Hey Everyone,
Welcome to the third entry of this five part series about games coming out in 2008. This one will be the last one for consoles as we will move onto handheld titles to pick up starting saturday. I would put one up tomorrow, but i have a ton of things going on from waking up early to going to work most of the day, i doubt I will get around to it, so I'm just gonna skip doing on tomorrow. Anyways, this entry is all about Playstation 3 and what offerings it will have for us in the new year. before I start this whole event, I am going to note something that will answer a question later on: Where is Metal Gear Solid 4 and God of War III? Well, if you read the instructions, you would see that this is MY list of games I am anticipating, and those two don't come to mind when I think of games I want to play next year. Nothing against them, but not everyone who owns a playstation must like those series, like everyone that owns an Xbox doesn't have to like Halo or in Nintendo's case, has to love Mario or Zelda.
(note: following paragraph is going to be repeated every entry)
Ok before we start this list, here are some things to know about it. First, this list is in no certain order so don't think I listed this over this for some dumb reason. Second, the games listed in this list have to be console exclusive to that console at this time. If announcements are made that make them on PS3/Xbox 360/Wii as well, remember this list was made before that. Another thing is that this list is on CONSOLE exclusive, meaning that the game can come to PC as well, but its still considered exclusive to the console. Finally, the games listed are what I think will be great games of 2008 and not the general public. So, if your game is missing, sorry. Alright lets get this started:
From the developers who brought us Goldeneye back in the N64 days and the guys behind my favorite series Timesplitters, what better game to look forward to playing than the one I wanted to playing right now? It is still unbelieveable to me that this game did not come out this year and recieved the almighty delay that many games suffered this year. However, I believe it was all for the better since it allowed many other games to shine. Still, 2008 and Playstation 3 will benefit from this game's release in the spring, and I sure know I'm ready to tear it up wit hthe game's four-player online co-op.
Killzone 2
Alright, I have my doubts about this title, seeing how I didn't really like the first, but I am sure the hype will build up for it soon enough and then, there I am, putting down the cash for it. My reason for why this game would probably be its look more than anything. I really like the first person shooters when a slightly dark nature and those that take themselves seriously. This one not only does that, but also looks to really have great amount of horsepower in the graphics engine. Lets just hope that Guerilla learned its lesson last generation and will think deeply about controls this time around.
Tekken 6
Tekken is one of those series that I have played and liked, but never bought a single entry to the series. Hopefully, that will change with this generation as I am pretty interesting in getting into thre series. Furthermore, the upcoming release of Tekken 6 looks to be pretty exciting, but one has to wonder if this series will take the Virtua Fighter dive and go 360 as well. Until that it is decided, consider me pumped for its release. Anyways, a good reason to watch this one is thanks to the simple yet complex fighting engine it features. I remeber enjoying the kiosks playing Tekken 2 at walmart all the time while waiting for my mom to finish shopping. Now I wan't to spend the cash on the full game for once.
Final Fantasy XIII
Sure, you didn't see this coming, what with the final fantasy character in my screennames and such. Yea, I never played Final Fantasy XII, yet owning a collector's edition copy of that title sure doesn't excuse that. Still, Playing Final Fantasy in HD is more than enough reason for me to pumped about this entry. Another good thing I like about this one is the already-coming sequel that sounds like it has Kingdom Hearts gameplay(sweet!). Anyways, I don't need to give reasons why this one is anticipated, but its always nice to put in a list of knowing games to get.
White Knight Story
From the guys who brought you the Dark Cloud series on the Playstation 2, comes yet another new IP from them. yes, Level 5 is usually making new IPs everytime I hear of a game from them, so its no suprise to see yet another one in the making. This one seems to boast amazing graphics, but more importantly, the game's gameplay elements look great. I can't wait to see more of the interesting title in the coming year. Anyways, a reason to anticipate this one comes from the track record of the developer. Sure, they make alot of new IPs, but man, are they awesome. White Knight looks to continue the trend, so I doubt it will disappoint.
Like anyone else, I was quite shocked to see that Sly Cooper wasn't on this developer's list of first things to get on the Playstation 3. However, I believe the move to get a fresh IP on a new system is probably a better choice. Sure, from what we have seen, the game doesn't really have a ton going for it besides being a more griddy version of Crackdown on 360, but whats so bad about that. The devs are taking a risk with this one, but I'm sure they have good plans to make this a keeper. Good idea to keep an eye on this upcoming 2008 sleeper hit.
Yakuza 3
Pretty much Grand Theft Auto: Japan, this series seems to be so well that its getting a third entry(second one is on Playstation 2). Seeing how I never played the first two, what makes me want this one? Well, I love how it is actually going back in time to when the Yakuza first started. I think this story will be really something to play, and the screenshots and gameplay of the game looks absolutely great. If anything, this will definitely top "Giant Crabs" Genji 2, but thats not much of a feat. This title also makes me wanna go out and get the first two, which i will probably end up doing soon...
Valkyrie of the Battlefield
A Japanese title, but one that seems to have an interesting take on Modern Combat games. I think my interest in this title comes from how its Japanese, but its going to playing like SOCOM and Medal of Honor, two American developed games. What else interests me is how the game seems to follow a strong anime look to it, making this one of the weirder titles to be hitting the system. Still, the 360 got Earth Defense Force 2017 last year, so I guess its the PS3's turn. besides, the way Japan does shooting games, I would expect this one to be insane...
Motorstorm 2
(no screenshots)
After being purchased by Sony, the developers of the original announced that they have plans for a sequel to this awesome new dirt-racing franchise. The sequel doesn't even have a trailer of screenshot as of yet, but i doubt this year will go by without seeing this one out the door. One major reason to jump aboard this train of anticipation would be that the developer had more time to add tracks and cars, possibably making this one a much longer event than the 7-9 hour experience you had with the original.
Resistance 2 (working title) or Ratchet and Clank Future 2(working title)
(no screenshots)
despite neither even being announced,either one will probably be one of Sony's big guns for Holiday 2008. And why shouldn't they be? This developer has been on a role with the Playsation 3's development, showcasing some of the greatest titles and outpreforming all of its competition on the console. I mean, look at the two top titles to buy on PS3: Ratchet and Clank Future and Resistance! There is no way a year will go by without some game from Insomniac games leading the the Playstation charge. Just no way...
Thats it for this list. Sorry for the roughness in writing, I was busy playing the Burnout Paradise demo on my Playstation 3 to focus on the writing. Next up is the Nintendo DS line-up!
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