To answer your question is it the same as watching TV, yes, it is exactly the same thing. The only difference is that your probably concentrating on the screen much more intently then you would be if you were watching Oprah.
The question "does gaming in any way ruin your eyes" is debatable.
Like anything strenuous, you need to make use of that pause button and take a 5 minuet brake now and then. Another thing I think is important is to change the distance you are viewing from. So many of us (I'm guilty of this too) have our chairs effectively mounted to a fixed position in our rooms that the coke stains and chair impressions in the carpet are proof of. If you move around a bit it will keep your eyes from getting used to viewing one specific focal point.
I save my in the dark gaming for when it counts and try to make that time my "treat". Once in a while I will treat myself to a session of Silent Hill or Tron 2.0 in the dark because those experiences are enhanced quite a bit for me with the lights out and the headphones on. Playing a game like Lego Star Wars or Tiger Woods hardly calls for it.
I don't think that watching TV or gaming (in the dark or otherwise) for prolonged periods of time is harmful to your eyes but I'm positive it increases the risk of eyestrain as TheMadGamer mentioned. That can cause headaches and blurred vision but neither of those would be permanent. Doing the things I mentioned can help avoid that.
I did a quick google but could not find any credible info on the subject. I found a couple of things saying that reading in the dark and watching to much tv is not bad for your eyes but nothing I'm comfortable with quoting as proof one way or the other.
P.S. I forget to blink all the time when I'm gaming...... seriously. :?
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