I think this review is getting a little something from Ubisoft as Assassins Creed 4 SUX's for one simple reason. Ubisoft has taken the assassinations out of Assassins Creed and made then a secondary objective rather then the point of the game. I long for the day when the assassinations where what the game was about and you only needed money to upgrade your blades. They should have titled this game Pirates Booty because that what the entire game is about is getting more treasure. Now you run all over the place looking for treasure battle ships for treasure dive in the ocean for treasure oh and if get tired of treasure hunting you can go to a pigeon coop and take an assassination god forbid ! Ubisoft has lost their way and in doing so has loss the soul of Assassins Creed… I'm done with this cash cow !!!
THE LAST OF US is without a doubt the best PS3 game EVER made !!! It is the perfect way to send the PS3 out as the best console with the best game in PS history.
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