SoraX64 Blog
It's almost my birthday but... Something seems off. D:
by SoraX64 on Comments
I guess now that I'm done on that subject I'll make this into a more traditional blog. Why am I making a blog? Because TFG is drawing me pretty pictures on MSN and I'm passing the time while I wait for the next one. :3 That and I felt like it. :x Here are my newest designs: I also made my first ever tutorial! I think it came out pretty good. It's really simple and the outcome is decent, and it doesn't require you to have a ton of knowledge of GIMP, so I'd suggest that you'd check it out here. The newest addition to my gaming library is Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies. It's pretty awesome so far and promises to keep me entertained.
- Started and caught up to Bakuman. I'm really liking it so far. It's sorta like Beck with manga.
- Watching K-ON!! because I freaking love it.
- Re-reading parts of One Piece. Luffy just sent Eneru to the moon.
- Cleaning up my manga reading list. Dropped a couple and put a couple on hold, gotta work on catching up to a few.
- On episode 12 of Beck
Hm... I haven't posted about music lately. Well, my favorite band right now is Girugamesh. Here, have some songs to listen to: Freaks Break Down Now I'm done. Thanks for reading and etc. :) ~Sora
Just a heads up for the near future.
by SoraX64 on Comments
This here is a blog, and you should read it.
by SoraX64 on Comments
Summer has been in full swing for a while, and I've been doing some gaming. :P This is what I've accomplished so far:
- Beat Monster Hunter Tri's single player mode
- Got all 120 normal stars in Super Mario Galaxy 2
- THAT'S IT. :lol:
Here are my newest designs:
Which is your favorite? let me know. :D I've decided that since I love K-ON! so much, I'm going to have the ultimate rotating sig. :D I'm going to have a different sig in the rotating sig for each main character (Mio, Yui, Mugi, Azu-nyan, and Ritsu). I'm going to redo my Yui sig to make it the same size as my Mio sig, and I have someone designing a Ritsu sig for me. I guess I'm on my own for Mugi and Azu-nyan. :P I'm in need of good renders for them, so if anyone has one I can use, just PM me please. I'd appreciate it. :D
Time for my anime/manga update. :D So far this summer I've:
- Completed Beck (amazing manga, 10/10)
- Finished My Balls
- Watched up to episode 11 of K-ON!! (season 2)
- Started Girls Bravo; not sure if I'm going to finish it though
And to finish off this blog I'm going to advertise for Legend of Nintendo. Okay. I advertised. Just click the link. DO IT. You know you want to. If you love me you'll do it. :3 Well, that brings us to the end of this short-ish blog. Thanks for reading as usual and have a nice week. :)
FINALLY, I'm out of school!
by SoraX64 on Comments
After what felt like the longest school year ever, today marks the end of my Sophomore year! I'm pretty damn excited to finally be on vacation. And so, I figured I'd do a proper blog. :D
I want to start on my grades for this semester, since I'm really proud of how I did.
As a kind of back story to how I've done in school, I will first say this:
In my school district, you start getting letter grades at the third grade level. From third grade to sixth grade I never got anything lower than a B. In 7th grade I got a 92 in Art, marking my first ever B (the cut off from an A to a B is 93=A/92=B). I got two other B's in middle school, another one in Art (fun fact: I had art 4 times in three years of middle school, and it was my least favorite class) and one in Reading, both in 8th grade.
And then came high school. My Freshman year found me struggling with personal problems (which some of you may remember). Well, I also struggled with grades. I got my first ever C in my Global Studies/Civics class. It was really disheartening because I was always proud to be on the Honor Roll (all A's and B's on all report cards). And then this year, first semester, I got a C in Biology, tying my lowest ever grade in a class at an 84%.
At the end of the first semester this year I finally came to peace with some things that happened, and I finally moved on from the emotional distress that had been plaguing me for almost two years. I missed a couple of weeks sick from school and came back determined to succeed once more.
And so now we're at the grades I got during the second semester. Take a peek:
Art 1 - 96%
English 2 Honors - 94%
Spanish - 99%
Intro to Foods - 99%
Intro to HTML - 98%
That's right, straight A's.
Here is my GPA from 3 of the 4 terms of the year (haven't gotten my last report card yet.)
Term 1 - 4.375
Term 2 - 4.0
Term 3 - 4.563
I am quite proud of myself on the increase from the 2nd to 3rd term. I'm excited to get my last report card over the summer so I can see my new GPA (which right now, cumulative is a4.087) and my cIass rank (which was something like 47 of around 350 last time).
Well, now school is done so I don't wanna talk about that anymore. :P So I guess now I'll move onto my gaming plans for the summer.
With the announcement of the 3DS, my wallet started slashing its wrists, knowing that it was going to be brutally emptied with the release of the 3D handheld. I'm already saving money for the 3DS, and I'm happy so say that so far I have around $130 saved up. I might be buying a game for the DS (possibly Dragon Quest IX) to bring with me on my trip to Maine next month, but other than that I'm planning on saving what I have.
I'm going to have a very busy summer with what I do have for games, though. I have a ton of games I need to finish. They are:
- Borderlands (hoping to platinum)
- Valkyria Chronicles
- Monster Hunter Tri
- Super Mario Galaxy 2
- inFamous (hoping to platinum)
- God of War II
- 3D Dot Game Heroes (hoping to platinum)
- Final Fantasy XIII (more trophies)
And on top of that I'll probably play a few other games for fun. Those are:
- Battlefield Bad Company 2
- Super Smash Brothers Brawl
- Mario Kart Wii
So yeah, I'm gonna be a busy person this summer. :P
And now to finish up on the gaming segment of this blog, my PS3 trophy card. (I haven't gotten many trophies lately with school finals though)
(those trophies are from 3D Dot Game Heroes)
Lately I've been using GIMP a lot more to make designs. I created my current theme and I really like it, and I made a few other sigs. I used pretty much one tutorial for all of them because I wanted to test it, so they're all similar and only the one I'm using now is any good. Here they are:
(the one I'm using)
Let's see.. I think it's time for union updates.
First and foremost, I recently got a promotion at the Toonami Union. If you didn't know, the Toonami Union is one of the biggest unions on GameSpot, and PROBABLY the biggest anime/manga/comic union (I've never seen another union get a 10,000 view day). I've been a member there for almost two years, and I've always wanted to be an officer. I'm honored to have the job and I hope that I don't disappoint. (though they may have noticed my absence the past few days, but that's only because of finals :P)
Legend of Nintendo is doing great under the leadership of kjhg53. I'm glad I gave the job to him because he's doing a great job as the leader. I kind of miss the spot, I won't lie, but I know it's in great hands.
I'm trying to get active again at All-Out Nintendo, so don't worry about me not being active over the summer. :P
That's my account, which shows how much music I've listened to. Check it out and send me a friend request if you want to. :D
Alllllrighty, we'll end this blog off with some anime and manga updates.
My main summer projects include:
- Re-reading Mai-HiME
- Re-reading parts of One Piece
- Starting a few new manga
- Keeping up with K-ON!!
- Watching Baccano!
- Watching Shakugan no Shana II
- Checking out Durarara!
- Finishing Girls Saurus DX
- Finding and reading the last chapter of My Balls
There may or may not be more, I'm not sure. It depends on how the above works out.
Well, I hope that wasn't too long for everyone's attention spans! I also hope that those who do have the attention span to read all of that enjoyed it!
Thanks for reading, and see you next time!
Just a heads up + E3
by SoraX64 on Comments
Just wanted to let all of my friends know that I probably won't be around much for the next few days. Finals time is here and so I don't have much time to myself, which means that GameSpot isn't much of a priority at the moment. I'll definitely be active again starting Wednesday, which is when I finally start summer vacation. :D
Oh, and just so this blog isn't completely pointless... Here's some stuff on Nintendo's E3!
Nintendo Wii Reveals, News, etc.
*note that this is not all of the Nintendo Wii games*
Nintendo DS Reveals, News, etc.
Nintendo 3DS Reveals, News, etc.
Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D
Animal Crossing
Mario Kart
Paper Mario
PilotWings Resort
Star Fox 64 3D
Kingdom Hearts
Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D
*note that the 3DS full list links to the 3DS main page, where you can find all of the different games.
I gotta say, this was the most epic E3 that I can remember.
Thanks for reading and see you Wednesday. :D
I'm not happy to be doing this but...
by SoraX64 on Comments
I'm going to be discontinuing my forum. Why? Because it got spammed. Bad. VERY bad. Multiple hundreds of advertising posts bad. I deleted almost everything on there, and now I'm abandoning it. In the future I'm going to find a better forum service to use, and probably create a Web site to go with it. I'm actually hoping to do that sometime soon, just not right away.
I apologize to the members of the forum (though it was dead for a while anyway) but the damage was done.
R.I.P., Anime Guild.
My first blog in almost 2 months!
by SoraX64 on Comments
Did anyone miss my blogs? No? Well then, listen to this for 24 hours straight for your blasphemy!
Okay then, here we go. Not much has happened since my last blog. I've posted a little bit more, but not a ton. I haven't been on GameSpot all that much, between school and video games (Bad Company 2, FFXIII, Monster Hunter Tri, inFamous, God of War Collection etc.) School has been going good, I currently have two 99's, a 96, and a 95. Still no girlfriend, but there is a girl I like.
The most exciting thing that's happened since my blog was a party I went to last night. One of my newer friends was having her 16th birthday party and she invited me. I knew a few people that were going there so I decided I'd go too. It was a pretty fun time. We danced, and played Manhunt in a huge field of Christmas trees. That was the first time I'd ever played Manhunt, and it was a blast! My team won! We kicked ass. :D
Let's see... MUSIC! This is a sample of what I've been listening to lately..
Pleasure and Pain by Bullet for My Valentine
Through My Eyes by Threat Signal
In that order, since Threat Signal is a band I just discovered yesterday.
On the subject of music, makes me angry with its Scrobbling. Apparently the music files need to be ON your computer or something like that to Scrobble them to your account, so now I have a bajillion and a half plays for BFMV and almost none for all of my other favorites. :
Hm... I've discovered that I'm out of things to say! Oh well. I was probably starting to bore you by now. :P
As usual, thanks for reading. :D
Catch you later!
My forum is up!
by SoraX64 on Comments
I'd really appreciate it if you'd join. :D I need some more mods, but most of all I need more people to join. :D
I'm still working on it, but it's done enough to be posted in. There are a few members there already, but more would be awesome!
See you there! (hopefully)
Oh, I guess I should give you some reasons to join. :P
- Way less strict than GameSpot, you can swear, and post in all caps, and stuff like that.
- I have found that posting goes MUCH faster on the forum than here on GS. On GS it takes forever, but on the forum it takes only a couple of seconds.
- No frequent HTML errors.
- You can have your own custom rank
There's more, but you'll have to go there to check it out. ;)
One last thing: If anyone knows how to create styIes, I kinda need one made that is similar to the one being used now but with a different banner. I don't know how much sense that makes, but I'll throw it out there. :P
Thinking about making a website/forum. *updated*
by SoraX64 on Comments
I have the sudden inspiration to create my own website, with a forum on it. I was thinking about making it something to do with Anime/Manga/Video Games.
What I need is a group of people willing to help me out with it, and I can make it.
Does anyone want to help me out? People who help will be part of the admin/mod team automatically. I think we could have a lot of fun with this if it is done right.
As of now, I've decided only to make a forum. I'm in the process of creating it and trying to make it presentable, and then I will share the link. My first and main goal as of now is to get some activity there, so I'll probably make tags and things like that to advertise it and try to build up some members.
If anyone wants to be a Moderator or something like that, let me know. If you want to be a normal member, just comment here so I can see how many people will want to join.
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