SoraX64 Blog
A rant about the current situations in the video game world, AKA the warzone.
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The Problems With Posting on a Forum Full of Gamers
A rant by SoraX64
Wii has the best exclusives, multiplats don't matter, Wii has sold most, Wii had motion controls first, Nintendo made the Wii therefore it is the bestWii Fanboy
Teh cell, better exclusives than the 360, Uncharted 2!!!! Killzone 3 > Halo Reach, KZ3 has teh best graphics, PS3 has better hardware, PSN is free lol I don't pay for onlinePS3 Fanboy
XBL is miles better than PSN, better graphics, best libraryXbox 360 Fanboy
Cheaper games, graphics pwn consoles, Mods, lol Crysis > all console games, guess what guys my PC is top of the line so I'm better than you console gamersPC FanboyI've seen all of this AND MORE while looking around System Wars. Fanboys are quite possibly the most annoying type of gamer. They cling to their one console/company and refuse to believe anything bad about it, they refuse to think that another console could be superior. They pretty much act ignorant and most of the time haven't even tried out the other consoles. I can vouch for this. I was once a Nintendo fanboy. I thought the Wii was better than both other consoles by miles. I actually thought the other consoles sucked. Well... Then I got bored of my Wii and got a PS3, and it really opened my eyes. I'm no longer a fanboy for any console. I can see the faults in each and every one of the current gen console. I only reason I do not own a 360 is because I lack the funds to keep up with three consoles, and I'm simply not very interested in its library enough to buy one. Fanboys are ruining forums everywhere. How can you have a good debate with someone who has already decided that they love one console, and all others suck? What you end up with is endless posts about how "PS3 is better than X console because..." and so on. Which leads to the same old circular arguments. I really hope that fanboys bother more people than just me. Actually, I know that they do. Fanboys will post threads that make their console of choice look good, while systematically making themselves look stupid when their thread backfires and STILL they go on with the "my console is better" act. Trying to reason with a fanboy is like talking to a brick wall, except brick walls won't shove sales figures and news articles by vague sources down your throat in hopes of changing your mind. Which leads us to the next point...
It's no secret that the Wii is the top selling of the three consoles this generation. Does this make the Wii better than the other two consoles? Maybe for the companies that develop the consoles, but I can't possibly see how this helps GAMERS enjoy their consoles better. I don't know about you guys, but I don't go to GameStop to buy a sales figure. I go to buy a video game that I can play and enjoy. Does the Xbox outselling the Wii for two months make the Xbox better? No. Sales fluctuate, and sometimes they fluctuate wildly. This is usually caused by price drops, console redesigns, and big name game releases. I don't see how a price drop or redesign equates to a more superior console. Sales are another medium for fanboys to spam. A Wii fanboy can ignore all the arguments about the Wii and then say "Oh the Wii is sold the most though. umad.jpg". This is INCREDIBLY infuriating. Imagine taking twenty minutes making a long post, only to have a hoard of fanboys come in with "Cool story bro, X console sold more" "You mad?". Sales do not, in pretty much ANY way, affect gamers. You're not going to get a $500 gift certificate to GameStop because your console sold a ton of units in a month. More people need to realize this. Play the sales game all you want, you're only wasting time where you could be actually PLAYING GAMES AND ENJOYING THEM.3 - FAKEBOYS
Almost as bad as fanboys are fakeboys. Just because you bought a PS3 and got 50 trophies does not mean you know everything about the console. The same applies to the other way around. If you go into a thread and make posts against a console, and in your sig you have a PSN trophy card displaying that you have 2000 trophies, right above an Xbox Gamer Card displaying the whopping score of 1000, then you're doing it wrong. Sure, if you bought a PS3 and it YLOD'd on you, you have an argument against the console, but when you start slamming a console with a trophy card in your sig displaying your latest Hannah Montana trophies, just stop. Please. Just don't do it. It makes you look bad. Also, don't pretend you have a console that you don't have. There's no point to it.4 - PEOPLE WHO PASS OFF THEIR OPINIONS AS FACTS
I dare you to find one thread on System Wars (or any other popular board) where no one voiced their opinion like it was a fact. Just try finding it. I'll wait. *an hour later* Well, give up yet? Yes? Good. See, this is something that really shouldn't be happening. Like, definitely NOT HAPPENING. If you're going to waltz into a thread about, say, Super Mario Galaxy 2's 10/10 review here on GS, and say "That game is for little kids, and it sucks." you're just going to look like a fool. One thing, it seems to me, that a lot of people are always forgetting is that taste is subjective. Everyone has their own tastes. So you go right on ahead and bash SMG2, calling it a kiddy game, and then enjoy your Halo or whatever. Not everyone thinks that way. Your opinion isn't a fact. It's your opinion. Sure, you can share your opinion all you want. We encourage that. Tell us why you think SMG2 doesn't deserve that score. But don't pass it off as facts. Okay? Okay.5 - CIRCULAR ARGUMENTS
Have you ever gotten into an argument with someone that has lasted over an hour? Well, if you have, chances are you've been the victim of a circular argument. Which, you should know, is the worst kind of argument. Why is that, you ask? Let me tell you. As the name "circular" argument would suggest, a circular argument is an argument that goes in circles and repeats the same points OVER and OVER again. This is ESPECIALLY rampant in System Wars. Just take a look around for yourself. For example, the whole PSN vs. XBL thing. You'll see someone say "PSN is free" at least 20 times in that thread. You'll also see someone say "XBL has better features" at least 20 times in that thread. And it'll go back and forth. Person 1: PSN is free. I don't have to pay to play online. Therefore I win. Person 2: XBL has better features than PSN; like cross game chat. Person 1: Cross game chat is a gimmick, we don't need it. Person 2: It's still something nice to have, you wouldn't know since you've never tried it. Person 1: If I had to choose between paying for CGC or not paying to not have it, I wouldn't pay. *incredibly long opinionated rant* tl;dr: I don't have many friends and my parents beat me so I don't need cross game chat. Person 2: What does your parents beating you have to do with this? :| Person 1: Well at least my online is free. :| Person 3: lol PS3 sux and 360 rules Persons 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8: *10 page long argument* Person 1: My online is still free. There's a simple example. What you see in System Wars is usually an argument that's been done to hell and back. People use the same points, the same counter arguments, everything. Not satisfied with that explanation? Go to page, say 5, of System Wars and read a few threads. Then go to page, say 6000, and be prepared to have deja vu when you read the same threads again, but only 2 years older. Well, with that we find ourselves at the end of this rant. Could it have been longer? Yes, definitely. Could it have been better? Yes. Why didn't I make it better? Because I know that no matter how much I rant about this, it'll never disappear. Sadly. I might go back in later and lengthen it up some more, but with school right around the corner it's more than likely I won't. Thanks for reading (if you read), and hopefully I'll get some good comments on this. ~SoraCaution: Bad sigs ahead. (the design rejects blog)
by SoraX64 on Comments
*INSERT A FEW MONTH BREAK* Okay... Now we've reached something I should point out. Those sigs above ^ were all GIMP sigs. The sigs from here on are PhotoShop sigs (I started using Photoshop earlier this month)
So now we find ourselves where I am currently. You just witnessed my evolution over the course of almost a year. So here's what I want you to do: Pick your favorite of ALLLLLLL of those sigs. It can be just one, or a top three, or a top five, anything, just let me know which one you like best. :D Now... on to the rejects... I'll be giving some comments on these sigs since there aren't a ton of them. :PI don't really know what to say about this one. :lol: I don't know how it ended up that bad, but it did. :P This was going to be my first LP-ish type thing. I was actually almost finished with it when GIMP crashed. Oh the failure. :cry: No comment. :lol: I believe I only posted this one when I got it ranked at MDL (the time where I went down from High Mod to Mod D: ) It was a lazy sig. I didn't put enough effort into it. D: Dat lighting. D: This is the FIRST thing I did with PS. If I said that another design was my first, I lied. I did this sig right after installing PS. I'm not going to lie to myself, I had a bad start. :lol: Another PS sig that didn't come out well. :lol: It looks too much like my Mio sig. :P The colors don't fit the render or whatever. D: I feel like this sig almost had potential, but I ****ed up the colors and ruined the BG I had before with the Displace filter. Maybe I'll go back and rework it. Tried following a tut for this one, but I sorta messed it up. :lol: Well, there you have it! That's all of the rejects I have in my PB and my computer. I hope I didn't melt anyones eyes. D:
Edit: Here's a reject, fresh out of the oven. :lol: I was trying different things for my entry to the Deathmatch. Thanks for viewing and feel free to comment, but don't laugh at my failures. :P ~SoraA gaming and etc. blog.
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I've made my decision.
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Would you guys blame me if I took a break?
by SoraX64 on Comments
Sora Makes a Forum... Take 2!
by SoraX64 on Comments
Nothing to see here, just a boring blog. D:
by SoraX64 on Comments
Well, I'm trying to get as much gaming out of this summer as I can. I can't really say I've been all that successful so far.. I was hoping to beat a bunch of games that I didn't get around to beating. I went back and decided I want to platinum Demon's Souls though, so I'm working on that. :D Sometime within the next week I'm hoping to go out and get BlazBlue: Continuum Shift for my PS3. I've never really played any fighting games besides the Smash Bros. series (which are a lot different from your every day fighter) so this should be quite a challenge for me. I like challenges though. The newest game in my collection is Dragon Quest IX. I've almost beaten it. It's a really good game so far, and it appears to have a ton of replay value. Maybe I'll review it sometime. There hasn't really been much going on for me in gaming the past few days, since my gaming friend Drew has band camp all week so I've been left to play with myself. D: And to end this section here's my trophy card:
Alrighty then. Next we have.. DESIGNING! :D I very recently became a user of PhotoShop CS5, so I've been experimenting with that for the past few days. This here is, in my honest opinion, my best sig yet. :D I won't even bother showing my first few PS sigs, they didn't come out very good. :lol: But I feel like I'm getting the hang of it now. :D
Anime and manga time. There isn't much to mention here. I started reading Liar Game though. It's awesome, always keeping me excited and on the edge of my seat. I'd recommend it fully. :D
Annnddd... School starts soon. :( I go back at the end of the month. I don't even want to think about going back.. I'm sick of it. And it's still summer vacation. :lol: I still have work to do and books to read, but I'm putting them off. They'll get done though, so don't worry. :P Ugh... I really don't want to go to school. D: I lose GS time, video game time, and just overall free time. It's all homework. :cry: Oh well. I'll get over it I guess. D: Well, that makes the end of this blog. Sorry if it was too short. :P Thanks for reading! ~Sora
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