The thing is, it's only a matter that applies to the individual. It comes down to us to be able to separate fantasy from reality. And this is where the senators don't seem to be able to draw the line. Violent video games to them is a cause for violent behavior, no question.
Of course. "I SAW SOMETHING COOL IN A VIDEO GAME I'M GONNA DO THE SAME THING"The kid had a mental problem. Way to focus on the wrong issues, bureau boys.
This is a waste of time. There's already lots of studies claiming there's no link between violent videogames and violent behavior in people.
@CaLiBeiRs Not sure where you got your info, but it is the Iranian government that is to blame, not the people.
@EzcapeTheFate @ChristysXmas Do you understand why they hate Americans? Precisely because of things like what they do to Iran.
@ChristysXmas Stupid question : do you ever get harassed for being Chinese? Because of the Gold selling market and such?
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