I love how people just call my your pc OUTDATED because it doesnt have a 'nehalem' processer, I have a q6600 and two 4850s and i run crysis on ultra high with no problem (DX9 that is, DX10 performs worse and looks the same, and i just used ultra high mod for better visuals than the very high DX10 setting)
seriously, I just laugh at the people that go around calling high-end rigs 'outdated' because a newer processer or GPU is out. Look at the 8800, that thing was the card that EVERYONE had to have, now, with next to no new games since the 8800 was hyped for (Crysis) everyone is calling it outdated because of the realease of the 4850, the 8800 is a GREAT card! it is not outdated. I just learned to ignore people that hound after the lastest hardware just cause it's newer.
if i were you, the 3870s are fine, yes, but i would get two 4850s or 4870s, im pretty sure 1 4850 beats two 3870s for less buck.
and you have an intel X48 - Better to stick with ATI for that mobo.
hope i helped
thank you for the reply...
oh and by the way is that true that i need vista for blu-ray playback on pc ?
and can i play games at highest resolution without tweaking with windows XP or will i really need vista for max visuals ?
cause i dont mind vista but there are still a couple of programs that are not compatible and lots of people are having trouble with it...personnaly my ex-gf had vista and we never had any prob with it tho
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