yes, Jess it matters ! I bought a next-gen console to play next-gen games, meaning I bought a next generation of more powerful console so I could play higher quality games with faster frame rate and better resolution. If Ubisoft want's to make 900p resolution games at 30fps then they should just develop games for 360 and PS3 and stay away from next-gen if they aren't up to the task.
Dumbing down the PS4 version of the game so the X BONE Fanboys don't cry is a bad move. Ubisoft should stay out of the console wars or didn't they learn anything from Square Enix / Crystal Dynamic debacle ?
I see this as a desperate attempt by Microsoft to try and catch up in console sells with PS4 at the expense of Square Enix and the Tomb Raider franchise. This gambit hasn't paid off for Microsoft simply because the outrage was so great that the secret of it being a timed exclusive couldn't be kept under wraps long enough for them to benefit from the exclusive.
Some people will just wait it out and see what happens others are so pissed that they will NEVER buy another Microsoft or Square Enix product EVER. ( I'm in this camp ) I don't think its wrong to try and compete with Sony, but the way Microsoft went about it was totally WRONG. They should have come out with their OWN exclusive IP and not highjacked a franchise that has ALWAYS been a multi-platform game.
I also think that if Square Enix doesn't do some damage control really really fast and find some way to limit or get out of this deal that this could be the finally nail in the coffin of the Tomb Raider franchise. I personally still hope the game comes to PS4 I'd love to play it but I won't be buying it new I'll buy it from some second hand shop just to keep the profits from going to Square Enix.
They have lost my trust after giving the worldwide gaming community the big middle finger ! It's going to take years to earn it back if it can be earned back. I think sometimes these game designers forget that its US who keep them in business and without us they be working for Google. They need to remember to never lose the plus of the gaming community and to ALWAYS listen to the gaming community for we are a vocal bunch and we have no problem saying how we feel or in telling them what we like and what we don't and why !
The petition has over 12,000 gaming voices on it from gamers all around the world. I have to say reading all those comments from all over the world gave me a sense of pride as I saw us come together from Russian to China to the UK to the US and everywhere in-between. We are the gaming Industry and not the people who simple serve us and make the games we enjoy and ANY gaming company that loses sight of that is destined for trouble. Thank You to all who signed and made their voice heard.
I'm hoping us PS4 players will get the change to play this game, while i'm not completely sure we will at this point as Spencer was vague in his comments only saying that ROTTR "could" go the way of Ryse and Dead Rising meaning coming to PC. Nothing was said about the ROTTR coming to PS4 we see.
Lastly please remember that while we have our console battles NOT all issues are about that like this one it's a gaming community issue. Remember Caring is Sharing and Sharing is Caring thats how sharing works !! Play ON !
@ptown58 If they had been able to keep the timed exclusive bit secret then they may have sold a few units but now thats people known NOT A CHANGE ! Peeps will hold out ! Even then I'll buy the game USED I won't give Square Enix a Fuckin Dime !!! They've lost my business forever with this bullshit move. I hope they enjoy their 30 pieces of silver !
IF MS wanted more people to buy their console then they should have developed their own IP and tried to sway people to them NOT highjacked a franchise that has ALWAYS been on an multi-platform !
The answer is NO its NEVER time to buy an X Bone The gaming community won't give in to blackmail they won't be forced into buying a console they don't want in fact with this move X Box has insured people WON'T buy it just on printable !!
Snapdragon1's comments