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SonicSpeed360 Blog

Finishing Pokemn Xd

About an hour ago I took care of the final boss in Pokemon Xd. I was aiming for a speed run, and finished in around 20 hours with 33 shadows and 10 purified.

After that I traded to my LeafGreen game. That gave me a couple of the Kanto ones that were missing and more Johto ones. I'll get the others once I purify them.

A new game

Yup so today I picked up Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness for GC. I pretty much bought it so I could trade the pokemon to my GBA once I beat the boss (i.e Scyther and Electabuzz that aren't in Leaf Green I can trade from XD), so I'm eager to get to the boss and get trading.

Quick Leaf Green stuff

Yep, again!

Well, if anyone owns this game they probably know that after the Elite Four are beaten, they upgrade their pokemon. Thy are around 10-20 levels higher, and some have evolved or been replaced. Luckily, my pokemon were in great shape for the battle, and now I can plow right through them.

Here's my team, after the battle!

Blastoise lvl 74. Knows Body Slam, Hyper Beam, Surf and Hydro Pump.

Alakazam, lvl 68. Knows Reflect, Shadow Ball, Recover, and Psychic.

Jolteon, lvl 60. Knows Double Edge, Thunder, Pin Missile and Thunderbolt.

Tyranitar, lvl 74. Knows Crunch, Dragon Claw, Earthquake and Rock Slide.

Skarmory (traded from Sapphire). Knows Fly, Spikes, Swift and Steel Wing.

Dragonite, lvl 66. Knows Outrage, Hyper Beam, Flamethrower and Wing Attack.

So it's all coolz.

Some more updates

Been a while since I've written one of these...anyway, here's some updates.

So, in Leaf Green, I battled my friend...the only person I know who still had 3rd gen Pokemon games, and I won against him 4 times in a row. So, in comparison to my old file, my newer ones are much better. I also got up to 170 pokemon in half the time of my old one.

I finished up Spider-Man 2's story, which brought me to a title called "The First Day of the rest of your Life", which has me getting a whole 50000 hero points. Which, in the game, is a lot, considering you get only around 200-600 hps for the missions you do. But, with the story out of the way, I'm free to swing around NYC and find other things like tokens.

I got Katamari Damacy the other day, which is a fun little game involving you rolling around a sticky ball that picks up anything bigger than itself. Fun stuff.

And there you are.



We all got rivals. Po's got his stairs, Lukes' got Vader, and yesterday...I had a vending machine.

The quarters in my hand, I deposit them in the machine. I see the swirling coils unwrap around my tasty snack...and, go figure, it STOPS. right at the edge. My eyes started to twitch a bit. I felt...betrayed by this infernal machine. They always said machine would turn against mankind...

Well, after hitting my head on the wall for a while, I figured I should at least try and get my money's worth. I took a glance at the "DO NOT ROCK OR TILT MACHINE" sticker and shrugged my shoulders. I grabbed the machine and, looking around to make sure I wouldn't attract too much attention, began wildly shaking the machine from left to right. The snack moved about half an inch, but stuck tight. I was running out of options, and there was nobody who worked at the place around, but then it hit me. There was a smaller bag of cookies in back of my maybe if I put in more quarters, both would fall out. So, I put the next round in, my snack falls out, and a little fame of hope ignites in that maybe I would also get cookies!

Cookies stop at the edge...bye-bye goes the flame.

At this, I went a bit haywire and began to shake the machine wildly...until the cookies fell out and I got my money's worth. I made faces at the machine for a while and then got bored so I left and gorged myself on my prizes.

Insane battles? One of the things I'm KNOWN FOWA!

New Blog

Oh, look. A new blog!

So here's some updates. I'm about wrapping up the Anti-Reg side of MUA2, justa couple more levels and I'll get cracking on Pro-Reg.

In Pokemon Leaf Green, awhile back I deleted my older file to fix some problems. Most of them are almost fixed. I managed to catch all three Legendary Birds, all with Ultra Balls. Zapdos took 7, Articuno took 14, and Moltres took 6. All of them were left with 1 hp and inflicted with status problems (Zapdos and Articuno were paralyzed while Moltres was frozen). I'm trying to beat the Elite Four with them, just so it goes faster and until my other pokemon get strong enough.I caught them all and prepared to face the Elite Four in just under 15 hours.

Now for some movie updates. A couple of movies I saw were Knight and Day, MegaMind, and Inception. Knight and Day is basically about a secret agent who is trying to save somebody the other agents are looking to get at first. But his plans are interupted when he accidentally gets mixed up with another woman in the whole process. So it's the basic "Other person gets involved in the plan and changes are made" kind of thing. MegaMind is from Dreamworks. I'm pretty sure a lot of you know about it, but I'll sum it up real quick. Megamind is a supervillan, MetroMan a superhero. Megamind eventually "kills" metroman...but finds that life without an enemy quickly gets boring. So he creates a new one to fight him...but the results aren't as expected. And my new favorite movie which is too long to explain!

Also, I'm pretty sure my book should be around 20 chapters. I'm working on the sixthone, as it's a pretty lengthy process. Thinking of ideas, deciding if it ties to the story...a long time to do, but fun!


Did I tell you I was writing a book? I think not. But, now you know, I guess. It's on y bucket list to write one. It's a Sci-Fi genre.


So I have not written one 'o dese in a while, so heres just some stuff I got going on.

So today was Valentines day. Nothing on TV but chocolates, proposals, soap operas, and love techniques. POISON, I TELL YOU!

I was playing LeafGreen too. I got Tyranitar after 40 long levels. Yippee.

I also played Web of Shadows (the stripped down PS2 version...I'm a PS2 dude) that I had beaten like 4 times. I enjoyed the mean Black Suit answers:

"Oh Spider-Man, thank goodness! When those terrible men came, I climbed up here and hid."

"How brave of you. I'm sure you can find your way back down. Bye."

"What! Consider yourself uninvited to my next party."

"Oh no, now I'll have to find a new place to wear my taffeta dress."

Stupid Rabbit, Scanners are for nerds!

Because that Rabbit is clearly stupid. I mean, get a job, get some money, and gobuy theyogurt, right?

I was toying around with my scanner a while back, and I got the backs of 5 games up here. They got rejected first, though, so I had to fix them, then wait 3 more days for them to get accepted. They came out pretty well.

Hey, you see that Rabbit, tell him to get a life for me, will ya?