Skyfaze's forum posts
I despise the fact that these scenarios always make you the only survivor. I want to see one that starts like this: "An airplane has crashed in some island, and you are now completely dead. While the plane was losing altitude, the cords of your oxygen mask tangled around your neck and strangled you. Also, you were sitting near an engine that exploded, setting you ablaze. On impact, you flew out of the passenger section straight into a propellor, which chopped you into small pieces. As the fragments of your corpse sank into the water, a group of sharks devoured you. There's no doubt about it; you are ****ing dead. You will not really survive." Elraptor
....that was downright awesome lol
Looking to trade my freshly caught Palkia level 47 holding Lustrous Orb for a freshly caught Dialgia (around level 47) with Adamant Orb (no nicknames please)
FC- 2449 1141 2325
Oh and PM with your friend code :)
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