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SoralinkGS Blog

Happy Easter

Hey Everyone,

Its another Easter, or "Diet Christmas", here at my house, so I got my goodies and then some. We kinda had a budget even more so then usual, because...well its personal stuff so I won't say anything. Anyways, i got all I wanted, so I was pretty pumped about it, only with a minor loss:

First up:

Yes, I finally got Motorstorm. I haven't popped it in yet, but I can't wait to burn rubber in mud.

Yes, something new for da Wii, and I am very excited to finally have it. Warioware is something I am just getting into, so the Wii version so be really interesting.

In an unexpected twist of fate, I ended up getting Shivering Isles with my points. My sister didn't recieve the points because she got $15 music cards instead, so now my sister will be getting music. No big loss, since I did start work again yesterday. Yes, thats right, I got my seasonal job again, so I can't wait to start buying games come May. Saving up for that HDTV as well! So, no big deal, and hey, now I can say I offically own the expansion.

I also got Wii points for easter, but no card for them. My mom just said "buy the 2000 and we pay" so I got those. Then it was to the tradional Easter stuff: coloring eggs and watching the movies(which is on right now, but I don't like the movie so far...), so I decided to skip that and start the download process of Shivering Isles.

My sister got these for Easter:

and she is playing Sims 2 now, and will probably be banging on my door later to play DOAX2 and Shivering Isles(sibling love, no?). She also started work yesterday...interesting first day I have to say.

Anyways, I'm not gonna bother asking what you got, since most people don't get anything for Easter, but if you did get something, go ahead and say so.

Xbox 360 sweetness:

as you read this blog entry, I am jumping up and down for the following two articles: Xbox 360 spring dashboard update and Xbox 360 keyboard controller (Edit: Articles retracted, because gamespot broke release date of the news). My reason? Because they are both things I wanted on X360. While many will frown at the keyboard controller, I will be getting that extension for sure. It looks like it will add a nice feature to my 360 and it will eliminate my need for the damn PS2 keyboard. So, that another thing to buy in the summer(I hope its not like $30-40 bucks though. I will probably pass if it is). Otherwise, the dashboard update sounds really cool, so its yet another thumbs up from me. Keep it up Microsoft!

Happy Easter Everyone,


touching on multiple things...

Red Dead Revolver update:

I didn't get a chance to blog eariler because I was busy with trying to fix Red Dead Revolver. After many tries, it failed to work, so I have decided to remove it from my collections and such until further notice. My mom is searching for the receipt to the game to see if we can get our money back, but its been so long since we got it, I think we are out of warranty. It upsets me that I have to find this game again, seeing how I was getting into it, and the freezing started. The game has a really neat storyline, but so far, its not better than GUN. I hope to pick up the title asap, but it will probably be May at the soonest. So, despite all of that, I now am moving on to Viva Pinata again, this time to finish the game and to get a review cranked out on the game.

Castlevania Chronicles:

For those wondering whats going on in Castlevania department, I am actually head deep into Castlevania: Circle of the Moon on my GBA SP. I really am banging my head on a wall for not trying this entry sooner since the game is amazing, and is probably the best launch title on the GBA ever, and I skipped it for Super Mario Bros. 2 on GBA. Anyways, I decided to call it my "Castlevania Chronicles" since after I am done with Castlevania: CotM, I will then go to Castlevania: SotN on XBLA, and then pick up Castlevaina: Dawn of Sorrow on DS and the newest Castlevania DS. (I forget its title) That will all lead to the Castlevania PSP game. Still, I will probably get Castlevania IV on the VC, Castlevania on GBA(classic series), and the other GBA Castlevania. So, there you go...

Resident Evil Wiitalk:

So, by now, most of you have heard that Resident Evil 4 is coming to the Wii in May. The title is coming with the PS2 extras, so it might just be that: a port of the PS2 version of the game. Still, the game is being revamped with controls, adding a lightgun feel to the game. While some seem excited by the release, many are depressed to hear that Capcom is making RE4 for Wii when they should be focusing more on RE5 on Xbox 360 and PS3. Well, I agree to a point. While I am very interested in getting RE4 for the Wii, I don't think I will get it if they sell it for the full $50. They have noted in the press releases that Resident Evil 4 is being marketed at $29.99 by speculation, but companies usually get the price part right. So, for $30 bucks and the addition of the PS2 extras and Wii controls? I say "sure." Still, can you guys put more focus on RE5? I want that out before like, you know, 2010.

Since we are talking about the Wii, RE fans were also ticked off more by Capcom when they gave details of Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles out. The game is set during the storyline of RE0 to the begining of RE4 and chronicles the destruction of Umbrella Corperation. Now, here's the kicker: The game is going to be an on-rails survival shooter. Thats right, the entire game is made up of shooting tons of stuff. Fans are finding this outrageous, saying its a blow to the RE series. However comfront came in the form of the directors stating "Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles is getting the same treatment as a main entry to the seires would get, and has the same amount of force behind the development behind it." Hopes also widened when thoughts of light gun fights against the games many baddies came to people's mind. I, for one, can't wait for this entry into the Wii, and will definately pick this entry up, regardless of reviews.

Final Thoughts:

Not much else to say besides that "Grindhouse" looks like a good movie to watch when it comes to DVD (I don't see horror movies in theaters because I am a wuss). The movie looks action packed and full of great actors, like Kurt Russell and Bruce Willis. Thinking of Bruce Willis reminds me that Die Hard 4(titled "Live Free or Die Hard") is coming out soon, so I can't wait to see that this summer, along with "Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix"(getting the Wii game of that), "Spiderman 3"(getting the PS3 game of that), Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End"(getting the Xbox 360 game of that), and "Hot Fuzz". All of those movies look really good, so I can't wait.

Thats it for now,


Brothers In Arms: Double Time, Family Guy Completed, and more(updated)

Hey everyone,

I am making this entry from a college computer since I researching for a 5-7 paper, and I am waiting for my mom to come back, so I decided to make a quick entry. First off, I would like to reflect on Brothers in Arms: Double Time on the Wii. I heard of this game 2 months ago in Nintendo Power, but Gamespot recently added to the website as "coming soon." So, I decided to reflect what I think: I already want the game from what Nintendo Power has shown me of the game. The title looks to be being made very well, and seeing how I am part of the love it group for the "Love it or Hate it" Wii FPS games, I really can't wait for this one. I never finished a BIA game, so jumping in on the Wii double pack before picking out the Xbox 360 sequel will be a good way to give BIA a second chance(I really liked BIA, but I never got around to finishing it, so I decided to sell it). Anyways, Thats what I think of the game. The DS version will probably be terrible, but you never know...sometimes developers don't make DS games for cash-ins...

Anyways, I finished Family Guy on the Xbox last night. I have to say I was really disappointed, but predicted that disappointment. First off, Who hires High Voltage to make games? I have never played a game of there that actually was any good. *sigh* if you wanna hear about the game more, here is the review:

Family Guy Review

Please recommend or not recommend it! Thank you!

Well, since yesterday's was so long I will just leave it at that I am now playing Red Dead Revolver on Xbox. Review on that by the weekend.UPDATE: Red Dead Revolver is being put on hold due to the game freezing constantly during a boss battle. Until I figure out what is going on(I think the disk needs to be disk doctored..), I will continue be playing Castlevania on GBA.

Thats it,


PS: I forgot how Internet Explorer is such a crappy browser...

The last month before summer break

Hey everyone,

We are three days into April now, which is actually nice and bad at the same time for me. First off, the good parts is that this is last month before summer break starts up and I get back my summertime job. I really like to work for two reasons: The exercise and money. The social events at work are just a bonus to me. The exercise is something I always need and enjoy doing since my job is to walk around a theme park and sweep. The money is easy: more video games and this summer, I'm saving up for a HDTV. However, then there is the bad parts. The first thing is that its crunch time in school. Last year, all I remember is Oblivion and dozens of papers due. Oblivion, oddly, kept me sane throughtout the entire endeavor and was handed a 9.8/10.0 from me at the end of the month as a thank you. I still support that review since Oblivion truly is simple masterpiece. Anyways, continuing the bad is that this is my last year for my seasonal job. I plan to find another part-time job after the summer is over. I can't really go full time since I already devote alot of time to school. Anyways, it will be sad in some ways since it really shows that I'm moving on finally.

Anyways, to be on the bright side, I decided to take a look at what games I will be getting this month:

One of two Easter gift this weekend. This one should be really fun to play, and I definitely can not wait to race cars in the mud(the demo only hase trucks...ewww) Burnout/MX Hybrid? I'm in!

The second Easter gift, Warioware will definitely fill the void for my Wii until the summer when I pick up Super Paper Mario(which also comes out in April by the way). Warioware should be a blast to play, and will probably keep my family entertained this weekend when I try to play it on the 50" HDTV downstairs :P

My prize from the Xbox 360 Old Spice Challenge, Fusion Frenzy 2 should be good for a quick go-around and nabbing all 1000 achievements in mere hours. still, I will probably play this with my sister and help her nab all the points in the game as well. Thanks, MS!

My sister's one of three Easter gifts. She will probably consume my Xbox 360 after Easter since all she asked for is X360 games. If you didn't know, she LOVES Xbox. She really wanted my Xbox when I got my Xbox 360, and she is very happy to have it. She plays morrowind on that thing constantly, but always loves to get a chance to hope on Live Silver on my 360, get in a private chat with one of her Runescape buddies, and plays Oblivion, Test Drive: Unlimited, Viva Pinata, or PGR3. She really wants to jump back into Oblivion, so she can't wait to get the points cards for this expansion. She is also going to be joining me at my summer job this year as a first year. I would tell her to buy a 360 for herself(like the Elite) but my mom would probably kill us since that would make a total of 3 Xbox 360s in the house. (even I think thats crazy...)

My sister's other gift. Don't ask me, but she really likes the DOAX series so far. She played DOAX on Xbox for hours, playing with the shopping option and such. I warned her that this one is different a little bit, but she still wants it. The game is down to $40 around where we are, so my mom probably picked it up.

My sister's third gift, The Sims 2 is something else she is addicted to, and something I can't help but play when I get the time for it. While she doesn't play it right now since the PC that it works on lost its Keyboard(don't ask), she always loves to collect these expansions. She actually is buying a Laptop with with her summer job money this year, and she wants it to be able to play Sims 2 and the expansions. I told her I will look into what she wants when we get close to buying one.


the rest of what I get this month is a mystery, like every month. Every month, i get some type of surprise or impulse purchase game, so there is no way of knwoing what I will get this month. Plus, I will have a ton of points after Easter on Wii and 360, so I will probably get a bunch of Arcade/VC titles this month.

O yea, the games my sister gets count as part of my collection for the mere reason that all games my siblings get are given to me at some point Case in point: My bro gave me Just Cause and Superman Returns after he was done with them recently.

Wow, long entry...sorry about that,


God of War Completed, Family Guy, and more...

Hey everyone,

Despite a strict scheduling coming up, I managed to game a little this weekend and actually finished God of War last night. My thoughts on the game ended up being positive, but no where near as positive as most people. Before I get into it, Here is the Review:

God of War Review

Please recommend or not recommend it! Thank You!

So yea, I gave it probably one of the lowest scores, and more importantly, after giving Zelda: Twilight Princess such a high score. I guess my main reason for that is because I really didn't care for the whole aspect of God of War as much as most people. Kratos is an evil bastard, but he has a heart of gold for his family. He battles a god etc etc etc. Yea, I didn't really care too much at all. However, I did like the underworld since it was probably the best way to show off what the underworld is like, what with the people flying down everywhere. Finally, while I talk about button mashing alot in the review, I generally like button mashing, but for a game like this, I didn't like that I could pretty much get through the game just by mashing the square and triangle button repeatedly and I was playing on normal difficulty. Still, there is God mode, which probably needs more tactics(I hope it does) but all in the same...will I get God of War II? Yea, but only when its $15-20.

Anyways, now that I am done with GoW and Zelda, its time to go back to Xbox 360 land, but before I do, I think I will finish Family Guy and Red Dead Revolver on Xbox, starting with Family Guy. The review on Family Guy should be up by the end of the week, if things are not too crazy around here. I decided to finish Family Guy because I am now in the middle of watching season 4 on DVD. Its still pretty funny, so this should help me with my week of pain and torture as I struggle through two courses and pass with flying colors in three others. Anywho, Quick reminder that the Seal Hunter thing was just a joke for April Fools, in case someone came in and read it and thought it was real news without checking my comment box.

Thats it,


Seal Hunter comfirmed for the XBLA!

Hey everyone,

I just learned about 41 minutes ago that "The Seal Hunter," the ever controversal game about killing seals and other marine critters, has been comfirmed to be arriving on the Xbox Live Arcade! The game will feature everything from the original PC edition, including the magnum, grenade, rocket launcher, and the ever popular mini-gun. All of the levels will be included as well, plus the game will support 2 player co-op online, so you can work together to get kill all of those seals! The game will becoming out later this month and will cost 400 MS points. Here are some screenshots of the PC game:



GTA IV, Army of Two, and more...

Hey everyone,

Today's biggest news was that Grand Theft Auto IV's first trailer was finally shown to the public.  This trailer has been heavily  anticipated by GTA fans, and many were quite pleased with the results. First off, it is indeed in NYC/Liberty City like some believe. Now this has actually caused a slight ruckus with some because they wanted something new and fresh, like a take on the Yakuza. Well, the truth is, GTAIV must make an entrance into the next gen like this because it has to show that it can be pulled off amazingly on PS3 and Xbox 360. Second, keep an open mind that Tokyo could appear later in the GTA IV legacy. Anyways, My overall thoughts are very positive, and I can't wait for this entry. My plan is to actually get BOTH PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game. The reason for that is because my bro has an Xbox 360, so I won't be able to play it for a long once a I get it since he will fight for it. Plus, I can't decide which version I want so it will make the choice easy just to get both.

Anyways, I also wanted to talk about a game I have been interested in, but not much is mentioned about it: Army of Two. Army of Two is probably the most interesting game I have seen in terms of Co-op. The visuals are amazing, but what catches my attention the most is the interactions and team features the game features. Army of Two is going to be an amazing showcase of these features.I think my favorite thing has to be the conversations between the two main soldiers. They sound like they are going to be funny as all heck! Anyways, Army of Two is on my mind because I watched the second gameplay trailer for the game and it was really impressive. Check it out...

Finally, we get to the end of the blog. I am gonna try to finish God of War asap but school has become more of a factor than ever. April is really crunch time since i got exams and finals to worry about, plus this 5-7 page report on a painting is soon due. luckily, that is all that is due in terms of papers. It was rather easy this year thanks to that. I doubt I will have too many of these "easy"semesters. :P

Finally, I will probably make a return to Xbox 360 gaming after God of War until the Middle of May, I believe. Sure, I will hop on Motorstorm and Warioware, but those games are short, giving me time to catch up on Xbox 360 games.


Thats it,


SoralinkGS's The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Review

Hey everyone!

Thats right, its no lie! I have FINISHED The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on the Nintendo Wii. Better yet, I give you my review:

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Review

Please Read and recommend or not recommend it! Thank you!

*sighs* many of you know how long this took. Well, I have to say, I am very relieved to finally have this Zelda completed. I am now ready for Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass on the DS. Nintendo, bring it on!

In other news:

I got my second 1600 MS points card from gaming lagoon! It arrived from EBgames today. I popped in the code and finally purchased Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and I also purchased Jetpac Refuelled!  I have 1000 points left which I will be saving for any future release I might want.

Alirght, I am tired from finishing Zelda: Twilight Princess so its off to bed,


Xbox 360 Elite

Hey everyone,

As you all have seen on the front page of Gamespot and IGN, Microsoft has announced its first of two exclusive stories on The revealing of heavily leaked Xbox 360 Elite. While Microsoft admits that this is probably one of the worst secrets of the year(count the Home announcement on PS3 as another), I have to say it is still shocking most. What I don't get is the anger this new SKU is having against it. Apperantly, amny are feeling cheated for this late release of the finest Xbox 360. Some complaints are understandable, but the overall arguement seems to have taken somewhat of a toll to the worst. To make matters worse, Sony fanboys are practically dancing in the articles about the 360 Elite being revealed, saying that Microsoft just self-owned itself. What the hell? How is Microsoft happy announcement about a Black Xbox 360 and 120GB HDD seem to be the end of an era all of a sudden? It seems the world of hardcore gamers have gone mad.  Why is this such a big issue?

Look, the way I see it, Microsoft owes me nothing. I bought my Xbox 360 to play Xbox 360 games. I didn't buy it to play original Xbox games. I didn't buy it to watch High-Definition Movies or to see things in HD. I bought it with the promise that I would get games. Thats what I think of this refund thing. BTW, make sure everyone with an Ipod asks Apple how they can trade it in for this years edition of Ipod. Hypocrites...

The HDMI port? who cares. Its for people who are seriously into tech. Plus, 1080p does work on componant cables. "But hardly any HDTVs support that!" Hey guess what? not a whole lot of HDTVs supported HDMI AT ALL two years ago. In about two years, you will see most HDTVs with 1080p will support it through componant.

In the end, all the elite really ends up being is a Black Xbox 360 that comes with the $179.99 120GB HDD, which is still an amazing deal(core unit is $299.99; $299.99+$179.99=$479.99). People looking to buy an Xbox 360 should definitely pick this one up(and tell me you got it! Just don't mind my jealousy!). The Elite comes out April 29, which also the release date of the 120 GB HDD for current owners.

Now, for a real question: are those Black Xbox 360 controllers going to be sold seperate too? I want one so bad!



Oddities and Rumors #2: Xbox 360 Elite Edition

Hey everyone,

I got a special issue for the second issue, and that is on the "Xbox 360 Elite", "Zeyphr", or "Xbox 360 v2". What are they? the same rumored system that is a new Xbox 360 that will the colored black and will feature a 120GB Hard drive, a new cooling system, and an HDMI port. Now apperantly, people are saying this thing is really coming becuase of an article on it in the recent Game Informer Issue. However, things come into questioning when you look at this article:

- Why is this news coming from someone unknown? "a soure within the company." I doubt that big news comes from random people, but hey, whatever...

- Why has this not been comfirmed by Microsoft yet? If you take a look at the reps who respond to journalists, you will see none of them are saying "yea, its coming" but more "this is still speculation."

- This is in the April article of Game Informer. While some would say this is a very sick joke on their part, you have to remember that maybe they wanted to have the sickest April Fools joke of this year, so what better way than to play with their readers minds? Plus, The new Xbox 360 is coming out in April according to the article. Ring any bells?

- Why is it replacing the the premium unit over the core? That makes no sense to have the elite and core be the only systems on the market when they are so vastly different from each other. If the premium is replacing the core, why is that key issue not covered in the article? I believe thats important for people to know that the premium is getting a price cut to $300 to relieve current owners that this is indeed a price cut of their model.

So, the question still stands: Is this thing really coming?

My best answer to that this article in Game Informer is a April Fools Joke until Microsoft proves otherwise. However, this thing is definately something Microsoft might be cooking up for a holiday release. Still, that won't be known until Microsoft actually says something about it.

Thats it,



Edit: it seems Microsoft will be announcing something wednesday about the Xbox 360 Elite, according to teamxbox. This officallywill probably be known as "2007's worst kept secret ever." Thanks to live for the update. This case is closed.