So, Giant Bomb became part of the CBSi family.
Then we get a code for an Annual Total Access membership..
So. hello again, newly found family members of old
So, Giant Bomb became part of the CBSi family.
Then we get a code for an Annual Total Access membership..
So. hello again, newly found family members of old
At least for you normal "people".
Now comes the time where the folks dedicated to writing about all the stuff they showed in the conferences and on the show floor have to spend a lot of time writing about what they saw and what better time to do that then right now where there's no games worth mentioning coming out unless of course your brain is still numb after your coke-fiend of a mother, who also was an alcoholic, gave birth to you. Oh you are one of those idiots? Well, Duke Nukem Forever is out and it's just as terrible as Duke Nukem 3D. Not as terrible as the first duke nukem though, that game was awesome.
But did I really expect anything else?
Hell no, of course I didn't, that game has been hyped soo much for no reason at all aside from giving those prepubescent idiots a stiffy for the second time in their pathetic lives.
"What do you mean "second time" ?"
When you we born! you saw .. well your coke-fiend mothers fish smelling batcave entrance.
The game is sooo terrible and the only reason people were excited for that POS was not because of the game that i was or was going to be (duke can't even hold more than two weapons, what a failure). No, the exciting thing about the game is the story behind the failure, what happened to the dang game for all those years?
That's the fun part to talk about, yet none of the previous morons working on the game were kind enough to do interviews wich says more than enough.
So enjoy mediocrity, you asked for it kids
So none of you know this but some days ago I decided to hop back in time(well, kinda) and play through The Witcher because I had The Witcher 2 all pre-ordered and all that money costing stuff. So I did and while playing I suddenly felt something I hadn't felt it many years, a feeling so great that you know it doesn't happen often when you're playing a game. The feeling I'm talking about is of course the feeling that you're playing some super amazing game. The last time I felt that I was playing The Witcher and then The Witcher decided to make me feel like that again.
The Witcher is by far my favorite game of all time since it's and RPG that actually plays like, you know, a freaking RPG.
Sure it might not be for everyone but that's what it's called an opinion, you know those things people forget that you can have on the internet and instead of just accepting it some people begin to whine and moan like they were little girls who's uncle stopped by to visit and he brought a present.
Except the visit was at night when you(the girl you're acting like) was sleeping and the uncle had a ton to drink and you woke up because you suddenly got the tiny hint of alcohol in the air because, oh no, uncle is on top of you breathing and the gift is rape. That's how you sound like when you whine and moan.
So I played through The Witcher and had one hell of a blast and then fired up The Witcher 2: Assassin's of Kings and started playing that instantly admitting that it's the best looking RPG out there so far (and for a while probably) and then the freaking feeling came back, the feeling I talked about before was back and in full force. Witcher 2 is as good if not better than the first one in every aspect of the word "good" or any other word that might mean the same thing. Of course, insane as I am I hop into the game on Insane difficulty and find out that it's amazingly hard but in a way that makes me feel good about the combat (Combat was better in the first game though) since you have to prepare for the bigger fights by really using your alchemy and drinking the right potions before the battle. Making the traps, setting traps is good too!
You had to do a lot of that in the first one too but the difficulty wasn't really anything worth breaking a sweat over in that game. So in less than two weeks I ploughed through The Witcher and The Witcher 2 and all that just to play them both again just to go through them both twice. So next weekend will be fun.
That's just me rambling.
Not really a review or anything, just me saying that, game's good
What the hell is going on with you people?
Any news, I'm back online and installing new stuff and PC stuff and stuff.. and more stuff.
Lord, something else will be written in another blog.
So here I am, at work, trying to get something done.
My brain has suddenly decided to say "NO! NO MORE! YOU'RE TIRED!". I blame the weekend party though.
I invited some folks over to my house on Friday to hang out and and party hard! YEAH!
That was a bad idea, since it was planned as an "All-Weekend-Party" meaning Friday to Monday (Sunday is part of the weekend too) and what that means is that the party has to end Monday morning. As the smart people will have figured out by now, me being in Denmark and all that, that means the party ended Today. It's 10:24 am here right now and the party ended at 5:30am, which meant I had 30 minutes to get some food in and get a shower and then I was off to work.
So why was it a dumb time to host a party, you might ask.
Well the answer to that question is pretty damn simple.
I had forgotten all about the release of Alan Wake last Friday, so Tuesday was the day I sent the invites to the right people.
Friday I decided to stop by Gamestop and get Alan Wake so that's what I did.
I knew it was gonna be there, even if I hadn't pre-ordered it, still got the limited edition thingy and pre-order bonuses, which is always a good thing about going to my Gamestop (BUT IT'S EVIL!)..
So while I could have been playing Alan Wake all weekend, I decided to throw a party instead.
Was it worth it? Hell no, I could have people over every day if I wanted to.
So screw you "young people" and you're lust for parties, you made me lose a bunch of gaming time!
Oh well, back to work, then home and play some more Alan Wake and then, Red Dead Redemption on Friday!
It's ze end of ze world!
Edit: Also, R.I.P Ronnie James Dio
I heard that question asked about me behind my back!
The woman was standing behind me and whispering it to her boyfriend thingy who nodded at me in a "nice job" kind of way.
Now you might wonder why she did it, especially since it doesn't make any sense right now because I haven't said what I did. So maybe I should tell everyone who still reads these things of mine what I did that was apparantly "crazy" in some random womans mind. I bought myself another Xbox360 because I felt like I wanted one seeing as there are some pretty decent people I wanna play with online and also there are some pretty cool exclusives(for now) titles coming out on it.. But what does one need when he or she buys a new console? Games. This leads us to the "crazy" part of my time at the store, i bought 7 games along with console. But I had just gotten paid the day before my purchase so I had to grab som DS, PSP, PS3, PS2 and PC games too, so that's exactly what I did. The clerk (a friend) looked all confused when I walked up to him with 7 Xbox 360 games, 12 PS2, 4 DS games and 8 PSP games but then he just started laughing and said "another one of those days, huh?". As he was standing there, expecting a super friendly reply I said: "Silence Mortal! I demand that you use your little beepy thing and beep in my purchases now!". We both had a smirk on our faces as he went on about his business and I pointed at him and laughed and yelled "HAH! I made you do it!" .. Guy behind me started laughing and that's when his girlfriend said "My god! Is he crazy? First he grabs a bunch of stuff and then he bosses the guy around." .. I then turned to said woman and said "It's his job, if he did it right he would be able to purchase just as much stuff as I have". Then she wanted to start an argument with me going on and on about how I should treat people, that I don't know, better, yada yada yada yada.. I then said " "You're correct" I then turned to the clerk and said "I'm so sorry, Mike Jensen(his name) who lives to houses away from me. I hope to see you later for some gaming when you get off work".. And that's when I left, while the guy previously behind me bursted in to a laughing fit and his girlfriend shutting up real fast..
Now what's the moral of this story?
I bought a 360 and a lot of games, you should do the same, and add SoundlessComic on XboxLive!
Oh yeah, and use your money, if not you're destroying the economy!
The world needs money to go around, if we're not using money, there'll be no shops left, no internet.
If you wanna add me on XboxLive
Now, I have to get some food ready, play some games and get ready for a long weekend of Anime Convention, thingies!
Work Work
This site has chaaanged a lot.
Yeah, I haven't been here in a long time it seems(pfft "it seems").
So here's a short story on why that might be.
I've been using Giantbomb way mor than Gamespot and I've had a ton of fun over there for as long as that thing has been around. That means, I've been there since day one and what an awesome time that's been so far. The community there is not as nazi-strict at this over here but I guess nazis have a place in life to, especially when they cater to a younger audience.
The thing I really enjoy about Giantbomb(It's a website, about video games) are, as I've said, the community but the thing I'm really there for the (awesome) videos on the site like the Persona 4: Endurance Run and Deadly Premonitions: Endurance Run. Sure I'm not enjoying the Deadly Premontions one as much as the Persona 4 one so here's a link to the first episode of the Persona 4: Endurance Run. So if you wanna watch 155(I think) episodes of Jeff and Vinnie playing Persona 4 and leaving some of the best comments ever while playing it, you're gonna have some fun. They spend almost 100 hours(They get really close to 100 hours) on the game, some episodes are short and some are 1 hour and 40 minutes long, so if you liked the Persona games and wanna see what their take on the fourth Persona game is like, then by all means I dare you to watch all of them without getting at least a chuckle out of you..
Another great feature on Giantbomb is the weekly Giantbombcast(Giantbomb and Podcast, they're creative!)
It's the best out of the 3 Podcast I am subscribed too and it goes up every Tuesday!
What that means for me is that every time it updates it's actually 4 - 4:30 am wednesday around these parts and what that means is that I am sitting up all night waiting for that thing to download on iTunes and thus also my iPod so I can listen to that thing while I am driving to work. It only takes an hour to get to work so the last hour I just listen to while I'm working which usually results in me sitting around at the 25 minute meetings every wednesday morning at work nodding at my boss or who else that would be speaking as if I actually was caring about what they say.
I'm not telling everyone that still follows me here (if there are any) to jump ship (leave Gamespot) and go to Giantbomb and hang out there instead because that place is way better. But it is in my opinion a much more relaxed and anti nazi place to stay if you really wanna say what's on your mind without having to think about the children(THE CHILDREN!!!)
But as you have just seen, you can actually use both sites and have fun.
Anyways, I forgot to turn my oven off 2 hours ago which is a clear sign that I am now hungry again and that I should make either a Pizza or perhaps some Lasagna
So for everyone out there still listening.
This is your mom speaking, clean your rooms don't do drugs and no just because you think you're italian it's not good to eat shrooms. And I don't hope you're a plumber either because then you wouldn't be able to afford all the great games coming out!
So with that, I am off again.
Expect to see more of this, in the future!
Which is.. later.. in the week.
SoundlessComic leaving without a sound, and I'm making people laugh!
No?! Well F... oh wait.
Well fiddlesticks
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