I really can't stand it when they slap a game with an ordinary PS4 and then call it a bundle. I feel like if you going to give me a specific game then give me a PS themed by that game not some off the shelf PS4. They might as well just say here's an ordinary black PS4 and a coupon good for One of any PS4 game.
@game4metoo: LOL theres NO push necessary just good sense to own the best console available. Do yourself a favor get it NOT on sale with the Nathan Drake Collection play the other games remaster in 1080p and you'll be ready for UC4 ! Man how I wish wish wish I could play them again for the FIRST Time !
@divinejester: Yep I just grabbed one to stick up in the closet until it's time to sell it I'm not even going to open it. Aren't you proud of me Sheldon ?
@dlCHIEF58: LOOK you XBOTS need to be MAD a Phil Spencer and NOT at Sony over SFV. Capcom Approached MicroDic first asking for help funding SFV Phil Spencer turned them down. Stating and I quote " We feel it's a better use of our money to finance our own fighting game." Unquote
@flames325: Actually the game is failing the latest VGChartz sales number shows that since launch the game has only sold 301,028 copies worldwide.
The Xbox timed exclusive Rise of the Tomb Raider sold 301,028 units first week worldwide at retail, according to our estimates, which can be viewed on the VGChartz Global Weekly Chart for the week ending November 14th.
Breaking down the sales by platform, the game sold best on the Xbox One with 229,742 units sold (76%), compared to 71,286 units sold on the Xbox 360 (24%).
Breaking down the sales by region, the game sold best in the US with 143,817 units sold (48%), compared to 124,384 units sold in Europe (41%). Looking more closely at Europe, the game sold 46,679 units in the UK, 19,844 units in Germany, and 22,323 units in France.
These are BAD BAD NUMBER ! You can look for heads to roll at Square and perhaps at Microsoft as well since ROTTR ISN'T selling consoles which was the purpose behind this dirty deal.
Snapdragon1's comments