This is a blog about a game.
A game called Gears of War 2.
Now yesterday was a weird day for me. One, turning up for work 2 hours late, but two, being sent home early( not from being useless, just lack of stuff to do :P ). So I did the rarest of things, and visited a friend, one whom I hadnt seen in a while. One who had recently purchased Gears of War 2.
Now I'm no hype monkey, but I definately cast an approving eye over GOW2 when it was being demoed at all the trade shows. Now from playing it( and reaching Act 5, Chapter 1 no less... before I had to sleep :lol: ) I have two frames of mind.
1. More of the same
Naturally, a game like this is going to have a training mission, for the uninitiated. Fair enough, it took me 5 mins to reacquaint myself with the controls, but before I knew it I was ducking for cover, chainsawing dudes and curb stomping left, right and centre. The gameplay mechanics definately felt smoother and more refined, but only after the sense that the rougher edges where taken off the first incarnation. It felt natural, and good. No complaints.
2. More of alot more
Theres alot of depth in this game. It took me up until getting to, say, Act 4 to realise this, but there is plenty going on here. Some stuff is easy to relate to, other bits left me with some headscratching, but either way I was hooked. The story is, for all intents and purposes, top notch, with many layers left to dig through in the (inevitable) third part. The new guns, the new enemies, the new support characters, nothing seems shoehorned in, all seem to belong in this enthralling universe. Its definately visually comparitive to the original GOW, until you look a little further to the horizon, or a little closer to your surroundings. Everything has been taken up a level, Epic Games have not skimped on giving us a true sequel, instead of going for the cash cow that others unfortunately have done in the past.
The only thing I will say... Gears Veterans, do NOT play this on Normal Difficulty. Go straight for Hardcore. I did find myself thinking " Well, here come another bunch of dudes running straight at me, ready for serving up on a Locust Carvery". A little too easy in places. But I'm sure that'll change in the difficulty settings.
I look forward to the day when I can own this myself :)
Dean :)
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