Konnichi wa, minna-san!
I meant to have this up a little bit earlier but other events got in the way. Anyway, this is my list of my favourite game developers from when I started playing games until now. Usually, once I've played a couple of games from a company, and I really like them, that's when I start following the company and play whatever they come out with next. These companies have stolen my heart and as such, I've decided to devote a list to my favourites. Now remember, this is a list of development teams, not of publishers. I tried to be as specific as possible with as much information as I could obtain. So, let's begin!
10. Capcom (based in Osaka, Japan) Parent Company: Independent
Notable Games: Mega Man series, Street Fighter series, Resident Evil series, Monster Hunter series, Devil May Cry series, VS. series, Ace Attorney series, Okami, etc.
Current Projects: Deep Down (PS4), DuckTales Remastered (Multiplatform), Lost Planet 3 (Multiplatform)
Notable People: Keiji Inafune (creator of the Mega Man series, and consultant on the Lost Planet and Onimusha series) [no longer with the company], Shinji Mikami (creator and director of the Resident Evil series) [no longer with the company], Hideki Kamiya (creator and writer of the Devil May Cry series, director of Okami) [no longer with the company], Atsushi Inaba (producer of the Devil May Cry series, Ace Attorney series and Okami) [no longer with the company]
I'll admit it, Capcom's glory days are behind them. They're one of the laughingstocks of the industry right now. But, once upon a time, Capcom was the creator of some of the best games to grace our game consoles. Mega Man, Resident Evil, Street Fighter... any of these games bring back great memories of how great they were back in the day. A lot of Capcom's initial success can be attributed to Keiji Inafune who was the face of Capcom up until 4 years ago. Thanks to the success of Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, and Monster Hunter in Japan, Capcom kept going strong until the end of this console generation.
9. Square [defunct, currently part of Square Enix] (based in Tokyo, Japan) Parent Company: Independent (former), Square Enix (current)
Notable Games [Square]: Final Fantasy series, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Chrono Cross, Kingdom Hearts
Notable Games [Square Enix]: Final Fantasy series, Kingdom Hearts series, The World Ends With You
Current Projects: Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3?), Final Fantasy XIV Realm Reborn (PS3 and PC), Kingdom Hearts III?
Notable People: Hironobu Sakaguchi (creator, and former director and producer of the Final Fantasy series) [no longer with the company], Nobuo Uematsu (composer of the Final Fantasy series) [no longer with the company], Tetsuya Nomura (former designer of the Final Fantasy series and creator and director of the Kingdom Hears series)
Square has the same story as Capcom. Once one of the untouchable names in the industry. Now, one of the most ridiculed game companies in recent memory. If you even start losing your main fanbase, that's not a good sign. But Square's games have stood the test of time and many of them are considered the best games of all time if not that, then at least the best RPGs of all time. Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI and VII. Square can still be great today, but only if they actually focus on the games fans want. With Hironobu Sakaguchi and Nobuo Uematsu gone now, the new Final Fantasy staff will have to really work hard to revive the series.
8. "Team Ico" (based in Tokyo, Japan) Parent Company: Sony
Notable Games: Ico, Shadow of the Colossus
Current Projects: The Last Guardian (PS3? PS4? Cancelled?)
Notable People: Fumito Ueda (director) [no longer with the company]
Despite having made only two games, I consider their two games, Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, to be gaming masterpieces. Very few games can pull off a minimalist style but these guys did it and they also created two of the best games in recent memory. This team is something special and I would like to see more of their work. Unfortunately, their latest project, The Last Guardian has been stuck in development h.ell for the last 2-3 years. I'm hoping at E3 this year, they finally say something about this game.
7. PlatinumGames (based in Osaka, Japan) Parent Company: None (contracts)
Notable Games: Metal Gear Rising, Bayonetta, Vanquish, MadWorld, Anarchy Reigns
Current Projects: The Wonderful 101 (Wii U), Bayonetta 2 (Wii U)
Notable People: Atsushi Inaba (producer), Shinji Mikami (director of Vanquish) [no longer with the company], Hideki Kamiya (director)
If you compare Capcom and PlatinumGames, you'll notice familiar names. Atsushi Inaba, Shinji Mikami, and Hideki Kamiya were assigned to Capcom's Clover Studio which produced the cult favourite God Hand, and the critically acclaimed Okami. Following Okami's commercial failure, Clover Studio was closed down. The three got together and founded Seeds Inc. which then became PlatinumGames. Their games are some of the best action games around in my opinion. Games created by PlatinumGames are known for their over-the-top violence and ridiculous dialogue. And, of course, they're really fun to play. I respect them for making games for the fun of it; they don't care too much for sales. That's why I support them through and through.
6. Grasshopper Manufacture (based in Tokyo, Japan) Parent company: None (primarily Kadokawa Games) [former], GungHo Online Entertainment (current) (in North America: various publishers)
Notable Games: No More Heroes and No More Heroes 2, Killer7, Lollipop Chainsaw, Shadows of the Damned
Current Projects: Killer is Dead (Multiplatform), No More Heroes 3?
Notable People: Goichi Suda AKA Suda51 (director), Shinji Mikami (co-producer of Shadows of the Damned) [contract], Akira Yamaoka (composer)
Grasshopper Manufacture is almost exactly like PlatinumGames. Except Grasshopper Manufacture's games have more ridiculous violence and even more ridiculous dialogue. Seriously. Just try watching a couple of cutscenes from Grasshopper Manufacture's games. The dialogue is often so sexually suggestive you wonder how it managed to get past the censors. But, their games are never to be taken too seriously. Suda51 is known for his strange style even for Japanese standards. The addition of Akira Yamaoka has given their latest works great sounding soundtracks. Like PlatinumGames, Grasshopper Manufacture doesn't care too much for sales; they just like to make games.
5. BioWare (based in Edmonton, Canada) Parent Company: Microsoft (former), Electronic Arts (current)
Notable Games: Mass Effect series, Dragon Age series, Star Wars: The Old Republic series, Baldur's Gate series, Neverwinter Nights series
Current Projects: Dragon Age III (Multiplatform)
Notable People: Ray Muzyka (co-founder of BioWare) [no longer with the company], Greg Zeschuk (co-founder of BioWare) [no longer with the company], Casey Hudson (director of the Mass Effect series)
Well, here's the first of only two Western companies on my list. At the beginning of this console generation, I was in love with BioWare. Not only were they Canadian (which I am, just a FYI) but they were also RPG makers. I played Mass Effect in 2008 and Dragon Age in 2009. Both of them blew me away with their deep, lore-driven storylines. It really made the world come to life and you really felt like you were a part of that world. Mass Effect 2 is one of my favourite games on the Xbox 360. While they have faltered of late thanks to the poor ending of Mass Effect 3, they still hold a place in my heart for creating one of the best stories of this console generation with the Mass Effect trilogy.
4. HAL Laboratory (based in Tokyo, Japan) Parent Company: Nintendo
Notable Games: Kirby series, Super Smash Bros. series
Notable People: Satoru Iwata (former president and current executive producer as CEO of Nintendo), Masahiro Sakurai (creator, designer and former director of the Kirby series, creator and current director of the Super Smash Bros. series) [no longer with the company, still part of Nintendo (Sora Ltd.)]
HAL Laboratory's logo is permanently imbedded in my brain thanks to all the times I played Super Smash Bros. and Super Smash Bros. Melee as a kid. The Super Smash Bros. series is one of my top 3 video game series of all time. The simple, yet deep fighting system of the Super Smash Bros. series has left me enthralled for years. It has a similar grip on my closest friends as well. Whenever we get together to hang out and play video games, a Super Smash Bros. game is always popped in without fail. Kirby's games are also a lot of fun if lacking in any real challenge when it comes to simply beating each level. But Kirby games always throw in challenges for you that keep you hunting. Masahiro Sakurai is also one of my favourite game creators.
3. Rareware (based in Twycross, UK) Parent Company: Nintendo (former), Microsoft (current)
Notable Games [Nintendo]: Donkey Kong series, Battletoads series, Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie, Goldeneye 007, Perfect Dark, Killer Instinct series, Conker's Bad Fur Day
Notable Games [Microsoft]: Perfect Dark Zero, Kinect Sports and Kinect Sports Season 2
Notable People: Tim and Chris Stamper (co-founders and various staff roles) [no longer with the company], David Doak (designer on Goldeneye 007 and Perfect Dark) [no longer with the company]
Oh Rare. As the second and last Western company on my list, they too, hold a special place in my heart. A lot of their games are childhood favourites of mine. Donkey Kong Country, Donkey Kong 64, Banjo-Kazooie, Goldeneye 007. Their games on the Nintendo 64 were some of the best on the system. Ever since their acquisition by Microsoft in 2002, they just haven't been the same. Microsoft is really throwing away chances to have great exclusives on their system. Rare owns the rights to Perfect Dark, Banjo-Kazooie, Killer Instinct and Conker. And what does Microsoft have them do? Make Kinect games. It's such a waste of talent.
2. Game Freak (based in Tokyo, Japan) Parent Company: Nintendo
Notable Games: the main Pokemon series
Current Projects: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y (3DS)
Notable People: Satoshi Tajiri (co-founder of Game Freak, and former director of the Pokemon series), Ken Sugimori (co-founder of Game Freak and art director of the Pokemon series), Junichi Masuda (composer and director of the Pokemon series)
If you know me, you know Game Freak was going to be near the top. Pokemon is a series of firsts for me. Pokemon Red: first handheld game. Pokemon Silver: first game I beat on my own. Pokemon Puzzle League: first game to 100% complete. Pokemon Colosseum: first GameCube game. I think you guys get the picture. The main Pokemon games also contain so many memories. Growing up as a kid when Pokemon was king was also a huge factor in making sure I'm hooked forever. Pokemon Gold/Silver is one of my favourite games of all time. Pokemon Diamond also rates really high.
Now for #1. My favourite development team of all time is:
1. Nintendo EAD (based in Kyoto, Japan) Parent Company: Nintendo
Notable Games: Mario series, Zelda series, Pikmin series, Mario Kart series, Animal Crossing series, F-Zero series
Current Projects: New 3D Mario (Wii U), new Mario Kart (Wii U), Zelda Wind Waker HD (Wii U) and untitled 3DS Zelda game, Pikmin 3 (Wii U)
Notable People: Shigeru Miyamoto (creator of the Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Starfox, F-Zero and Pikmin series, former director, producer, and designer of the Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, and Starfox series, current director and designer of the Pikmin series, and general manager), Takashi Tezuka (director and producer of the Mario series), Eiji Aonuma (producer of the Zelda series), Koji Kondo (composer of the Mario and Zelda series)
I may be a little biased but, if you haven't played a Mario game in your entire life, you aren't qualified as a gamer. How can someone go through their gaming career and not touch a Mario game? How can someone say they're an action/adventure fan without having played a Zelda game? Nintendo EAD is undisputedly one of the best development teams of all time. There's no arguing against their massive impact on gaming today. Heck, without Nintendo EAD, there might not have been a video game market past the video game crash of 1983. 3D games may have been different if Super Mario 64 didnt show us how to make a perfect 3D game. The majority of Nintendo's success can be attributed to Shigeru Miyamoto. As the creator of two of Nintendo's biggest franchises, he has earned his place in history as one of the best video game creators of all time. The millions of Nintendo fans are a living tribute to Miyamoto's success.
I just talked about the impact of Nintendo EAD but there's also the games. Nintendo EAD knows how to produce some of the best games to grace Nintendo's consoles. The majority of their games of been well-recieved by critics, and the vast majority of been well-recieved by fans. As of right now, Nintendo EAD has produced three of the 5 best games of all time according to Metacritic: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Galaxy 2. The future of Nintendo remains bright so long as Nintendo EAD continues to push out top-quality games.
So there you have it. In case anyone was wondering why I'm such a huge Nintendo fan, there's your reason. So many of their games are my favourite games. There's just a certain quality to Nintendo's work that keeps me coming back for more. Anyway, this concludes my latest top 10.
Mata to de!
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