finally an excuse for me to pick up my PSP again - my DS has been DOMINATING!! :D

OK, that's all for now!!

Remember, if your a Pokemon Game aficionado, take advantage of the "coupon" from above ^^

Take Care everyone!!

Skip (Tim)

Bleach Figurines

Just thought I'd show everyone cos I love them so much!!
I bought these at ShinTokyo - my one-stop-manga/anime-shop.
They are $15 (Australian) and are a lucky dip of sorts.
When you buy one, you don't know what's inside.
There are 5 in total, but allI need are 4.
The 'missing' one is Ichigowith his Shikai, stabbing it into his stand.

Okami - Cleared!!

Yay!! I finally finished Okami!!
It trully is a fantastic game. The art is second to none, as is the "celestial brush" technique.
Having finished the game I can now move on to Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4... or can I?
I really want to COMPLETELY complete Okami...there are quite a lot of items and side-quests to do that i missed the first time 'round. Plus I want to get all of those anoying Stray Beads :evil:

For some more awesome art from Okami check out Art Of Okami.

Urgh, love computers, hate computers

Ok, well for the past 2 days I've been going crazy...

My computer's power supply blew...:cry:

I guess things just got a bit too much for the old one.
Anway the upshot of it was that I couldn't use the PC for about 2 days - doesn't seem like much, but it was killing me!!!
Just glad that everything is sorted out and all better.

OK, on the games front, I'm slowly making progress through Okami (PS2). Slowly because I don't really play the PS2 that much - i feel so bad, like I'm neglecting it. But on the weekend I'm getting Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 (PS2) - can't wait to play it!!!
Still waiting for Blue Dragon Plus, Pokemon Platinum and GTA China Town stories for the DS.
And as always, waiting for a new Bleach game for the PSP :P

Just Glad to be Back :)

Pretty Depressing News + pet photos

Unfortunately, the beginning of this post isn't all too happy...

One of my beloved dogs died on Monday.
His name was Micky, a Jack Russel crossed Chihuahua and he was about 13 years old. He was the first dog that I had (that I can remember) and I'll miss him dearly. Here are some pics of him.

He lived a very long life, but in his old age he was full of aches and pains (you could just see it). Dad claimed that he was/had going/gone deaf, but I always said different - when ever you asked if he was hungry his ears would ALWAYS jump up (he loved to eat, the log J). He especially suffered when it was warm - and right now Adelaide (Australia) is going through a terrible heat wave (this is the 4th day, in a row, of 40+ degrees), so in a way I'm happy that he didn't have to suffer through another scorcher of a summer.

He will be dearly missed - he truly was an awesome dog.
(He liked to sit in the sun - but sometimes he would fall asleep standing up)

This is my other dog, Skip.

Pure Jack Russel - pure evil. Don't let his looks fool you, he may look like an angel, but he'll destroy anything and everything, but, in his defence, only when he's bored.
Skip does everything a dog should; fetch, speak, shake, lay down etc. but he also has some ... quirks. Dad, being a bricklayer, has a brick saw sitting in the garage on a stand. When the stand is moved it makes a grinding noise on the ground - Skip goes nuts. He will IMMEDIATELY stop whatever he may be doing and run straight to one of the stands legs. He then just starts biting it. And barking. And slobbering. He actually can move the thing on his own - something that dad nor I can do.
He also likes the sun.

This is my Galah, Max.

He is one of the funniest pets in the world. Usually living right outside our kitchen window, Max picks up on nearly all of our conversations and will often imitate us - it sounds like a bunch of gibberish, but I guess that's how my family sounds when we converse. Max also has picked up the bad habit of telling people to "shut up" and calling them "stupid"...can't imagine where he picked that up from...

Finally this is our newest member of the Asylum, our cat, Neko.

He's still just a baby, so not much to say about him - apart from the fact that he has two different colour eyes!!! AHHH!!! He's SO cute!
The only problem now, is that he's started to scratch the couch a little too much - so we've had to cover it...with a sheet...*sigh*
He gets on really well with Skip - they play and bite and scratch (nothing serious, though) but he and Max don't really get along. Because of the heatwave, Max and Skip have been inside. Neko, being curious, decided to get a little to close to Max's cage. Max bites hard. Neko has avoided Max's cage ever since :D



I'm back!!!!

Wow, it's felt like AGES since I've been here - and it has been!
I've missed talking to you all. It's great to be back.

I can already see (just by checking my mail) that lots of stuff has been going on...forgive me if I ask tons of questions :D

OK, well lots of stuff has happened to me while I've been away - the biggest thing is that I've got a cat now!!! This brings the total pet count up to 4 - two dogs, a Galah and now a cat - I've decided not to count my sisters as pets as they no longer live at home :P
We named him Neko...well I named him Neko - I'll post pics soon.

I've got 3 new games - Zelda and Harry Potter (Order of the Phoenix) for DS and Bully (Canis Canem Edit) for PS2....ahh the fun I'm having, especially with Bully!!

Ohh, ohh, ohh - I found the Bleach Character SOULs book - it's pretty good, it even has the "pilot" chapter for Bleach - it's pretty cool to see the original ideas that Kubo had.

Anyway that's enough for now - just glad to be back!!

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