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SoralinkGS Blog

Two Worlds(Main Quest) completed, Eragon, pics of H3 controllers and more...

hey everyone!

I'm counting down the days until Halo 3 and good news for me: My Halo 3 controllers have arrived!8) I took these pictures for you all to enjoy:

Yep, sweet huh? As for the headset, I contacted walmart about it because it was still being processed and they said that they are having "issues" with shipping the Halo 3 headset and they are going to revolve it as quickly as possible, So that means no H3 headset before Halo 3 :cry:

Anyways, getting off the topic of Halo 3, lets look at my gaming schdule: I finished(for now) :

With 845 gamerscore to show for it. Not too bad if you ask me, seeing how most threw the game off as horrid, while i embraced the game with love. I will probably go back after a patch or something to get those final 6 achievements. Anyways, with Two Worlds out of the way, I turned my attention to an Easy game to pick for the weekend and finish by Monday:

I got this game for $15 a while back, and I see the achievements are easy so I will play this throughout the weekend while waiting for Halo 3. As for game purchases:

All of whcih have been very good game so far.

Anyways, expect a review of Two Worlds shortly,


Two Worlds, Bioshock, Halo 3, and more...

Alright, I really have been typing up a ton of different papers for my college courses, like the paper I'm doing right now. Anyways, this led to my return being a small one, with me on the PS360 union's board again and thats it. I'm hoping I get back into the groove of writing these blog entries again because I consider them a blast to write. Anyways, I decided today to do an update blog on whats been going on for me in the gaming world:

First off, I'm still playing:

whenever I can get a chance to the game, I do, and that usually turns into like 4 hours worth of playing. The game is really good, and it just keeps getting better and better as I play it. For example, I was playing yesterday and completely maxed out my Air school of magic. Well, thanks to that, I can now preform the "resurrection" spell. This spell has got to be the coolest spell I have ever seen in a game for this sole reason:you can resurrect almost every enemy in the game and they fight with you! I went to a tower and got ambushed by Necromancers, only to kill three of them, resurrect them, and have an all out war happen between them all! It was one really awesome moment. Anyways, I will continue playing this game, which will eat into my time for playing:


Yep, I still haven't played into these two games. Maybe something to look forward to in October? nah, I will get to them before that.

Now as for some other things, I'm mainly overly-anticipating Halo 3, and to prove that to you, I will now show you three things that are now on the way to my doorstep:

Yea, I know I ordered those controllers about 2 months ago, but some things happened with payment issues, but that has been straightened out and I'm now getting them both soon. As for the headset, I really wanted to invest in a Wireless headset someday, so when I got a $50 walmart giftcard, I decided that it was a good chance to do so, and why not make it that Halo 3 edition, heh?

Besides that, I'm all set for Sept. 25th, with $25 down on this bad boy:

Am I a Halo fanboy or what?



Fall Semester 07, Bioshock, Two Worlds, and more...

Hey Everyone!

I finally comeback to announce my long overdue return to Gamespot. As of August 27th, I am now back in college, meaning that i will be spending more time at home, and less time at work. Hence, why I finally return to blogging! Anyways, A whole ton has happened over the last 3 months, with me purchasing over 60 new titles, and selling only 10. After my purchase of Full Auto 2 for Playstation 3, I actually climbed over the "400 games owned"benchmark, and the list continues to climb! This is all thanks to not having any console to save up for in the holiday season. This is a first in about 3 years, so I am excited to able to pick up even more wonderful titles for my consoles.

Anyways, we can get into that more with future blog entries, so lets turn to two Xbox 360 games I have recently picked up and what i think of them:


This was actually my sister's purchase, but she doesn't seem to like the game much, if at all. However, I am LOVING this game for some odd reason. May it be because I have had a chance to play an awesome Action RPG like this in ages? thats probably what it is since I am playing this game over finally diving into Bioshock, which I was so eager to obtain last week! Or could it be that i find the dialog so funny that i have to play it to see what other dumb generic words the characters pronounce wrong or spell wrong in the dialog(conrastion?). Either way, I believe I am going to be playing this game to the very end, and I can't wait to see how this awful-dialoged story ends...

The other game:

I am possibly the only person in the world who has had the time to play it, loves it, but has not even sunk in 2 hours worth of gameplay into it. Two Worlds has consumed me and I happily love it. I don't regret not playing Bioshock, since it will always be on my shelf when I'm ready to play it. Besides, I still have 10 other Xbox 360 games to finish as well...

I have spent most of my summer at my job, that i never had a chance to play all the games I wanted in the summer. Hopefully this semester of college will give more time to enjoy the games I have purchased. However, even if it doesn't, I don't think I really care. Why? because with all these games lined up to play, I will never have a reason to bored...

See ya next entry,


Summer Entry #3: That crazy Wii thing...

Hey Everyone!

Another month has finally passed, and here we are in August, my birth month! Thats right, I was born in the month that everyone loves to hate for one main reason: the summer is almost over and that means school will be back in full swing. Well, on the up-side, I have been very busy working everyday, which led to me not blogging at all. I actually was going to blog about E3 2007, but I decided to skip it this year because I much better things to do. Anyways, that sums up where I have been to my friends here on Gamespot.

Moving on, I finally invested in my Wii alot, with the purchase of Wii Play /w Wiimote, and 2000 Wii points, which got me Bonk's Adventure, LOZ: OoT, and Super Mario Bros. I also picked up the Nyko Wii charge station:

Now this little baby has got to be the best investment I have ever made for my Wii since it practically eliminated the need for extra batteries. Plus, it goes really nice next to a Nintendo Wii, with a nice white shine, a great place to put my controllers away on, and that VERY bright blue LED light when the controllers are charging. I'm actually thinking of investing a simular device for my Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 controllers. Speaking of which, I pre-purchased and pre-ordered these:

All of which I can't wait to recieve.

To round up this entry, here is a new review:

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Review



PS. How are you all doing? post a comment letting me know, like if you got a new game or console recently.

Summer '07 Entry #2:Looking for that special someone

Hey Everyone!

Wow, it has been a MONTH since I last posted a blog entry or anything on gamespot, but I have been around the neighborhood, checking in to see whats up once and a while. anyways, June was a very awesome month for me, with constant double, nights, and HD gaming! Yes, that is right, I finally, FINALLY, got my HDTV!!!! As of right now, I am watching the new trailer of Grand Theft Auto IV: Trailer 2 on it lik 100 times, and I still can't believwe how awesome this game looks compared to about 3 months ago and that trailer. GTAIV looks sweet, and I can't wait to drop the $90 down to get the X360 CE edition, and then get the PS3 edition for Xmas.

(Sorry, its a Cell phone pic :roll: )

So yea, besides those two things, I have picked up about 60-70 new games, and I have also sold about 20 games. I won't list all of them, but I will note the more important ones with pics of them!

Ok, those are the most notable ones I can think of, however, I did get a bunch of Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, and PSP games as well. For my final image, I give you my Xmen: The official game(X360) review, my first review of a game played in 720p.

X-Men 3: The Official Game Review

Besides all of that, life is pretty good. So, how has your summer been going, guys? let me hear from ya, if you get a chance to read this.



Summer '07 Entry #1: Where I have been, PSP, and more...

Hey Everyone,

I have been at work so much now, it seems like its my second home. I am in the middle of a 14-15(if I feel up to it, it might become a 20-22) days in a row work week, with some of them being double shifts. The job is pretty easy, but walking around for 8-12 hours a day is numbing somedays, especially when its busy, which it was this memorial day weekend. Anyways, all of this work has caused me to up and pretty much stop posting, commenting, and blogging on Gamespot for a while. I can't really say I thatbothers me, since I'menjoying myself, but I will try to come and contribute to the community little by little this summer. That starts here, with my Summer entries. This will be few and far between, but they will be entries nonetheless.

So now that my explaination on where I have been is out of the way, lets talk games, shall we? They first thing i will start with is that I recently found a new love for PSP. I haven't picked the thing up in a year, but I went out and got two games for it the other day while coming home from work. Here's where my want to play games on thew system started: there are many $20 titles for the system now, something I really wanted to see, and there are even $10 games to pick up if I wish! So, now I am gaming with the PSP, but I would still say the Nintendo DS is a better buy. Anyways, I picked up ATV Offroad Fury: Blazing Trails and Chili Con Carnage for PSP, and both are good title. I like Chili Con Carnage better than ATV, but ATV seems to require a good amount of skill in ATV games to play.

Anyways, besides all that, I really haven't been doing much gaming in the last week. I plan to finish EDF 2017 on Normal and then take a break from that. I would like to get a move on in gaming, but gaming in 720p is edging ever so close now, and my excitement for that is building. The Halo 3 beta is something I will probably play at least once more, but nothing is in written in stone about that. Sure, I really like the beta, but I got a pile of games to play.

Wrapping this up, I plan to have some more free time soon, but not that much. I plan to work heavily throughout the summer, and return to this website alot more during the fall. If you want to see what gets added to my collection of games, make sure you take a moment to visit my "recent additions" section in games, since more and more will be added throughout the summer.



Halo 3 beta, Fusion Frenzy 2, and more

Hey everyone,

Lets start off by giving a shout out to the RTS fans dream come true: Starcraft II. announced. coming in October. end of story. I know a TON of who have been waiting for Starcraft II to be announced, and the announcement make me hapyy for them. As for me, I never played Starcraft, but my excuse is that I was never much of PC gamer. Anyways, with this announcement, I guess I better go get Starcraft I so I know what the big deal is.:lol:

Anyways, as you all know, the Halo 3 beta is out, so I have been playing that a great deal. The beta isn't very impressive in graphical terms, but that is no where near why I play the Halo series. No, I came to play with the toys, and I have to say, I was blown away with the coolness of the mongoose. For those who don't know, back in my Halo days, I was known as being a warthog nut. So, of course, everyone figured I would be on the mongooses and warthogs in the beta, and sure enough, thats where I was. Of course, I also have a new lovely toy: the Spartan Laser. That gun is freaking awesome with its 5 second warning beam and than BAM! huge red laser and every person in front of that laser is toast! I got some double kills with that bad boy, and that was pretty freaking sweet. I also loved ripping turrets out of the ground and protecting turrets. Oh, and my newest favorite game type is territories because the way to do the gametype is awesome. I love the whole "defend your areas!" or "take over their areas!" segments and I don't know why. So overall, Halo 3 looks like its shaping up to be what Halo fans have been begging for, which is a nice sequel with the return of toys and new toys that make things interesting. I am ready for September 25th!

In other news, I got my prizes from Xbox rewards in the mail last week, so I now have Fusion Frenzy 2 in my collection for real. In all honest words, the game is actually pretty fun. It sure is no award winner, but its pretty fun to play the mini-games. However, I have to say that the announcer is really annoying, and the bonus card system generator seems broken, since it seem to give the computer the edge everytime on the single player experience. I mean, it gives me cards, but it gives the CPUs cards to steal my bonuses, and they are always able to figure out when I play those said bonus cards to steal them. This leads to me winning every mini-game, but losing the entire game! What the heck kind of design is that? It really shows that Fusion Frenzy 2 devs did not care and I don't blame them! I mean, who seriously wanted a sequel to the original? I have no idea.

Finally, I picked up an arcade game that I have wanted since I played it ages ago: Roboblitz! The game is $15, but I feel its worth it to play this game. I picked it up when I got points to get the Crackdown expansions, which are cool as well. Roboblitz is a very unique game, and I enjoy playing it since its plays very well. I really like its platforming and puzzles so far, but I will give you a full review on the title at completion to give my full impressions of the title so you can make the decision on whether to by this expensive(in Xbox Live Arcade terms) title or not.



PS. Sorry for no activity, but I have been working double shifts at my job, saving up for my HDTV, and hanging out with many of my friends as well. I will get more active when the season is in full swing and I'm in a position to get on here more often. until then, I will comment on as many blogs as possible.

Ratchet and Clank, Geist, and more

Hey Everyone,

I decided to start my blog off by pleasing the many Playstation gamers out there with this purchase:

Yes, I finally got Ratchet and Clank for Playstation 2. This would be my first time playing the series, and I am very excited about jumping into it. However, I will note that I am not completely excited, because of my dissappointment in the Jak series, but I figure that this one has a better chance since it seems to ride along the lines of Banjo-Kazooie and Jet Force Gemini, two of my favorite games. And Guess what? after playing it for 21 min, I have to say "pretty cool." Yea, that right, I'm liking the game. I will continue to play it and put it on my Now Playing list, but I can fully say that I will probably be picking up its sequels throughout the summer, as I finish each entry. This makes me happy, since I really want more reasons to own Playstation consoles, and R&C might just be the series I need to settle that need. I really need to get the PSP game now, because I was interested before, now i can't wait to get it...This type of game is great for portable gaming. And Yes, I will be getting Ratchet and Clack Future for PS3.

Next up is something for Nintendo fans to read. I purchased, completed, and reviewed:

Geist Review

Please recommend or not recommend it, thanks!

Yes, I got Geist for GC and its probably one of the few titles on the system that can be called cla.ssic. Sure, the story doesn't really make any sense, but the gameplay really makes up for this amazing title. Nintendo really knows where talent is, and N-space shows its strength with this title. I really wish I picked this up when it came out, because its a fabulous title. Still, I do have it now, and I am impressed by its unique take on the First Person shooter genre. Also, FEAR fans lookinf for something on Wii should definitely pick this up to fill that void. The game is like almost like FEAR, yet a whole new way to play at the same time.

Next, I played a bunch of new demos this weekend. The first demo was Blacksite: Area 51 on 360, and that was really cool. It was a teaser demo, but it worth a few playthroughs before deleting. I am so-so on the title still, but it will be something that I know some people will be waiting for. The next demo was actually a full game: Cellfactor for PC. That doesn't run on my PC because I don't have the chip, but I liked what I did get to run, but i don't think its worth the price of that chip. Then I played Dreamfall: The Longest Journey Demo, and that was pretty cool. I really want to get that game on PC, but I might get it on Xbox as well for my sister.

In gaming news, I am currently playing a ton of titles at once still. I pop in whatever I feel like, and try to finish it. I have so many titles to finish. My excitement for many titles is also building, with news on Burnout Paradise flowing and many summer titles leering closer, I feel that pressure of finishing my current titles building.

In other news, I have been working like a dog at my job. I have yet another batch of double shifts this week, starting once again on Thrusday. The work is alright, but it gets boring after a while. Still, I think its all worth it if I get my HDTV in the end. Besides that, life goes on, I got to talk to my co-workers alot more this weekend thanks to working so much, and my connections with them are rekindled, which is nice.

So busy, so much stuff going on, I feel I have no time to be in unions and such. Sorry to my unions, but it seems the summer is becoming a bad time for me to be active. I will blog when I can and comment on blogs when I can. Malek, if you read this, I will miss your blogs a ton my friend. They always kept me informed on the latest, and knowing no more are coming makes me sad. I hope the next community you are in treats ya right.





Rayman Arena, Scarface, EDF 2017, and more

Hey Everyone,

I made another video, and this one is to show off Rayman Arena gameplay, for those interested. I don't have sound hooked up to my capture card, so I always have to replace it with tunes. Anyways, here you go:


Moving along, I would like to write about a game my brother recently handed to me to play. That game is Scarface: The World is Yours on Xbox. The game is a sequel to the original blockbuster film Scarface from Universal studios. The game begins where the movie ends, right before Tony gets blasted in the back, like in the film, you are given control. You quickly turn around and blast that bastard in the face, and then storm out of the mansion, only to find out that you have lost everything. Anyways, I haven't really gotten far in the title, but its a good game so far. The gunplay works ok and the conversations are good to listen to so far. Seeing how I wasn't a fan of the flick, its interesting to see how i like the game so far. Anyways, the game has some length to it, so I will tell you completely about it after I finish it.

Next up, I finished Earth Defense Force 2017 on easy today, with no trouble. The game is pretty amazing so far...yes, I said so far. While you can expect a review soon, the game has a major amount of length to it still, with four other difficulties to go through. From what I hear, the final difficulty is a dowsy, and with 53 missions to do, its gonna be a bumpy ride. The guns in the title are amazing to play with, and the amount of power from each one is absolutely stunning. I think I like the Rocket launcher varieties the best so far, with an amazing 20-shell rapid fire rocket launcher being the most useful of them all. I think my biggest problem with the game is that the developers made the vehicles pretty much useless to the player. I mean, why do all of them have terrible aimming and why does the helicopter feel completey unturnable? Oh well, what can I expect from a budget Japanese title?

Besides that, the summer is going well so far, I begin a huge weekend of work tomarrow(or today) with the double shifts that I mentioned eariler. Also, I played around with the Xbox 360 spring Dashboard update a little, and found it to be a very pleasing addition to the system, but the lack of a keyboard makes its most important feature useless to me at the moment. The marketplace update made me laugh the most, however. If you get a chance, take a look at some of the descriptions of games in the marketplace. Some of the best have to be Ridge Racer 6 and GUN. GUN has its genre marked as "Ambush TheTrain." Ridge Racer's Genre is "1" and is made by "1" and is described as "1." A little geeky humor for 360 owners, but funny none the less.   Anyways, my purchases of games won't be as amazing as last week, but be prepared for some odd-end titles during the weekend.



Gamespot Total Access, EGM, Spiderman 3, and more

Hey Everyone,

Today, I decided to boot my subscription to Gamepro Magazine and trade that in for a subscription to Gamespot Total Access. After signing up, I immedidately started downloading demos to my PC with the manager at the new high speed, and I have to say, it was faster than before. I also changed to the Platium site look and its pretty sweet. I can't wait to watch exclusive videos at some point, buit the benefits are good enough for now. I don't know if its for everyone however, but thats a decision for you to decide on.

Spiderman 3 segment:


Next, I decided to go see Spiderman 3 today. I went at a matinee time and got to see it with a limited amount of people, which made very comfrontable compared to a packed theater. I give the movie a 4 stars out of 5 stars since it was good, but nothing that amazing. I liked it a ton, but it just wasn't that great compared to Spiderman or Spiderman 2. *spoiler alert* I mean, the whole thing with Peter Parker acting like a cool emo guy was depressing, since it was like watching "this is what Spiderman is like on drugs!"  Very dumb. The acting of the movie also went down compared to the prior ones, but this came from what seems like a rushed sequences of stories. Example: the villain's stories were rushed in then carried out fairly quickly, never allowing you a moment to absorb the content of the stories. Overall, I wasn't impressed with this good follow-up, but its not like the movie was bad. I really loved it.


Next, I got EGM today, and that has a whole thing on Tom Clancy's EndWar with screenshots and info galore. The entire game looks really nice, with what looks like the Ghosts and Rainbow squads in the mix. The magazine also had an interveiw with Final Fantasy creator and head of Mistwalker studios Hironobu Sakaguchi about his upcoming US releases of  Lost Odyessy and Blue Dragon, and also what he fee;ls about Wii and PS3. From the sound of it, he would have to be forced to develop a Playsation 3 title, stating that not only does he not like PS3, he doesn't like the "Father of the Playstation" Ken Kutaragi. Of course, this interview was before Ken's "forced retirement"(another word for "Fired"), so he might have better feelings toward the system. Sakaguchi aslo stated that while he doesn't have any games planned for it, he would like to make a game for the Wii. Finally, the intertview covers his third Xbox 360 project, Cry on.  The issue covers many over interesting articles, from a rumored PS3-only Dead or Alive game, to a nice article on PS3's big guns that may change the system's face for the public.

I really don't have much else to say, other than I changed my Gamer pics again. The one you see on the Computer is from the free AXE gamerpic pack and the one you see on the dashboard in my friends list is once again a Metal Battlion Maidens pic. I'm now playing random games, with FEAR, Castlevania, and EDF 2017 as my top titles.

