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SolidSnake35 Blog

Mine at last...

Today was the day that should've happened many months ago. Today was the day that I had been looking forward to for a long time. Yes, today was the day that the Playstation 3 arrived in Europe. I collected my console straight after school, knowing that I would have a short walk home with my PS3. However, the store did not have a bag big enough for the console, though they kindly offered me a bin liner. I accepted the generous offer and carried my precious purcahse home in the rain. It rained heavily as well, but luckily the bin liner did its job. I bought a copy of both Motorstorm and Resistance: Fall of Man as well. So far I haven't played either of them that much. A lot of my time has been spent registering my PS3 in the hope of receiving a free copy of the new James Bond film. I think I've sorted that out though, which leaves one final issue to resolve: The fact that I never bought a HDMI cable. As such, my HDTV is as good as useless. I'm going shopping tomorrow, however, so I should be able to pick one up while I'm there.
My PS3 in all its glory

I don't think I did it justice, but I took the photo using my laptop... in the dark. >_>
I've decided that Gamespot's review of Motorstorm was rather harsh. Granted, I haven't played the game much, which means the lack of content won't have become an issue yet, but it's such a fun game. I can't quite work out what sets it apart from other racing games, but it's definitely above the rest.During my late night gaming session, I managed to embarrass myself online, finishing eleventh out of twelve, and I think whoever finished last disconnected. I'm sure I'll be back though. My online ID is the same as my Xbox one... InfinityOnH1gh. I registered SolidSnake35 back in December, but my eagerness led to my downfall. Since registering, I managed to forget my password, so now I can't access that account. I don't mind too much though.

When I'm home alone I just can't stop myself...

I'm sorry, but I thought that lyric would make for a humourous title; and yes, I plan on making this a recurring theme. My apologies. Here's the rest of the verse that I know you were dying hear...

When I'm home alone I just can't stop myself
And you pull my hips so close
I can go for the truth
Signing off, I'm alright in bed
But I'm better with a pen

Anyway, I bought two new games for my 360 the other day; two very contrasting games: Viva Pinata and F.E.A.R.

Well, Viva was interesting to say the least. I knew it was supposedly kiddy, but I didn't prepare myself for the voiceovers. That little lady was talking to me as though I was five. Now, I might be immature at times, but I don't derserve that. Nevertheless, I've never seen such a colourful game in all my life, and the pinata designs were really good, I must say. My only real complaint is the lack of direction the game has. Other than the achievements, there are no objectives, which isn't making me want to play it; other than for fun, of course.

Now F.E.A.R., I haven't played as much. I've said that there isn't enough time in the day, and it's true. I could spend less time on the internet but that's out of the question. My sports, school work and 'work' work is making everything a bit hectic for me. Time seems to be flying by at the moment. It feels as though I just started my A-Levels, but in reality, I'll be sitting the exams very soon; and believe me, I'm worried... but yeah, from what I've played, F.E.A.R. seems okay. The story looks like it'll draw me in more than anything.

By the end of the week though, I'll have something else to fit into my life. That being the PS3. I've seen the two games I want - Motorstorm and Resistance: Fall Of Man - and surprisingly they're in a bundle with the PS3. Now I just need to sort out some Bluray movies and that HDMI cable.

And when it all goes to hell...

I don't know why, but I had the urge to write a random blog post. I'm sick of taking these things seriously, or somewhat at least. I thought I'd share some lyrics with you from a certain band.

It was ice cream headaches and sweet avalanche
When the pearls in our shells came out to dance
You call me a bad tipper of the cradle
But I’m tired yawns for fawns on hunter’s lawns
We’re the has-beens of husbands
Sharpening the knives of young wives
Take two years and call me when you're better
Take teardrops of mine, find yourself wetter

That doesn't make any sense to me either, so don't worry. I think it's the fact that Fall Out Boy generally make no sense which appeals to me. It's just interesting to listen to, I suppose; though I really don't know. If anyone knows the song, then they deserve a cookie.

In other news, I think I'm losing faith in Sony. Sometimes I wonder if they think us Europeans are plain stupid. It's bad enough that we have to pay a lot more for a PS3 than those in the US and Japan, but when I hear that we'll be getting a less capable version, then I really lose the will to go on. How can they expect us to pay more for a system that is less compatable with PS2 games? They say it's to cut costs. Well, great, but maybe we should see a benefit in the price of the damn thing. I'll admit, it's not really the games that interest me. I'm more excited about Bluray. Don't get me wrong; the games look good, but I already have a 360. However, I recently began to worry that the PS3's bluray capabilities would be a little subpar. I considered the possibility of buying a regular Bluray player, only to remember that Bluray might still fail miserably. The wise thing to do would be to wait but I'm an impatient individual. The other (small) problem is the deposit which I paid for the PS3 already. Maybe that will sway me, not that it should.

I'll leave you with some more magical words from Patrick...

They say quitters never win
We walk the plank on a sinking ship
There's a world outside of my front door
That gets off on being down

Best European? Little me?

Apparantly so, according to the OTcars. I'm really quite flattered to be voted as the best European. I suppose it's nice to know that the place where you spend so much time, appreciates you somewhat. I'm also pretty surprised as well. I didn't think I was the favourite at least; in fact, I was told so by a certain someone too. Heh... What's internet popularity worth these days anyway? Quite a lot, I hope. Nope? Ah well, it means a little to me.
Thanks to everyone who voted for me, in both the nominations and the actual voting. I owe you all a cookie.

I missed you Photoshop.

Ever since I made the switch from Windows to Mac I have been without Photoshop; properly at least. I finally managed to get it on my Mac though, a couple of days ago. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed 'messing' around with it, though it has taken me a while to remember the ins and outs, but I managed to make something decent at any rate. I was able to change my sig too, and replace it with something new. Very rarely am I happy with my work but I think I'll be keeping this one for a while, hopefully.

Feel free to comment on it. ^.^

Worth waiting for...

What was worth waiting for? The new Fall Out Boy album, that's what. I think I started my little countdown over eighty days ago. Of course, I was waiting for it long before then; I just didn't know the release date. Today is the day though. I walked straight from school to collect my reserved copy of Infinity On High, proceeded straight home, rushed up the stairs and put the disk into my laptop. The first couple of songs settled the nerves, and I knew that this was something special. I know they're not the best band in the world, but to me they're simply brilliant. Patrick's singing really has improved so much, as has everything really. At the time of writing this, I've only heard it through once so I haven't really been able to pick out the best songs yet. Thriller is pretty amazing though; an amazing way to start the album. I hope they receive more praise for this album, because personally I think people are far too harsh on them. Now, just go buy it...

20,000, and still counting...

This came much quicker than my last milestone, of 10k, but that's not really surprising considering the time I spend here. I won't say much in this blog post, because you can read it all here: SolidSnake35's 20k Post Party. I guess this is just an advertisement for that. Oh, the shame. Anyway... Please pop by if you can.

Playstation 3, and Xbox Live

A couple of days ago, I was lucky enough to spot a store taking preorders for the PS3. It wasn't my fist choice for games, at all, but I was worried about missing out completely anyway. Besides, it's only a short walk from my house. Had I ordered from a large retailer, such as GAME, then I would've had a long jouney on the 23rd. I just hope this store is reliable.
I also picked up a 12 month membership card for Xbox live, as well as the wireless adapter thing. I had the usual messing around with my network... then struggled to get past the parental control scheme, seeing as my MSN account stated I was 16. That meant I had to get my parents to make an MSN account so that they could give permission. Weird. After that though, it was all good fun. I had a seven hour Gears of War marathon with a friend from work. We managed to get halfway through on insane, so hopefully we'll finish it tomorrow... My head hurts though. I'm not sure how the friend system works yet, but my online name is InfinityOnH1gh. I wanted SolidSnake35, but it was already taken.
I need to get some posting done now. My 20k party is just around the corner; perhaps tomorrow night.

Back from suspension...

After 18,000 posts and well over a year spent here, I finally got my first suspension. I can't help but think it was unfair; everyone makes mistakes and it wasn't intentional at all. I would say I've learnt my lesson, but I haven't. I know it might happen again in the future because it's so easy to break the rules. Ah well. *goes back to OT*

Merry Christmas

I hope you all had a good one, and from reading just some of the threads in OT, I'm guessing most of you did.

I've certainly had a good holiday, but I guess my Christmas, just like this blog post, came a day late. Since I bought my 360 I've wanted a HDTV, so I decided it would be a good time to get one with Christmas coming up. I figured it would be better to wait until the sales after Christmas started, and today I went to look at the nearest Sony Centre to see what they had to offer. When I left, I left with a 32" Sony Bravia HDTV and a lot less money than I went in with. The TV has a resolution of 1080i, though I did enquire about the 1080p models. Apparently I wouldn't have benefited much by paying a lot more, considering the size of TV I wanted. The cheapest model was £1500 and, at 40", it would have been far too big for my room. So far I've only played GeOW on it, and I thought it looked perfect before, but I was wrong. Very wrong indeed. Now I just need to start saving up for the PS3 (and FOB's new album =P), and hopefully pre-order one for March.
I also picked up a copy of Killzone Liberation on the cheap. I've only played an hour of it so far, but, so far so good. It's the first shooter I've tried for the PSP, and it works pretty well; though it is thrid person... And I now have six games to complete. O.o

Again, I hope you all had a good Christmas and hopefully you'll have a great new year as well.