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Ten games to look forward to in 2008: Playstation 3 edition

Hey Everyone,

Welcome to the third entry of this five part series about games coming out in 2008. This one will be the last one for consoles as we will move onto handheld titles to pick up starting saturday. I would put one up tomorrow, but i have a ton of things going on from waking up early to going to work most of the day, i doubt I will get around to it, so I'm just gonna skip doing on tomorrow. Anyways, this entry is all about Playstation 3 and what offerings it will have for us in the new year. before I start this whole event, I am going to note something that will answer a question later on: Where is Metal Gear Solid 4 and God of War III? Well, if you read the instructions, you would see that this is MY list of games I am anticipating, and those two don't come to mind when I think of games I want to play next year. Nothing against them, but not everyone who owns a playstation must like those series, like everyone that owns an Xbox doesn't have to like Halo or in Nintendo's case, has to love Mario or Zelda.

(note: following paragraph is going to be repeated every entry)

Ok before we start this list, here are some things to know about it. First, this list is in no certain order so don't think I listed this over this for some dumb reason. Second, the games listed in this list have to be console exclusive to that console at this time. If announcements are made that make them on PS3/Xbox 360/Wii as well, remember this list was made before that. Another thing is that this list is on CONSOLE exclusive, meaning that the game can come to PC as well, but its still considered exclusive to the console. Finally, the games listed are what I think will be great games of 2008 and not the general public. So, if your game is missing, sorry. Alright lets get this started:


From the developers who brought us Goldeneye back in the N64 days and the guys behind my favorite series Timesplitters, what better game to look forward to playing than the one I wanted to playing right now? It is still unbelieveable to me that this game did not come out this year and recieved the almighty delay that many games suffered this year. However, I believe it was all for the better since it allowed many other games to shine. Still, 2008 and Playstation 3 will benefit from this game's release in the spring, and I sure know I'm ready to tear it up wit hthe game's four-player online co-op.

Killzone 2

Alright, I have my doubts about this title, seeing how I didn't really like the first, but I am sure the hype will build up for it soon enough and then, there I am, putting down the cash for it. My reason for why this game would probably be its look more than anything. I really like the first person shooters when a slightly dark nature and those that take themselves seriously. This one not only does that, but also looks to really have great amount of horsepower in the graphics engine. Lets just hope that Guerilla learned its lesson last generation and will think deeply about controls this time around.

Tekken 6

Tekken is one of those series that I have played and liked, but never bought a single entry to the series. Hopefully, that will change with this generation as I am pretty interesting in getting into thre series. Furthermore, the upcoming release of Tekken 6 looks to be pretty exciting, but one has to wonder if this series will take the Virtua Fighter dive and go 360 as well. Until that it is decided, consider me pumped for its release. Anyways, a good reason to watch this one is thanks to the simple yet complex fighting engine it features. I remeber enjoying the kiosks playing Tekken 2 at walmart all the time while waiting for my mom to finish shopping. Now I wan't to spend the cash on the full game for once.

Final Fantasy XIII

Sure, you didn't see this coming, what with the final fantasy character in my screennames and such. Yea, I never played Final Fantasy XII, yet owning a collector's edition copy of that title sure doesn't excuse that. Still, Playing Final Fantasy in HD is more than enough reason for me to pumped about this entry. Another good thing I like about this one is the already-coming sequel that sounds like it has Kingdom Hearts gameplay(sweet!). Anyways, I don't need to give reasons why this one is anticipated, but its always nice to put in a list of knowing games to get.

White Knight Story

From the guys who brought you the Dark Cloud series on the Playstation 2, comes yet another new IP from them. yes, Level 5 is usually making new IPs everytime I hear of a game from them, so its no suprise to see yet another one in the making. This one seems to boast amazing graphics, but more importantly, the game's gameplay elements look great. I can't wait to see more of the interesting title in the coming year. Anyways, a reason to anticipate this one comes from the track record of the developer. Sure, they make alot of new IPs, but man, are they awesome. White Knight looks to continue the trend, so I doubt it will disappoint.


Like anyone else, I was quite shocked to see that Sly Cooper wasn't on this developer's list of first things to get on the Playstation 3. However, I believe the move to get a fresh IP on a new system is probably a better choice. Sure, from what we have seen, the game doesn't really have a ton going for it besides being a more griddy version of Crackdown on 360, but whats so bad about that. The devs are taking a risk with this one, but I'm sure they have good plans to make this a keeper. Good idea to keep an eye on this upcoming 2008 sleeper hit.

Yakuza 3

Pretty much Grand Theft Auto: Japan, this series seems to be so well that its getting a third entry(second one is on Playstation 2). Seeing how I never played the first two, what makes me want this one? Well, I love how it is actually going back in time to when the Yakuza first started. I think this story will be really something to play, and the screenshots and gameplay of the game looks absolutely great. If anything, this will definitely top "Giant Crabs" Genji 2, but thats not much of a feat. This title also makes me wanna go out and get the first two, which i will probably end up doing soon...

Valkyrie of the Battlefield

A Japanese title, but one that seems to have an interesting take on Modern Combat games. I think my interest in this title comes from how its Japanese, but its going to playing like SOCOM and Medal of Honor, two American developed games. What else interests me is how the game seems to follow a strong anime look to it, making this one of the weirder titles to be hitting the system. Still, the 360 got Earth Defense Force 2017 last year, so I guess its the PS3's turn. besides, the way Japan does shooting games, I would expect this one to be insane...

Motorstorm 2

(no screenshots)

After being purchased by Sony, the developers of the original announced that they have plans for a sequel to this awesome new dirt-racing franchise. The sequel doesn't even have a trailer of screenshot as of yet, but i doubt this year will go by without seeing this one out the door. One major reason to jump aboard this train of anticipation would be that the developer had more time to add tracks and cars, possibably making this one a much longer event than the 7-9 hour experience you had with the original.

Resistance 2 (working title) or Ratchet and Clank Future 2(working title)

(no screenshots)

despite neither even being announced,either one will probably be one of Sony's big guns for Holiday 2008. And why shouldn't they be? This developer has been on a role with the Playsation 3's development, showcasing some of the greatest titles and outpreforming all of its competition on the console. I mean, look at the two top titles to buy on PS3: Ratchet and Clank Future and Resistance! There is no way a year will go by without some game from Insomniac games leading the the Playstation charge. Just no way...

Thats it for this list. Sorry for the roughness in writing, I was busy playing the Burnout Paradise demo on my Playstation 3 to focus on the writing. Next up is the Nintendo DS line-up!


Ten games to look forward to in 2008: Wii edition

Hey Everyone,

Welcome to part two of the five part blog entry about upcoming games in 2008. Once again, each entry will be on the five major consoles out right now. If your looking for Xbox 360, just check out the prior entry in my blog for 360 goodness. Now, For this entry, as the title implies, we are looking at the Nintendo Wii's 2008 line up and which titles you should be watching for release in 2008. This console also has a ton of eyes on it since it has been the biggest seller since its release, but one thing that keeps people wondering is "what kind of future does it have?" Thats what I'm hear to answer.

(note: following paragraph is going to be repeated every entry)

Ok before we start this list, here are some things to know about it. First, this list is in no certain order so don't think I listed this over this for some dumb reason. Second, the games listed in this list have to be console exclusive to that console at this time. If announcements are made that make them on PS3/Xbox 360/Wii as well, remember this list was made before that. Another thing is that this list is on CONSOLE exclusive, meaning that the game can come to PC as well, but its still considered exclusive to the console. Finally, the games listed are what I think will be great games of 2008 and not the general public. So, if your game is missing, sorry. Alright lest get this started:

Disaster: Day of Crisis

Developed by the guys behind the Xenosaga series, Disaster Day of Crisis hasn't really been spoken about except for the trinkle of gameplay trailers that have been shown off for the Japanese version's upcoming release. Besides that, the story isn't really known other than a who bunch of natural disasters happen in the game you play as the unlucky fellow dealing with them. From what I have seen, the game features some light gun moments for shooting segments, but also features action/adventure type gameplay, like the screenshot indicates up above. Anyways, The game looks to be going in a good direction and I'm really excited for this title since its a new IP from Nintendo itself.

Dragon Quest Swords:The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors

First Person sword action? Yea, that sounds like something that will take advantage of the wii's motion abilities. This one has seen development since the launch of the Nintendo Wii and its also behind Square Enix, so lets hope they hold it together and have a good amount of depth in the title. Still, the game in action so far looks really good and I can't wait to play it myself. Dragon Quest fans are no doubt anticipating this one, but it might attract non-fans with its colors and motion control. Unlike most of the titles this list will have, this one actually has a release date for the US, which is February. Man, is February 2008 gonna be a busy month...

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

...I mean, why would you even think of competing with the February Wii release? This game is probably the most anticipated game in the Wii roster of 2008. However, I am glad to see other games on the Wii taking it on. Not only is competition heatlhy for the gaming industry, it also gives people more games to buy on the system. Anyways, I won't talk too much about this one, because its a given why its on the list. I mean, its Super Smash Bros., the greatest all star fighter to ever hit a nintendo console, and its third entry is more than worth a purchase. If only they had a Legendary edition that came with four Wii remotes, four nunchucks, soundtrack CDs, and Mario's hat...

Final Fantasy Cyrstal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers

I might have been one of the few who geninuely like the original on the gamecube, but to hear that the sequel is coming to the Wii really got me pumped. The stroy in the new hasn't been really explained yet, but story was never a big thing in this Final Fantasy spin-off series. It was always more about working together with friends and finding all those cool elements that make this game tick. The new only has been shown with one trailer because the main focus is the Nintendo DS version, but I expect this one to be in our hands holiday 2008. All I hope is that they add more custiomization to the characters and they ditch the Gameboy connection crap(they could make this one do it with DSes) so that we can finally enjoy this amazing franchise flawlessly.

No More Heroes

This Grand Theft Auto with an anime twist looks really amazing in motion and the story is so adult-oriented that it builds anticipation for the title every time i see the name and trailers for it. This one has already been released in Japan, but for the US, its a 2008 title for sure. No More heroes looks to be one of the Killer 7 devs finest titles and with Wii remote action and an awesome bike to drive, I feel the rush. Oh yea, for those interested, this game has been censored a ton for Japan, but us yanks are getting all the blood, gore, and nudity. Finally, this one also has a February release date, which is getting on my nerves...Why February? how about March or April? I know its out in other countries, but don't release in the states in an already busy month...

Harvest Moon Wii(Working Title)

Being somewhat of a fan of the Harvest Moon franchise, I can't wait to try out the new Wii entry to the series, especially since it has motion control for the tools and such. However, I don't look forward to milking a cow...anyways, the game is something to look forward to since it might pretty interesting what the developers do for this entry when it comes to tool use. The game should be out the door around the middle of 2008, which will be pleasant for the summer and also for that long wait until they announce Animal Forest 4(Animal Crossing 3 in America) for the Wii.

Mario Kart Wii(Working Title)

What would a nintendo system be these days if it didn't have an entry to the Mario Kart franchise? Well, the Wii isn't being left out with the new Mario Kart coming out next year with an add-on accessory wheel for the Wii remote. While that add-on will probably end up being just like Ubisoft's own sterring wheel accessory that comes withtwo different Wii launch titles, one has to wonder what will be new in the Mario Kart series this round. From the look of it, the characters are back to racing alone and it also looks like the they got brand new wheels that add some new to the series. One thing I noticed was that Princess Peach was racing with a motorcycle, showing that not all characters will be racing with cars and karts. Either way, everyone who bought the last entries will surely put the money down for this one. Hey, its online by the way so...grab it...

Samba De Amigo

Seeing how i never played the original, I'm pretty interested in his return debut for the Nintendo Wii with new graphics, probably new songs, and no extra accessories like marcas(sp?). I don't know if this is a remake of the original or not, nor does it really matter however since the original wasn't really picked up by a ton of people. I say its Wii exclusive since its not coming out for the Playstation 2 or something and it feels like a sequel to have reworking. Either way you look at it, its something to look forward to in to 2008 it. Everybody mambo!

Star Fox Wii(Working Title)

(no screenshots)

This one is more of rumor then being announced, but it is rumored to be announced as a 2008 title for the Wii, so I will throw it in because a Star Fox game would be awesome on the Wii. Sure, I'm not a big fan of the Star Fox series, but i do like Air combat and the Wii does have the prefect control scheme for sure a thing. Lets hope the next big nintendo press conference shows off this and Animal Crossing so we really got games to look forward to in 2008.

Project O (working title)(King Story in Japan)

Not much is known about this other than the fact that it borrows elements from Harvest Moon, which is good enough for me. Project O doesn't have any solid release for 2008 but i do hope comes out since it really looks awesome and will be cool to play an RTS type game where you play as a normal kid who found a crown and now you are in charge of building up said town and defnding it against monsters...kinda sounds like Dark Cloud, but either way, it sounds good.

Thats it for the Wii games, next up is the Playsation 3 line-up!


Ten games to look forward to in 2008: Xbox 360 edition

Hello everyone,

I will be writting up five blog posts about upcoming games in 2008. Each one will be on the different consoles that can make up this list, which would be Xbox 360, Wii, DS, PS3, and PSP. I decided to start with the Xbox 360 since I have been hearing a few "what now?" questions since Halo 3 has come out.

Ok before we start this list, here are some things to know about it. First, this list is in no certain order so don't think I listed this over this for some dumb reason. Second, the games listed in this list have to be console exclusive to that console at this time. If announcements are made that make them on PS3/Xbox 360/Wii as well, remember this list was made before that. Another thing is that this list is on CONSOLE exclusive, meaning that the game can come to PC as well, but its still considered exclusive to the console. Finally, the games listed are what I think will be great games of 2008 and not the general public. So, if your game is missing, sorry. Alright lest get this started:

Fable 2

Following the great Xbox Original title, Fable 2 looks to live up to some of the elements that the first one was supposed to have in it. Probably my favorite element about this upcoming title is the dog that they are throwing in the game. The demo video of the dog was probably one of the most interesting and emotional videos I have seen. I mean, that dog's willingness to follow you til the end of the earth was just amazing and it use in combat and everything else it can do was so awesome to see. I also like some of the upcoming elements like the combat staying the same and the way you can take over all the cities. Finally, I am happy to see they finally added the ability to play as a girl and they even said she can get pregnant, which will be interesting to see when that element comes to gameplay as a warrior. Lots of reasons I can't wait for this to come out for the Xbox 360, and its something everyone should keep an eye on.

Gears of War 2(working title)

(no screenshots)

Gears of War was a pretty sweet game back in 2006, with an interesting yet short single player and a multiplayer that hooked millions of Xbox 360 users. So, how about a sequel to the series with a new story and more multiplayer goodness? Gears of War 2 was announced back in the beginning of 2007, but nothing about the game has been shown since its announcement. However, i think that will soon change nowthat Unreal Tournament 3 is out the gate. Gears of War 2 will finally gets shown off by Epic at one of these conferences and the return of CliffyB to the audience of the Xbox 360 will be warmly greeted by the fans.

Ninja Gaiden 2

I sucked at Ninja Gaiden on the Xbox, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to play its upcoming sequel on the Xbox 360. The game's gore and blood really draws me back into the series and it actually might make me spend the cash on Ninja Gaiden Sigma on the Playstation 3 so I can enjoy the new entry with more knowledge on the franchise. There is plenty of reasons to look forward to this title and I shouldn't have to list them. However, I know this won't be on everyone's list for games thanks to the original's unbelieveable difficulty, However the developer promises that this will be slightly toned down so it can have a wider audience. Hardcore fans? don't worry, the famed developer will probably will toss in a impossible difficulty mode that only 2 people can beat, instead of 5.

Alan Wake

Now here is a game I'm actually interesting in seeing what type of future this title has. The game has always been a 2008 release, making its upcoming release even more exciting. The one thing I can't wait to see is what the game really looks like. Sure we see footage of the game once and a while, but we never see what the game is really like, such as an HUD or something. Alan Wake, if anything, does have an interesting storyline. From what I understand, Mr. Wake is a thriller novelist who has recently been seeing the villians or events he created come to life around him, or something like that. Either way, this sounds like an interesting title to give me a chill in 2008.

Banjo Kazooie 3(working title)

This one is easy to understand for me. I loved Banjo and Kazooie back in the Nintendo 64 days, and to see that they are finally on the way back to the console is more exciting news for me. The game still doesn't have a date, but I can venture a guess that seeing how 2007 saw no Xbox 360 Rareware titles, Banjo is on its way for a holiday 2008 release. From what I can guess of the small teaser for the game, Banjo and kazooie have recieved makeovers for there return, but its not something I am totally with since they look all boxy. Still, its going to be a great series for the 360 generation, especially since we haven't really seen any major platformers on the 360 yet.

Halo Wars

What would the Xbox be without its flagship series having some type of entry, eh? sure, this one comes in really soon compared to the FPS genre of the franchise, but thats the FPS version, isn't it? Ensemble studios looks to make this game work perfectly on the Xbox 360 and wants to prove that RTS games can work on consoles. So far, they have had EA proving this tale all on there own with the LOTR: BFMEII and C&C3, but Ensemble wants to make halo Wars even better on controls than those two ever were. The title should be out in time for the holidays so expect to be commanding squads of Warthogs and Master Chiefs while singing "silver bells" next year. I know I will...


Sure, its a long shot, but what better game to look forward to for a 2008 release than Huxley? This MMOFPS looks absolutely gorgeous and and the combat looks pretty amazing, too. The details on how the whole game works is pretty amazing too, with cities being the hubs and the FPS/RPG system having interesting twists. The promise of having cross-platform gaming with PC gamers makes this shooter even more worth a look, but lets just hope it sees the light of day in 2008.(note: Huxley has been rumored for Playstation 3, but has not been announced for the system as of this writing)

Infinite Undiscovery

Square Enix promised to be fair to all consoles, and what better way to be fair than to have a 360 exclusive new IP? Infinite Undiscovery looks to be shaping up to a great new franchise for the Square Enix boys, with the J-RPG elements looking amazing. The game really hasn't had a great amount of detail explained about it yet, but the trailers shown for the title look impressive. I have been interested in the game since its announcement since I always wanted to play Square titles on the Xbox platform and now it seems my wish has come true. Lets hope this one isn't a dud, but I would recommend keeping an eye on it.

Lost Odyessy

Probably the most well known 2008 title for the Xbox 360 is Lost Odyessy. We have seen many trailers for this game and also have heard what its all about. The main character is what draws me to this game the most since its about a guy who can't die and his friend who also can't die. Something tells me the story will revolve around finding out that some guy figured out how to kill the immortals, and thats where it will go. Or it will be more emotional and the story will revolve around the how he sees all the people in his life die as he lives on.

Left 4 Dead

With Orange box finally out of the way, Valve can turn its attention to getting Left 4 Dead out the door. The games interesting design is what attracts me the most to the title because the enemies don't have predictable spawn areas. Thats right, the zombies of the title will chosen at random so you could end up fighting a whole bunch of really evolved zombies or a pack of weak ones. However Valve ensures the gamers that they are twicking this one until release to make sure you don't get screwed over with the random spawn engine too much. Either way, the idea of me and three friends fighting off packs of zombies together makes this more than worth it. (note: the game has only been announced for Xbox 360 and PC at the moment, but it has been rumored to get a Playstation 3 release. Again, no such announcement before this writing.)

Well, thats it for Xbox 360, check back tomorrow for Nintendo Wii!


Pics of recent purchases #1: post-thanksgiving special

Hey Everyone,

Instead of just looking up pictures of games on the web to show off what I recently got, I decided to be more "personal" and just take pictures of them myself! the pictures I take will all be uploaded to my gamespot image section tab so feel free to check out the backlog when I get to more pictures.So here is the stuff:

Meet the Robinsons on Xbox 360

Bionicle Heroes on Xbox 360

Super Mario Galaxy on Nintendo Wii

Assassin's Creed on Xbox 360

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End for Nintendo DS/w Wal-mart exclusive Pirate stylus

Sorry for the quality of the pictures but the only digital camera my family has is being used for Ebay purposes now, but I had a video camera avaliable with a snapshot option so I used that. look forward to better pictures when i get a better digital camera...



Xbox 360 two years later(same launch unit, no repairs)

Hey Everyone!

I decided to write this blog entry about the Xbox 360 and its two-year anniversary since its United States launch day. I mean, the Playstation 3 and and the Nintendo Wii are celebrating their first complete years since their US launch. However, the Xbox 360 launch is more important for the this sole reason: My Xbox 360 has survived TWO YEARS WITH NO REPAIRS! Thats right, My Xbox 360 has never seen the Red Rings of Death and has also never been sent the Xbox 360 repair shop.While thats good enough reason to make a blog about it, I thought I would also show off some more cheer for my Xbox 360 by giving some stats on the system, showing what games/movies/music have my Xbox 360 played:

- Xbox 360 games[ones in bold with pictures(click to enlarge) are favorites]:

-Final Fantasy XI BETA

-Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend

-Dynasty Warriors 5: Empires

-Peter Jackson's King Kong


-Hitman: Blood Money

-Ninety-Nine Nights

-Superman Returns

-Kameo: Elements of Power

-History Channel Presents: Civil War

-Cabela's African Safari

-Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII

-Open Season

-Battlefield 2: Modern Combat

-Test Drive: Unlimited

-Viva Pinata


-Enchanted Arms

-Perfect Dark Zero

-Call of Duty 2

-Call of Duty 3

-Dead Rising

-Earth Defense Force 2017

-X-men: The Official Game


-Rumble Roses XX

-Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End


-Saint's Row



-Halo 3 BETA

-Fusion Frenzy 2

-Rainbow Six: Vegas

-Burnout Revenge

-Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter

-Just Cause


-The Outfit


-Dead or Alive Xtreme 2

-Two Worlds

-Call of Duty 4 BETA

-Gears of War

-The Godfather: The Game

-The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

-The Orange Box

-Condemned Criminal Origins

-Meet The Robinsons

-Bionicle Heroes


-Halo 3

-Assassin's Creed

Other Stats:

800+ DVDs played on this 360

200+ Trailers for upcoming games/movies played

over 100 demos played

Longest time Xbox 360 was left on: six days

Number of Red Rings of Death: None

Number of Overheating: twice (Perfect Dark Zero for first time;was at the end of the six days)

Number of Freezing: 6 times (3 for Oblivion and 3 for Two Worlds)

Estimated Number of hours the system has been used: 2,000+ hours

Date of Purchase: November 22, 2005


Thats it! I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving(for those celebrating) and thanks for reading!



The 250th blog

Hello everyone and welcome to my 250th blog entry here on Gamespot. I finally made it to this point, not realizing that I passed 200 so long ago. Anyways, my entires have slowed down over the summer, with more games to play then to talk about it seems. I am supremely happy to report that, because I would rather be gaming then blogging anyday. Does that mean anything? no, it doesn't. Anyways, Lets get on to news about my gaming life:

To start, if you take a look at my collection of games, you will see a change and that change would be that about 35 games have been removed. This means that I have put 35 games on ebay! Yes, I sell games, but they are games that I won't miss anymore... like Super Monkey Ball(I didn't like it on the Wii), The only two Splinter Cells I had, Burnout 2(all the cars from this one are constantly put in the new ones...), Resident Evil 4 for Gamecube(got the Wii version), The GTAs I had left for console(I'm getting San Andreas for PC soon), and many more... I will miss all of the games(except the Wrestlying games), but its time to look forward to new titles on my consoles I spend over 3,000 dollars on(the three consoles, a 37" 720p HDTV, cords, extra controllers, etc.).

As for other news, I have started to play my Playstation 3 much more. Actually, I haven't touched my Xbox 360 since thrusday. Of course, it may be because I have The Darkness, Full Auto 2, and Motorstorm to finish? I decided to play those for a while, hoping to get them done. While playing my PS3, I noticed that the controller still suffers from that "disconnection" issue. If your not aware of it, it is when the the controller loses connection to the Playstation 3 for about 3-5 seconds, and your character ends up either running into a while(The Darkness), driving into a wall(motorstorm), or losing balance(Uncharted). No, its not the Playstation 3, its the bluetooth tech's faulty connections when other wireless devices are present (like my wireless router below it). Thankfully, its not frequent at all so it doesn't ruin the experience entirely, just when it happens...

Besides that, I wrote a review on Bad Day LA, check it out and recommend(or not) it for me:

Bad Day LA Review(Score 2.5/10.0)

Thats it for this entry. May I see a 300th blog sooner then later, and may the gaming industry march on...

Thanks for reading,


Gamer since 1987

EDIT: A side note here...I'm not complaining in that PS3 section, just bringing up an old issue I had with the PS3. I mainly brought it up too see if any other users get this issue?

Half Life 2 completed, revised Now Playing List, and Xmas list...

Hey everyone!

Been a while since the last blog entry, but I can happily report that the reason why is because I could not stop playing HALF LIFE 2! I finished the game up about 2 nights ago now, along with Episodes 1 and 2. Half Life 2 completely blew me away with its amazing psychics engine that completely trumps what Halo has to offer. Valve really knows what they are doing with their engine, and the gravity gun is probably the most powerful tool in gaming history! The Episodes were also a real treat to play, with some creative gameplay moments and Episode 2's drama playing an amazing role. All of this leads to the third stop in the game, and probably the most cliffhanging moment in the series...can't wait for HL2: Episode 3!!

In other news, I revised my Now Playing list to reflect some games I am hard at work on now. The first thing you will notice is that the Orange Box is off the list. The reason for this is that, while I will still play TF2 once and a while, I am not getting into Portal until December. My reason for this is so I can have a small game to play before the holiday gaming sessions start, like Blazing Angels was for Xmas 2006. The two new additions to the list are Ratchet and Clank for Playstation 2 and Marathon: Durandal for the Xbox 360 Arcade.Both games I look forward to finishing...

Now for SoralinkGS's Christmas List of 2007! Please remember that these games are requested, but are not garunteed to be picked on Christmas day. Also, some hit games missing from the list are to purchased outside of the holidays (such as Assassin's Creed LE on Launch day). Let's Start!

Xbox 360

-Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

-Mass Effect

-Tomb Raider: Anniversary Edition

Playstation 3

- Haze

-Time Crisis 4

-Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Nintendo Wii

- Super Mario Galaxy

- Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles

- Medal of Honor: Heroes 2

- Battalion Wars 2

Nintendo DS

- Limited Edition Gold Nintendo DS Lite bundled with Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

What do you think(and don't mention any games missing, because, once again, I am buying a few in november on my own!)



The Orange Box

Hey everyone!

It has been a week since a did a blog so I thought I would write one up for some entertainment. Anyways, I got The Orange Box for Xbox 360 this week, making it my first time purchasing Half Life 2. Hey, its probably the best way to purchase it anyways, seeing how its has its two episodes and two brand new titles packed in with it. If you don't know what I mean, may i suggest you go back to the main page of this website, click on one of the many stories about The Orange Box, and read that? Anyways, here is some pictures of the game:

Anyways, the game is pretty amazing, considering how let down I was about Half Life 1. I mean, Half Life 2 is considerably better than its predecessor. I remember how I played Half Life for the first time on Playstation 2 back when it was released. This was before I even heard of the little game called "Halo." I went into it, expecting something amazing compared to my experience on a game I had gotten prior to it, that being the firsty entry to the Timesplitters series. Anyways, I jumped into the game excited. what I found was an interesting story...only to fall apart by the fact that the action is slow crawl in the beginning. Sure, it picked up, but I wasn't impressed by what it picked up to become. The story continued to evolve, and I wasn't impressed by what occured in the combat part. Anyways, this brings us back to Half Life 2 and how impressive it is. The game really shows some innovative designs, from the gravity gun to the remarkable physics engine. One thing that really catches my eye is the attachment to the characters I'm creating as I play. This game makes me feel ishould go back and play HL and its expansions, which I still own all of them, just to experience the storyline. Moving along, Here are some cheap PC titles I picked up today:

I have only been able to play Bad Day LA so far, and I have to say the rating for it seems somewhat deserved since it really ins't that great of a game. However, I found it quite humorous with very cliche attitudes the characters possess. More on that title later. The other two were mere pick ups because they looked interesting. I hope you enjoy these pictures.

Besides that, I'm hoping to getting back into blogging soon. The trouble is, I never have the typing energy to do so, with so many papers to type up almost every week. I hope to come back and make some more entries starting now, but i doubt it may happen.

Until then, Peace


Halo 3 and Two Worlds reviewed, Sin and Punishment is amazing

Hey everyone,

I finished the fight, made a map, played around with a ton of MP stuff, and look at everything on the bonus disks. Here's the review:

Halo 3: Legendary Edition Review

Another review to look at is Two Worlds. After 25+ hours, here it is:

Two Worlds Review

In other news, I picked up a bunch of games for the Wii this weekend:

Yes! Sin and Punishment is finally out in America! This game is amazing and I love it so far. thats pretty much it since the reviews should take up most of your time for this entry.



Halo 3 Legendary Pictures

Does the title need to say more? I think not. Short and sweet, here are the pictures:

expect another Halo 3 session, with the controllers, game, and when it finally arrives, the Halo 3 headset.



Playing Halo 3 exclusively until he finishes the fight.