Soldi3r1stClass' forum posts
Loved it. Thought it brought a great new take on the whole time fluxing thing. Really good ragdoll and combat. Nothing new but unpretentious and cool....
... bioshockwhat?
[QUOTE="Soldi3r1stClass"]yeaaah id say 9.0 is too much even. while the graphics are great and its quite a fun game its not really next gen. There's absolutely nothing new here and it didnt live up to even a quarter of what it was promising. Even while being hugely disappointing and not living up to expectation it still deserves an 8.0 or 8.5 for the story, length and fun gameplayshadystxxx
Nothing new, bioshock brings a load of new elements to the fps genre.
Really? Name one... one NEW element itsbrought to the fps genre. ONE SINGLE thing it hasnt stolen from other fps's along. Not only is it not next gen but its not even half as good as System Shock 2. It fun sure. But the fanboys had made their minds up about LONG before it came out.
Live Free or Die Hard was ****ing awesome. :|tomxizor
No.... no it wasnt..... it was painfully bad. Die Hard is an iconic action movie franchise loved for its clever dialogue, charming and viciousbad guys and a well thought out story line. This one was like Triple X with a higher budget... with great dialogue such as..... Thats what makes you that guy.... *vomits.... at least it was so bad it didnt enter my mind as a Die Hard and i was able to forget the experience like there was no number 4
So despite the curse of video game movie generally being really... really bad i think this one has potential to be a good action movie. Bizarre casting choice for olyphant as 47 but that means he's gonna be working extra hard in the role. It could actually be quite good...... nothing could have been as bad as Die Hard 4 so olyphant can only go up haha
PS Does anyone know what that version of Ave Maria is called? :)
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