Adventure games FTW. So, I assume you have played the greats, like Space Quest 1-6, King's Queset 1-7, Quest for glory, Full Throttle, the secret of monkey Isalnd, and the other thousands of DOS adventure games? If so, what's your favorite?DOS4dinner
I have played some DOS adventure games. My family got our first computer in 1995 (well after the time we talked my mom into allowing the SNES into the house) just in time to play Myst rabidly. Before that I only played what I could get in the school library or from friends. I played King's Quest 3-5 before Myst and I played Grim Fandango and Monkey Island after I discovered Myst... along with a fair few not so greats like Schizm (not terrible, not amazing).
My favorite DOS adventure game would have to be KQ IV. It was the first game I ever played where I could play as a girl (you know, except for first person ones, where I didn't know what I was). My favorite Windows adventure game is probably Riven: The Sequel to Myst, but it's got some pretty heavy hitting competition from The Neverhood, which was underrated.
I went back and played text adventures including a few of Infocom's gems (Hitchhiker's Guide and so forth) when I was in college and was trying to rehabilitate a pc that had had an accident with a bottle of diet coke, and I love them so much I might have a go at making one someday. Ok, I lie, I've already made some really simple ones, and I might just try it for real if I get a good idea for a plotline.
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