I never found it too difficult. Even on Hard mode. The places I had problems was only the last two big boss fights. But it's not impossible. I did get that games Platinum aftere all.
SnakeBite27's forum posts
There's nothing more Cult-ish than only surrounding yourself with with like-minded people.
The way we grow together and understand eachother is to live (and game) together as a society.
And I'll assume that you're not worried about swearing as a whole, but more about blasphemy. When you people say "Oh FLIP" or "AW DANG"... we all know what your REALLY saying.
I'm only mentioning this because I just got frustrated with it 5 minutes ago.
Why are there only a small handfull of visualizations when playing music. And the only one worth a damn is the one revolving around the earth.
Would it really be so hard to give us a couple more on some random firmware update?
I have an '07 80GB with PS2 emulation. I've played a few PS2 games on it and it works fine. I have to wonder if this new technology would be more efficient or beneficial.
Also, you think they would be selling it on the PSN or release as a firmware update?
For me I've always been a Completionist. Even before they had trophies or achievments. Back then, I found all the Stars in Super Mario 64, 100% 2/3 PS2 GTAs, played FFX to death.
Nowadays, trophies are just one more thing I need to do to complete a game. Plus, it helps stretch out a games length for as long as possible, saves money that way.
VIII having been my first Final Fantasy, I have to go with VIII. The graphics and music really did it in for me. Some FMV's left me with my jaw dropped. I liked some of the characters. I liked dealing a little extra damage when I pressed R1 when attacking with Squall. The thing about VIII I remember the best is the airship Ragnorak. Probably my favourite airship in any FF coupled with a great music while flying around.
Don't have to. I've got a nice copy sitting just to the left of my FFVIII, which is coincidently to the left of FFIX.
But seriously, I'm glad they finally put it out there. It's a great game and now more accessible to a wider audience who possibly can't find a copy nowadays.
Wouldn't it be great if Microsoft came out of nowhere and announced Kingdom Hearts 3 as a X360 exclusive?
lol, I'd laugh.
oh the meltdowns would be epic.
I can already imagine the riots in the streets. :D
For me it would have to be "I Chose the Impossible" in BioShock, which was beat the game on survivor without using Vita-chambers.
May not have been too hard near the end, but it was definetly a proud moment for me.
Also probably because I got two other golds and a platinum at the same time >_>
To further support my theory that that is actually Gray Fox and not Raiden....
Grey Fox has no left eye!!!! And look! He has a little girlie face like Raiden! And this wouldn't be the only time Raiden has had a look-a-like in the series! Remember Raidanovich from MGS3??? Maybe Raiden was the other clone they were talking about? Maybe Raiden is Grey Fox's Clone?? Mysterious......
I like it.
But that would suggest either a remake of MG1 or MG2, OR a new game taking place before MG1 but after MPO.
As much as I would love a remake of both games (perhaps both games in one!! >.>), Kojima appears to be against it. Who knows.
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