It's time for my Game of the Year Awards! While this year wasn't as good as last year, it was still fairly solid especially with the rise of good downloadable games. This year saw the launch of the PlayStation Vita and Wii U. While I did skip out on the Vita I did pick up the Wii U as the loyal Nintendo fan I am. Besides with the announcement of games like Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and Pikmin 3 in the Wii U launch window, those are games I've been looking forward to for a long time. The Wii U is truly a whole new way to play games and for those who say otherwise, they haven't tried it yet. With me being in university now I find it quite time-consuming to play console games since I can only play while the family TV is unoccupied which means I can only play late at night. Thankfully, the Wii U helps with this problem by allowing me to play some games on the Wii U Gamepad without needing the TV. Anyway, time to get to the awards. The only rule is: the game must have been released this year. I'm including all the industry's genres in here as well as console exclusive games. So, let's get started!
· (Developer/Publisher, system) If its multiplatform, I list the system I played it on
Best Action:
Kid Icarus: Uprising (Project Sora/Nintendo, 3DS)
Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword (Nintendo/Nintendo, 3DS)
Liberation Maiden (Level-5, Grasshopper Manufacture/Level-5, 3DS)
Winner: Kid Icarus: Uprising
This really shouldn't be much of a surprise. I absolutely loved Kid Icarus Uprising. In my opinion its one of the 3DS's killer apps and every 3DS owner should pick this up especially if theyre fans of action games or just weird humour.
Best Adventure:
Diablo III (Blizzard/Activision-Blizzard, PC)
Winner: Diablo III
Best Fighting:
Persona 4 Arena (Arc System Works/Atlus, PS3)
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (Namco/Namco-Bandai, Wii U)
Winner: Persona 4 Arena
I may be a little biased here because I suck at 3D fighters but I found Persona 4 Arena better. Once you get the hang of the controls, it's a blast to play.
Best Platformer:
New Super Mario Bros. 2 (Nintendo EAD/Nintendo, 3DS)
New Super Mario Bros. U (Nintendo EAD/Nintendo, Wii U)
Winner: New Super Mario Bros. U
2 Mario games. Not surprising is it? It really is too bad Rayman Legends couldn't come out this year since I feel it would have won this category judging from the incredible demo. But NSMB U is still good especially with friends... or without. You can either have fun or get frustrated playing with friends. Regardless, the game still has that classic Mario feel and design to it.
Honourable Mention: Kirbys Dream Collection (HAL Laboratory/Nintendo, Wii)
Best Puzzle:
Zero Escape: Virtues Last Reward (Chunsoft/Aksys Games, 3DS)
Scribblenauts Unlimited (5th Cell/WB Games, Wii U)
Winner: Undecided
Its hard to pick a winner amongst these two since I'm not a puzzle guy. While Zero Escape is more challenging, it's also not a pure puzzle game. This game is the first visual novel Ive played (game with a huge focus on story with little gameplay) and it is intriguing to say the least. Scribblenauts is easier on my brain but it's also a little easy at times. I couldn't decide on a clear winner between the two.
Best RPG:
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Square/Square Enix, PS3)
Xenoblade Chronicles (Monolith Soft/Nintendo, Wii)
The Last Story (Mistwalker/Nintendo, XSeed (North America), Wii)
Borderlands 2 (Gearbox Software/Take Two, PS3)
Winner: Final Fantasy XIII-2
I was pleasantly surprised by how good Final Fantasy XIII-2 was especially following the negatively-received Final Fantasy XIII. The story, though slightly confusing, was still handled well, the gameplay was excellent, the graphics were amazing especially when it came to the cutscenes and the soundtrack was good. It's always hard for me to decide which RPG I like the best since its my favourite genre but I'm picking Final Fantasy XIII-2 as my favourite RPG this year.
Honourable Mentions: Tales of the Abyss (Namco Tales Studio/Namco Bandai, 3DS), Tales of Graces f (Namco Tales Studio/Namco Bandai, PS3)
Best Rhythm:
Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy (Indies zero/Square Enix, 3DS)
Winner: Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy
Best Shooter:
Mass Effect 3 (BioWare/Electronic Arts, Xbox 360)
Max Payne 3 (Rockstar/Take Two, Xbox 360)
Borderlands 2 (Gearbox Software/Take Two, PS3)
Winner: Mass Effect 3
While I think Mass Effect 3 is the worst game in the series, especially when it comes to its RPG elements, it made up for it with its great gameplay. It's clear that BioWare spent their time refining the shooter element to Mass Effect 3 since now it plays well. As a shooter, its better than the first two combined. The online multiplayer was also a ton of fun especially with friends.
Best Strategy:
Pokemon Conquest (Koei/Nintendo, DS)
Winner: Pokemon Conquest
Honourable Mention: Pikmin 2 (Wii) (Nintendo EAD/Nintendo, Wii)
Best Downloadable Game:
Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword (Nintendo/Nintendo, 3DS)
Sine Mora (Grasshopper Manufacture, Digital Reality/Microsoft Studios, Xbox 360)
Liberation Maiden (Level-5, Grasshopper Manufacture/Level-5, 3DS)
Winner: Sine Mora
Side-scrolling shooters are a dying genre but Sine Mora proves they can still be relevant. The unique twist with Sine Mora is that its all time-based. Destroy enemies and gain time, take damage and lose time. It adds a welcome change in the genre that makes it feel fresh and exciting.
Best DS/3DS Game:
Pokemon Conquest (Koei/Nintendo, DS)
Kid Icarus: Uprising (Project Sora/Nintendo, 3DS)
Liberation Maiden (Level-5, Grasshopper Manufacture/Level-5, 3DS)
Winner: Pokemon Conquest
I think the last Pokemon game I dumped more than 300 hours into was Pokemon Diamond. But I don't think the hours racked up as quickly as Pokemon Conquest's did. I was already at 100 hours a week and a half into the game. I easily hit 200 a couple of weeks later. Ive lost count of how many hours Ive spent on the game (since I restarted once and I have two copies of the game) but all I know is, this game is amazing! I'm already a huge fan of strategy games as it is but add Pokemon and real-time-tactics into it, you've got me for hundreds upon hundreds of hours! This is easily the best spin-off Pokemon game for a while now.
Best Wii Game:
Xenoblade Chronicles (Monolith Soft/Nintendo)
The Last Story (Mistwalker/Nintendo)
Winner: The Last Story
While the story of Xenoblade is far more engaging and interesting, the gameplay just didnt do it for me with Xenoblade Chronicles. The Last Story had better gameplay and a story that hits home. The musical score for The Last Story just barely beats out Xenoblade Chronicles as well. It was a really tough decision to pick between these two masterpieces of JRPG greatness but The Last Story is what wins for me.
Honourable Mention: Kirbys Dream Collection (Hal Laboratory/Nintendo, Wii)
Best Wii U Game:
Nintendo Land (Nintendo EAD/Nintendo)
New Super Mario Bros. U (Nintendo EAD/Nintendo)
Winner: New Super Mario Bros. U
There wasn't much competition here but next year will be better. It's a fairly obvious choice here. Its Mario!
Best PS3 Game:
Tales of Graces f (Namco Tales Studio/Namco Bandai)
Winner: Tales of Graces f
I didnt buy any other PS3 exclusives this year besides this so here it is.
Best Xbox 360 Game:
Sine Mora (Grasshopper Manufacture, Digital Reality/Microsoft Studios)
Winner: Sine Mora by default (though as of this post, it is also on PS3)
Best PC Game:
Diablo III (Blizzard/Activision-Blizzard)
Winner: Diablo III
Best Multiplatform:
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Square/Square Enix)
Mass Effect 3 (BioWare/Electronic Arts)
Borderlands 2 (Gearbox Software/Take Two)
Winner: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Surprised? Dont be. Final Fantasy XIII-2 was an excellent RPG that had me playing way longer than I had originally intended. Even now, I still pop it in every once in a while to play. It's just plain fun to play and I never really feel frustrated at all.
Best Graphics (Technical)
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Square/Square Enix, PS3)
Max Payne 3 (Rockstar/Take Two, Xbox 360)
Xenoblade Chonicles (Monolith Soft/Nintendo, Wii)
Winner: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Say what you will about Square Enix, but they know how to make graphics engines. Final Fantasy XIII-2's cutscenes were so realistic I had to remind myself it was a game I was playing. The rest of the game also looks great and it runs at a fairly steady rate. I only experienced a couple of frame rate drops when I played.
Best Graphics (Artistic)
Kid Icarus: Uprising (Project Sora/Nintendo, 3DS)
The Last Story (Mistwalker/Nintendo, XSeed(North America), Wii)
Borderlands 2 (Gearbox Software/Take-Two, PS3)
New Super Mario Bros. U (Nintendo EAD/Nintendo, Wii U)
Winner: New Super Mario Bros. U
Now that Nintendo has entered the HD age, its time to see what their series will look like. Mario brought his worlds usual look but now that everything is in HD, the colours pop out like crazy.
Best Musical Score:
Xenoblade Chronicles (Monolith Soft/Nintendo, Wii)
Dragons Dogma (Capcom/Capcom, Xbox 360)
The Last Story (Mistwalker/Nintendo, XSeed(North America), Wii)
Kid Icarus: Uprising (Project Sora/Nintendo, 3DS)
Winner: The Last Story
This was really close between The Last Story and Xenoblade Chronicles but I give the nod to The Last Story. It is hard to argue against the composer of the original Final Fantasy games. The musical cues in each situation was perfectly suited to the mood.
Honourable Mention: Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy (Indies zero/Square Enix, 3DS)
For this part I've come up with a couple of categories that I feel like addressing. Now, I have different expectation for different games. What I expect from a game may not be what you expect. I pride myself in knowing the developers behind each game so I know what they're capable of.
To make most disappointing, I had to have had high or relatively high expectations for the game whether it was based off the development team or past work.
Most Disappointing:
Dragons Dogma (Capcom/Capcom, Xbox 360)
One would expect the creators of Devil May Cry and Resident Evil 4 would be able to craft a more well designed game. While the combat is extremely satisfying and handles well and the musical score is great, the rest of the game suffered. A lack of tutorials on combat or world exploration hampers the game as well as enemies that dont scale with you so sometimes you may run into an encounter you simply are not prepared for. While I should have expected a difficult game from the creators of Devil May Cry, the difficulty, and the lack of direction was too much for me to handle. While this is fine in games like Skyrim where things are simpler, games like this could use a little more instruction.
Lollipop Chainsaw (Grasshopper Manufacture/WB Games, PS3)
Grasshopper Manufacture is one of the more innovative companies in the industry in my opinion. They constantly push out new IP which is great. Most of their games have been solid. They're full of great bosses, simple combat and ridiculous dialogue that you would never hear in any other game. While all of this is present in Lollipop Chainsaw, it still feels half-baked. Usually if someone armed with a chainsaw in a zombie game you feel like the ultimate badass; chopping zombies in half, dismembering them etc. It took way too long to kill zombies in Lollipop Chainsaw and the combat was unsatisfying. While the whole rainbow thing is part of the game it wasnt satisfying to kill zombies when all that would come out of them is rainbows. No More Heroes had fountains of blood that erupted out of every enemy you killed and that game was so much fun. I was expecting more of No More Heroes in Lollipop Chainsaw.
Mario Tennis Open (Camelot Software/Nintendo, 3DS)
I loved the two previous Mario Tennis games on consoles. The original was simple and had that competitive edge. The GameCube version was crazy fun with the power-up shots and it added strategy to each rally. Mario Tennis has neither of these things. Instead there are Chance Shots which is pretty much a free ticket to score for whoever gets it first. If you dont do a Chance Shot, your opponent will be able to and you lose your advantage. It feels way too simple and the Chance Shots do nothing but ruin the game. Next time Camelot, keep the power-up shots from Mario Power Tennis!
Loser: Mario Tennis Open
This game was the biggest disappointment for me this year. This was a huge step backwards for the series. Past Mario Tennis games were about strategy and choosing your rallies carefully. They were deep games. Mario Tennis Open just feels shallow and repetitive.
To make most surprising I had to have had lower than usual expectations going into it. Usually if I'm not interested in a game I'll ignore it. However these games piqued my interest anyway and when I played them, I was blown away by how good they actually were.
Most Surprising:
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Square/Square Enix, PS3)
Most of my friends are Final Fantasy fans so when they picked up Final Fantasy XIII they were excited. A couple of months later, they expressed their disappointment in the game. They weren't alone either. A lot of Final Fantasy fans were disappointed with XIII. They said it was too linear; it didn't feel like Final Fantasy. I've never been a Final Fantasy fan (which is surprising given my favourite game genre is RPG and to a greater extent Japanese RPGs) so I skipped out on this one as well. When XIII-2 was announced at E3 2011 to be more open-ended and you had the ability to collect monsters kind of like Pokemon, I was interested. When I played the game I was astonished by how great the game was. The combat is engaging and fun to watch and there is still a fair amount of strategy involved in each fight. The story I found was well-written if slightly confusing because of the multiple timelines and the villain was interesting. But anyway, FF XIII-2 was a surprise gem for me given XIII's terrible fan reception.
Pokemon Conquest (Koei/Nintendo, DS)
I love Pokemon games and anyone who knows me knows that. However, the spin-off games range from good to really bad when it comes to critical reception. So I was pleasantly surprised when Pokemon Conquest got such high ratings. Usually I get nervous when Nintendo gives their IP to other companies to handle since I don't know if it will be able to replicate Nintendos magic. However Koei's Nobunaga's Ambition series has always performed well. I've always felt that a Pokemon strategy game as been a long time coming. It's almost a perfect fit isn't it? Instead of soldiers you have Pokemon. I loved this game so much when it came out that I had logged over 100 hours a week and a half after the game came out. My bed time was 5 AM. And it was all because of Pokemon Conquest. It is THAT deep and addicting.
Nintendo Land (Nintendo EAD/Nintendo, Wii U)
When I first saw Nintendo Land at E3 as Nintendo's closing game, I thought they had gone crazy. Why, WHY would they end their conference on this mini-game compilation?! I continued to carry this thought into October until I finally got the chance to play it at an event in Toronto. I was amazed at how deep the gameplay was in this game. Nintendo asserted that Nintendo Land was deeper than Wii Sports as a tech demo and I definitely believe them now. While it's still fun to play alone the real draw of this game is the local play with friends or family. The three games that require multiple players are the most fun in my opinion since you just end up laughing and smiling since the game is so much fun.
Winner: Final Fantasy XIII-2
In terms of surprising me the most, Final Fantasy wins. I simply was not expecting the game to be as good as it was. I have money to burn on games so I basically bought the game on a whim. Mind you, I knew a little bit about the game before buying it. I've already given my reasons as to why it surprised me.
Most Anticipated Game of 2013:
Winner: Super Smash Bros. sequel
The possibility of playing this game in 2013 gives me an adrenaline rush. I'm serious. Ive loved SSB ever since I was a kid and it's my favourite Nintendo series after Pokemon. And besides, we all know what sells Nintendo's consoles here in North America: the Super Smash Bros. series. You need only look at the GameCube for proof of that. I thought there was no way this game would come out in 2013 but Sakurai has said he wants to release it to the fans as soon as possible. If Sakurai says he wants the game out in 2013 then all power to him. I doubt it will make it out this year but if he says its his goal then hopefully it comes true!
Now it's time for Game of the Year. Now of course what I think is worthy of Game of the Year may not be what you think is Game of the Year. I don't do it based off critical reception rather it's the games I enjoyed the most this year:
Game of the Year:
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Pokemon Conquest
The Last Story
Scribblenauts Unlimited
New Super Mario Bros. U
Winner: Pokemon Conquest
Yes, I think Pokemon Conquest is the best game I played this year. This little spin-off game that came out this summer that I'm sure was skipped over by many. I've pretty much already listed the reasons why I think it's deserving of Game of the Year. Deep and addicting gameplay, hundreds of hours of content, and of course that charm that makes it Pokemon. If you're a fan of Pokemon, tactical RPGs, strategy games, or all of the above then I highly recommend this game. You wont regret it!
So that concludes my Game of the Year Awards. As usual, what follows GOTY awards are the Most Anticipated Games lists. That will be up shortly since it needs to get done before the middle of the month when the new games start coming out! Until next time, keep gaming!
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