I have a question to you guys: Do you honestly think that Halo Chronicles is going to be a cash in? Think about it.
MS made a new studio, so they are serious about it- they would've just licensed some studio to do it if not (like VP party animals)
-you've got a couple of the members of Bungie coming over to work (like franky)
- Peter Jackson- movie director
- Corrine Yu- gearbox dude
* this is where the rumor of gearbox developing halo 4 came out from. He actually is leaving the company
- Ryan Payton- producer at Kojima Productions
- Kenneth Scott- art director from Id Software
thats what we know so far
whose to say there aren't more?
Guys, this isn't Peter Jackson's Halo Project either, it's "let's take a bunch of good people from the industry and have them make a game" project.
Keep your eyes on this. This is in no way Halo Kart
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