Why the **** does everyone think sniper elite is a good game? It's a one trick pony where you play through linear levels and get to witness the same xray sniper executions. Over, and over, and OVER AGAIN! ****! And people complain about cod...
If the battery is decent at moderate to peak performance it would be something to consider. I like android simply because it's Linux-based and open source.
Annndd this is why I'm not buying the new Xbox! If they made live free in exchange for advertising that would be one thing. But M$oft just continues to get greedier. Expect the same kind of privacy invasion on your smartphone and watch what kind apps you download.
The only unlock that pissed me off was the Jet. You started off with nothing but a machine gin and I ended up having to carefully drive the jet into a flag capture zone to unlock the missiles. It's hard to hit anything with the machine guns!
I'm not surprised here. My understanding is that the compromise with open-world games is that you have to make slight graphical cuts so that things run smoothly. Example: (Linear) Call of Duty Games: 30fps/ (Open-World) BF3+4: 60 frames.
Give it a couple years, I didn't really notice any significant graphical improvements to the 360 or ps3 until developers had some time to pump out more games in the years following each console release.
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