Ha! Made you look. Seriously you didnt really think it was for real? Where have you been the last ten years?
But don't get all hot and bothered. Stick around there may be a laugh or two in it for you, coz im bored and ive compiled some likely scenarios on whats REALLY happening to DNF.
1> The game gets released........im thuper serial........ the game gets released and with it come two dvd extras of the production team telling us why the game took so long to delay. They'd all discovered marijuana at the same time and time suddenly went really really really slowly. The game bombs.
2> The game gets released in a premium package... including the game, the game about how the producers made the game against all odds, a short film on rehab, and a letter of apology. The game bombs.
3> The game gets released with an extra dvd special feature production about how Jack Thompson killed all but one of the games producers. He then nailed him inside with a hand held hand recorder ala Saw. The guy still made the game and survived all those years by eating the biodegradeable clothes of his eco friendly coworkers. The game bombs.
4> The game is never finished. Jack Thompson's last victim didnt realise he could eat the biodegradeable clothes of his eco friendly coworkers.
5> The most likely of all. None of you even know what Duke Nukem Forever is coz its been blocked out as a bad memory or your lucky enough to be too young.
Hope that was worth a laugh or two. Go on about your day now.
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