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SoraX64 Blog

Help Wanted!

Sora ask for help.

Yes, I'm asking you all for help. You see, my union, the Pokemon Story Union, is in danger of dying, and I'm going to try everything I can to bring it back.

That is where you guys come in.

If you could just pop over to the union, check it out, and see if you would be interested in it, that would be great.

I'll even give you a link! :o

Here you go.

So please my friends,give me a hand here. I appreciate any help :D


My change in music!

I'm bored right now, so I would just like to waste everyone's time and say that my new favorite band is...



That would be all :)

until next time


Temporary Leave

Yeah guys, I'm leaving for a while.

I've been really busy lately, I have a lot to do, and I just don't find myself posting much anymore.

I'll understand if I get demoted in all of my unions, but I will be back eventually.

It could be a week, a month, I have no clue.

I might post occasionally, but not too much.

Thanks for everything guys, I might talk to you all soon!


Sora's Blog of Random: Rescue Ranger at last!

The dreaded level 20. I've been going through it for a while. but now I'm finally level 21!

This Calls for celebration!

Today we have...!


For dessert we have...

... bag and B&J ice cream cost a bit ... Ice Cream!

Entertainment includes...*2E-WUTO*ih22/Slipknot__Vol__3_The_Subliminal_Verses_Special_Edition.jpgSlipknot!


More people are coming later!


Sora's Blog of Random

Sora here :P

I decided to drop the number and a title to the blog, only because I don't feel like thinking up titles. :P

Ok...So this week I went to the Patriots vs Jets game. It had to have been the best game I've ever been to, even though the Pats lost. Darn, it was so damn close!! :cry:

I'm currently playing Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. Its a great game, worth the 40$ I spent on it. If you have the money, you should buy it....NOW!!!!

I'm going to take another page from the evil book of missanimefan and talk about some of my Gamespot buddies...:D (Those who I do not mention are either not on my list, or I don't know enough about them to say anything)

-Katsuri-- Great person, met her in a union (either the Gotei or the Anime Fans Hideout). If you don't know her (though I'm sure most of you know her) you should meet her, because she has a great sense of humor.

ashleyamk- Another great person. One of the officers in my Pokemon Story Union (Join please we need the help!). A great help, and a frequent poster, which is a very good thing! :D

Itachieyes12- A uh...person. His ego is only matched by his...uh...nothing. Hes a great person to "talk" to. He, like me, is a fan of the Tales games, and he also is part of miss's plan to take over the world...:D (I'm like...the Sr. Advisor). If you talk to him, make sure you compliment him on his "good" looks. And don't pop the ego blimp. Thats my job!!!! :x

kjhg53- Ok. His name, it makes no sense to me. But hes a good person, a great help in my union, usually one of the main posters there. Also, an officer. I know I can count on him with the jobs that I can't do (or don't feel like doing :P). Make sure to give him cake ;). (His Pokemon in the union has to be the awesomeest)

missanimefan- Miss. A "good" (meaning evil) person. Shes my boss :). One day, she will rule the world. You may as well bow down to her while you can, or else your death will be slow and painful. And brought on by me! :twisted:

naruto_444- A good guy. Leader of one of the unions I am an officer in (which I should really go to after..) and also a member of the Gotei 13. Hes a good buddy, and hes never done anything to get on my bad side. So hes gonna keep it that way, riiiight?

Roxol - Another great person to be friends with. Hes a key part of my union, another one of the officers. I like his sense of humor. He WILL bow down, its only a matter of time!!!!

sinistra45- Ah...sinny. A good guy, uses big words a lot (must be that "old wisdom" old guys go on about). Part of the Toonami Union (great union). He won the wicked awesome Dimension Wars: Last Force Standing. I took "orders" from him for a while, and I made it pretty far because of him. Oh, and he has an "inner gangster". :D

Sphenodonta - Sphen, another officer in my union, is a good help to me and the union as a whole. He made our current banner, and is in the process of submitting one to the contest we are having. He was temporary leader while I was gone, and he did a fine job. Hes creative, like most of the people in the union, and he even went as far as to make his own Pokemon, which is pretty damn cool.

ultragodinez - Last, but certainly not least, is ultragodinez. Most of you will not recognize him, mainly because he only uses gamespot for the union. He is one of the officers and another big part in the story. I don't really know much about him, though.

OK!!! that about wraps this blog up! I think this is my longest one...

Alright guys, peace out!

~Sora~ (WHO IS A GUY!!!!)

P.S: Everyone should check out the Pokemon Story Union, we need some help over there) ;)

For those whining about Nintendo's recent wave of remakes and casual games.

So, Nintendo has all these new gamers at their disposal, right? Lots of them.

SO, Nintendo thinks "Hey, we got all these guys who like our new games like Wii Fit and Cooking Mama, etc" Then they get the idea "What if we got all of these new gamers, and then slowly introduce them to the games that our older gamers want? That would make us another fortune!"

So what I'm saying is that I think that the semi-lack of games that appeal to more seasoned gamers was being ended while the newer gamers were being tended to. That way, they would sell more of their big name games and make more money.

My OPINION (Mine, not yours, I'm not trying to say its right) is that remaking all of these GameCube games is Nintendo's attempt to get those newer gamers who were scared away by normal control to play these games with Wii controls so they will WANT to play them, since they are gamers mainly BECAUSE of the Wii's simple controls.

This way, a newer gamer might get hooked on a franchise that Nintendo/another company is making for the Wii, and thus buy the new game, making Nintendo more money. Its like a crash course for Nintendo, they don't need to spend as much to remake these games, so if nobody wants to buy them, they don't suffer horribly from it. Obviously, the Nintendo logo will sell these games, but some people, such as jaysonguy, are turned off by these remakes. The remakes aren't meant for seasoned gamers, but the newer ones who were not gamers before these games came out.

This is my OPINION and I am not saying it is true.

Sora's Blog of Random Episode 2: My epic fail in getting a new cell phone

Hello everyone, and welcome to my random blog.

Now lets get started!

The Rumor. I wanted this phone sooo bad.

So, I find a deal at Radio Shack, upgrade your phone and get a discount on another. My mom, being the one to point this out, did not understand that the upgrade was a 2 year upgrade, which means that you get the discount so that you can upgrade you phone TWO years after you buy it. So yeah, I didn't get the phone. It was too expensive. Yeah it sucked. But I got over it.

I really need something to include in my blogs, so I think I'm going to try to do something that the ever evil missanimefan does in her blog, and that is to talk about another user.

The user this week is....

MISSANIMEFAN! (yeah I stole the idea from her so I will use her first)

I met miss in the Toonami Union (great union btw) and one of the first things she did was kill me, and many others, with words. At first I thought she was a crazy psycho focused on killing everybody in the world and trying to take it over. But as I talked to her more, I learned that she IS a crazy psycho bent on ruling the world.

So everyone, bow down to her so that when she takes over the world, your deaths will be quick and painless! (ok that isn't going to happen. Too bad for you)

miss is a great person (although an evil one) and she is a great leader/officer in all of the unions that I go to that she goes to. (which is a bunch)

Well, time to wrap it up for this week.

Til next time,


Sora's Blog of Random Episode 1:Level 20 is here. This should be fun! *sarcasm*

I now have the sudden urge to make a blog more often, so I'm going to.


For my first blog, I have to tell everybody that dosen't already know that...




Yeah. This should be REALLY interesting.

Now for the latest going ons:

I'm getting an A in all of my classes (First time for a long time, and this time I'm in ALL HONORS)

And thats just about it.

This week I got two games, both for DS:

1) Bleach: Blade of Fate

2) Kirby Superstar Ultra

Maybe next time I'll add pictures. I was too lazy this time.

Until Later!


I have returned.

Well, I got my issue sorted out, and now I'm back, but I won't be as active. Probably some time in the Toonami Union and then some time in the Pokemon Story Union.

That would be all.