Steam Box U? Haha seriously though... I kind of like the design. Gaming is evolving into something outside of the conventional start/select A/B controller scheme. Might as well right? As long and Sony and Microsoft are doing it?
Why would they knock the Wii U? They've already invested in Nintendo's technology and now they will do and say whatever it takes to protect it. That's why all of the Microsoft press releases about the Xbox One are fucking pointless! Do you really think a corporation will admit when it's wrong!?
OK, so do I have this right? You can chain together A PS4 into a XBONE and then into the TV so that you can run the two simultaneously? I'm kind of confused.
It's almost toxic to still be debating this issue when all the evidence points to "no". Social issues and mental health are the REAL culprits amidst all these mass shooting sprees. Among 35 developed countries, just after Romania, the United States ranks 2nd in child poverty! Student loans doubled last July! People still don't have healthcare! People still can't find employment! And we have access to guns! Let's see...what happens when you add all those together?You basically get a nation of poor, uneducated, sick people with access to guns! But **** it! Let's just blame Grand Theft Auto! How convenient!
Yeah and I didn't buy that one when it came out either. I am not brand loyal. The reason the PS3 was so expensive when it came out was because of the newly released blu ray technology. The XBONE is more expensive because of the Kinect.
I think M$oft is just pissed because for the first time people are defending themselves against an unfairly priced console. M$oft has some nerve for pointing the gun at consumers and blaming them for their negative criticism instead of stopping and asking themsleves "what did we do to disappoint our consumer fanbase!?". Seriously, M$oft at one time was too cheap to even include a headset with the console package! It's like they have this idea that if they put a $500 sticker on a pile of dog crap, the customer should stopping bitching and "Deal With It"!
How many other fps with strong competitive multiplayer can you even think of!? Halo? Battlefield? Counterstrike? There really aren't that many with a strong fan base.
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