@racing247: Your downloaded demo's and games don't disappear once you update the latest firmware. If they did then you have a problem that technical support should look into.
Sokol4ever's forum posts
It's been few days now since I picked it up and it's pretty enjoyable. I haven't seen any topics or discussion, does anyone enjoy the game? What are your thoughts on it.
After a pretty bad entry which was DA2 I enjoyed Inquisition much more. It still didn't reach the DA: Origins excellence but it was a good game. As for Fallout 4, I have mixed feelings. I'm still playing through it so I will reserve my judgement until I complete it. As of right now I have to side with Dragon Age title.
It's a good feature but I honestly can't see myself playing older games on a modern console.. Isn't the whole point of spending money, time and resources to give the customers new experiences with current generation hardware? It's an option I guess.
For me it would feel like getting back into my 1999 Honda Civic (great car :p) when I can turn the ignition anytime inside my 2016 BMW. It would still work but the experience is completely different..
I only played for about an hour, it has good atmosphere. I have to play further to have better opinion of it. From the early impressions, it's not bad.
@c-gaming: It looks very solid to me, I will leave it to our forum experts if they wish to change anything hardware wise. If you could squeeze an SSD Drive it would considerably increase your speed, down the road anyway.
You should be able to play any current game at 1920x1080 with 60fps with all HIGH settings, most games with ULTRA as well including your Arma 3 DayZ.
Hmm, I don't collect them anymore but I still have Street Fighter: Third Strike around, I spent ungodly amount of hours enjoying it.
I have a different take on your question.
Personally I traded my PS3 with extra controller and around 10 games. The value of the trade-in was little over 300$. In my case I had to pay another 100$ +tax and a game (Assassin's Creed: Black Flag) on the release date when the PS4 came out. It was a great deal and I didn't had the money to outright buy it without the trade.
Two things to keep in mind however. I finished my PS3 collection and I have no desire to play older generation games once the new one arrives. I simply had no need to keep my PS3 once I got the PS4 console.
Now, you need to ask yourself a question, do I want to play my PS3 collection once you get the PS4? If yes, you have to re-buy those games and some aren't even available for streaming. Other things to consider with the PS3, it's a fantastic media center machine, PS+ offers are excellent as well. In that case I wouldn't trade in the PS3 system, save up and pick up the PS4.
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