I feel for Nintendo. Their markets are being attacked on all sides by very big players in technology - handhelds are becoming unnecessary due to phones and tablets, and the console arena is being taken over by companies with more experience in online and all-purpose media boxes. I wouldn't be surprised if they go to a software-only business model in the not-so-distant future.
Half Life 3? It could be time. I'm skeptical that they could blow our minds as much as HL2 did though. Fingers crossed. Also, Tomb Raider looks like a Naughty Dog game - it looks fantastic, but I still hope they manage to hold on to some of the exploration-based gameplay of Tomb Raider I/II.
Xbox 720 - is that the official name? If not, I think the press should try to avoid stating speculative terms as fact. Not everyone reads game news as much as you do!
I still love the series, but I do think it's lost its way, so I never bought 5, and am not likely to buy 6. To me, the RE:Remake for Gamecube was the series height. I played 4 on much later on Wii, so that could contribute to me enjoying it less than some fans, but even so I just didn't enjoy RE as an action game. It wasn't difficult, or scary. It lost its spunk.
Westwood was one of the best things to happen to games in the late 80s/early 90s. I'd kill to play a Lands of Lore refresh (though I guess that's more or less Skyrim these days). It's true though, the same fate has happened to far too many studios EA has had their hands on.
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