like i said in "wifi questions" i am going to get a ds lite soon. i am wondering what games I should get. i dont know exactly what kind of games I am looking for. these games that i want might show it. yet try to rate a few of these games in your replies. note one of these games arent out yet.
1. lunar knights
2. megaman batle network double team
3. contact
4 code lyoko
5. pokemon pearl
6. megaman star force
7nintendo web browser
8. pokemon ranger
please be honest and not harsh
pokemon pearl I give a good rating to since I have it and from experience it's quite fun. I plan to get the web browser eventually..seems like a handy thing to have..the rest of the games from what I've seen aren't exactly THAT great..lunar knights may be an exception.
I used to have a psp and sold it for a ds lite, it comes down to personal opinion, I just like being able to play gba + ds games instead of just one game...makes a difference ^_^
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