@berserker66666 $8.2 billion would be severely damaging to any high profile studio. People look at the revenue that these games and movies make but leave out the underlying costs that have nothing to do with the game or movie they're making.
@AzatiS Who's to say the content is free when the game is 3yrs old and selling for $30? The content isn't new. It's just included DLC that was previously released.
As for the graphics, they're not much better. Some pseudo AA, ambient, and anisotropic effects which are pretty standard for PC's. Locked camera that sometimes obscures your point of direction and a sloppy UI loaded with unnecessary animations that slow response time. I have to wait for this book to open before I can make my selection. The number of cut scenes is also unnecessary. Those might not have been a problem had they allowed the player to skip them by pressing the start button without having to make an animated sub selection. They should've named the game "CutsceneMania". Finally there are points where the voices become aggravating after repeated lines when you're trying to focus on the tasks. The girl and the old woman stand out. It had a good story, but since it borrows heavily from another game without doing anything new and being overdrawn with repetitious levels, I gave the game a 6.5. Had I not been a fan of the classic NES and SNES games, it probably would've been half that.
Btw, Blizzard is a lazy ass developer that should be making games for console rather than PC. Unworthy titles.
@Fandango_Letho Cheaper because it's old, better looking and performing because it's on the PC and should offer more than 7yr old hardware, and has more content because it includes the DLC. Other than that, the game adds nothing to depth nor does it correct some of the annoyances with the console version.
A long time ago games were just games, now they're trying to make them too much like the world that I've been trying to escape a long time ago. As far as I'm concerned, GTA didn't change anything. Worlds have always been immersive. They've always stepped forward into taking the player away from the real in many different ways. They didn't need to be huge to do this. They just needed to be unique and new. For me, that novelty has long worn off. Now I just play games as a hobby, not to escape or work my imagination.
@Kryptonbornson Oh, you're speaking in regard to Steam. Well, I sure hope you'd get a refund on a game you haven't received yet. For me, I just want to have certain games completely removed off my account so I don't have to keep sorting them.
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