@lonesamurai1: No way, you learned with Youtube video! Man, you're the smartest person ever! Maybe the smartest in the world! I should never asked actual developers for their opinion on game development nor study it in multiple engines! Shame on me!
Well, cynicism apart.
I already said above that game development on console is in similar situation, actually I even mentioned about situations like this on early generations, I even remember an specific case with Ar Tonelico 2 where in Japan they ahd to replace disc, while people outside US and Japan, like me, had gamble and hope the game breaking bug wouldn't happen, I remember similar things with Star Ocean 3, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX and many others.
But this statement stand true even today, most PC developers of major titles are made for pure pleasure, PC development is good for indies, but major companies it's just a release to please a small amount of people that will probable buy when the price hits bottom during a sale.
Also it's no use denying about a over saturated market of PC's digital goods and stolen keys, lots of developers are screwed today because of both, you only saw Youtube videos, but I went as far to ask developers about their opinion and even study development, but your opinion is still yours, I won't change nor discuss any further.
One of the bad things about developing for PC and PC gaming in general is that it can conform to any platform in any and every way, PC's have too many specs, because of this it's easy to have bugs and glitches on it, not saying console games nowadays, well even some old consoles, have this issue, but on PC is way worse, some patches are made for small percentage of PC gamers despite having sold over 100K of a single game, not to mention if you upgrade your PC too much there's a ridiculous chance of being unable to play some old copies, having an outdated PC is also an issue or the developer made the game for an earlier OS and now the developer has to create an upgrade patch for those who have an updated OS.
PC game development is way more difficult than you think, way more complex and has a massive chance of not selling well due an over saturated market like Steam, with risks of stolen keys and massive amount of piracy, if the developer cares about piracy.
@sellingthings: I know ASUS, I have an ASUS, also ASUS is a lot cheaper here on Brazil so mainly use ASUS, my video board runs cold, they're excellent.
Like I said before, cooling ain't just about coolers, but airways and ways to push the hot air out of the machine, liquid based ones are great, but you can't keep moving or shaking a PC with a liquid cooler or it will leak, but if they can create one that can handle moving and shaking, it would drop the chances of losing the laptop due heat in 50%.
Now about battery, I glad you know you can't play a game on battery, but how many people knows that? Most people who goes after these laptops are dummy's who have no idea that playing on battery will kill the laptop and the battery lifespan, in fact, if you see movies, series, propagandas, they popularized laptops as something you can do anything and everything all the time on it, it's basically lies, most of these people have low money and they see these machines as a hope to have a kid play, study and even work on it, they think they're buying and asset that will last years, they're being scammed.
But an upgradable laptop would change that?
No, like I said before, most people who buys laptops like this have little money that they save, a laptop part have more of an artisanal form, they're smaller and harder to be created, also, it will be much more difficult to change parts if they're too small, so they will need someone who can handle it without breaking it.
It might change if the upgradable laptop becomes popular, but that won't happen, most PC users that care about specs are gamers, most PC gamers use desktops, also an upgradable laptop will end like our pre-built desktops, sold with middle to low quality parts only to force you to buy new parts with better quality only making it more, while due he small size the upgradable laptops will be much more expensive.
@DAOWAce: The game is already over 60GB on my PS4 and I use a BD, I wonder how large it is with all patches and DLC's together if it was bought as download.
@Dark_Mits: I think they look at our pockets and thinks "How I gonna make give it to me?".
Well, but that's the problem with PC gamers in general, lots of them uses PC powerful hardware as an excuse to say that they're better than consoles, they don't calculate cost of their hardware to the quality of the game they want, lots of them are just graphic-whores that are too lazy or too arrogant to buy a different system yet still cries and demands games for their system without even caring if the company will be damaged because of them, now as a consequence console gamers pay the price, with bad, incomplete games and massive patches, immense and expensive DLC's.
That's not all, developing for PC is way harder than develop for console, console stay the same for years, but pc's change specs on yearly basis, if the developer's PC is a bit outdated to the gamer's PC(it's more common than anyone thinks), the game might become bugged and need a patch to include a new system on it, also if a company develops a game for high-end PC's, most people can't afford one, so the company will be screwed since they can't force to sell a high-end specs game to low quality PC's, or if the game is too large, while discs have limits, they can create the rest of the game in the form of patches or have an additional disc, while lots of PC gamers want a Steam version, they will need a monster internet connection for this, something most of the world can't have, specially middle to low class, classes that have the largest amount of potential consumers, killing even more profit.
The situation is, lots of PC gamers, have no idea how their hardware is expensive, how the market works and how difficult is to develop a game, but they still think they know everything, that they know what's the best for industry and selfishly demands near impossible tasks from developers without caring for what happens to the very companies these developer work.
@sellingthings: Compressing too much a software will impair it, there's a limit of how much you compress and keep the quality, of course not compressing a software is equally bad.
@batusai4ever: The summoning? I think magic in general in this game is terrible, AI is way too stupid and having your party members jumping in the middle of burning grass, electrified water or having your whole party damaged due a ridiculous overpowered blizzard is too stupid.
Also, the game is easy, way too easy, the only challenging battles in the game were Ravus and Ardyn(the first) while Ravus was a lot more challenging, at least Gladioulus DLC's battle were challenging, actually, in a way, they were better than the whole game, Noctis was supposed to be some sort of Savior, the Jesus motif in the game with him, Luna and Izunia, I thought Noctis was supposed to be near Godlike, but he's way too lame, the magic is terrible, summoning suck's, holding the goddam buttom to attack infinite, the ring, I thought the ring gameplay could've been the game's salvation, but no, it was the nail in the coffin of a real bad, overhyped, game. The only other game I regretted this much buying was Phantom Pain.
Sohereiam's comments