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SoundlessComic Blog

So I'm back(short blog)

That's right, did you guys miss me?
Didn't think so.

I don't think I'm gonna do any blog about what was announced at E3 since you people are on Gamespot and for that exact same reason you could probably figure out exactly what I know :P
Hell, if you're lucky you can probably even figure out what the food tasted like.

But really, all the info you need is covered pretty damn well on Gamespot.
And Gamespot is probably more interresting than some random person on the internet who was at work... Oh wait, GS crew are just random internet people too. geesh..

Well, if there is gonna be anything about E3 it's not now. I'm still wasted and my mind still hasn't returned from E3 (yeah, I left my mind in the US) so if you happen to find my mind, please send it back to me.

This was a short blog to tell you people (and girls. HAH!) that I am back. Now.. To catch up with some lost gaming..

It's almost time...

All my bags are packed, Im ready to go
Im standing here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye
But the dawn is breakin, its early morn
The taxis waiting, hes blowin his horn(good thing I'm not in the taxi yet)
Already Im so lonesome I could cry.

So let's see, what does a bag contain when you're getting on a plane because you're going to stuff like, oh god, what was that thing called... You know that, thing, with games, and developers and stuff.. It has a really weird name. Hard to remember... OH YEAH! E3... (rogerjak will get that joke) ...

Erhm, so where was I, oh right, the bag..
It contains:
A Nintendo DS with tons of games
PSP with tons of games
Insulin: Because I'm diabetic and need to inject myself with that stuff.
Yeah, it's a needle. No it doesn't hurt, what are you, some little kid?
Shampoo: Because you wanna smell good and keep your hair looking good. Unless you're old and suffer a great deal of hair loss.. Combover power to you.. you freak
A Laptop with sattelite internet thingy so I can always bug my buddies on Gamespot, and the obvious morons on there too.
Tickets.. Oh wait no, they're not in my bag. That would be stupid.. geesh.
And then some other obvious stuff. Digital Camera so I can prove to some of you that Gamergirls do exist and that they could kick your sorry asses twice with one headshot. Yeah, they're that good.

And last but not least, my smiling face :D
But then again no, important stuff matters more than that. The rest of my Cult Cola(some danish energy thingy, I believe. It says so on the boxes) and Nectar :D´

Now I don't want you boys and girls to expect like a big rundown of what's going on at E3, I mean. You're on Gamespot. They're showing the exact same thing that I'm gonna look at. And as I've mentioned before, I will be working at E3. So that means, writing stuff for my job, interviewing "impotent" people. Yeah, the email I got about what I should be doing at E3 said that. I seriously hope that it was meant to say "important" or else I'm gonna be laughing at those people all through the interview. Especially the female ones... I wonder what they're gonna think about me when I tell them that my boss thinks that they're impotent? :s

Anyways. You'll still see me online at GS (And MSN and MAYBE Skype) even when I am at E3. But you're probably not "impotent" enough for me to talk with, so don't cry if I don't answer you right away.. Or if it seems like I really don't wanna waste my time writing with a bunch of people who would just be writing me because I am at E3.. Yeah, It took me 2 seconds to figure you guys out :P don't act so surprised...

Oh well, That's probably it for now I guess.
Will probably update this sometime again when I am airborne. Or in case the pilot messes up his GPS again and crashes into a parked car. Or the obvious skyscrapers that you really can't miss.

So untill then, stay safe. Drive drunk.. and eat a lot of babies.

Quick update before all hell breaks loose

I just wanted to update you guys on something really important!
Nothing is going on, this blog is not important and I am currently listening to music, made by Koji Kondo.

I just got back from the hospital after my diabetic side found it funny to all of a sudden give me low bloodsugar and make me collapes when I was shopping for stuff.
Didn't die tho', so again. The assassin in me failed to kill.. me? (erhm)

So what's been going on in your life?
Care? not really. I just wrote this because I had nothing better to do

NOW! I am off to listen to some more awesome music from like Koji, Uematsu and all those other great composers.
It's sunday! Not like anything special is gonna happen on a sunday.

Btw, why is it called "Sunday" ?
It's not like it's changing when the moon is up and becomes "moonnight"

Moonnight... Moonlight... OH! Moonlit Sonata.
I found something to do, again :D woo


I totally forgot. I have rules too.

1: Just, be yourself.
2: If being yourself means "being a fanboy" .. then jump off a bridge
3: Don't just eat one cookie. Eat as many as you can. I have money and will buy more cookies.
4: Don't cry. No seriously, Don't
5: Go play some games, don't read blogs


Seriously. What the hell is wrong with you people?!
It's getting SO pathetic to see you all around crying and whining
(no I am nothing whining. I'm screaming at you guys)

So the FW update 2.40 for the PS3 is out. It has what everyone (I know you did) asked for. And yet when you get it, the first thing you all do. Is cry cry cry. "Sony didn't do this and that" and "Sony is better than me i'm a dumb loser"

JUST STOP! You guys are an embarrasment to the whole freaking community

Let's look at the features now shall we?! And don't worry I won't use any big words you people won't understand

In-game XMB acces: It's there. Now what CAN we do now?
1st: In game messages now using the XMB. Works without flaws
2nd: Trophies are there, "But not for old games!" THEY WILL! when the DEVELOPERS patch their games. NOT sony. GET IT RIGHT! Don't blame Sony for that, blame your precious little developers who made those perfect games. OH WAIT NO, not so perfect games. since they don't support trophies.. not that they KNEW there would be any 2 years ago. But still. Blame THEM.

3rd: The option to change stuff: You know those time where you had to quit a game because you found out you had to force it to do 1080p? yeah, DO THAT IN GAME NOW.
4th: Custom music, works PERFECTLY. Again, you dumb kids are blaming SONY. But again the hate should be directed at the developers. Who (again) didn't know that this feature would become avaiable at the time of release for their games. So they skipped that part. But it can be patched....

All those features. And you people cry and cry and lie about how it's "not working" when me and tons of other people have gotten everything we wanted, and on top of that, we got it to work? clearly we're smarter than you guys since you're obviously doing something wrong.. you know.. like living

I'm sorry, I just had to vent. I mean COME ON!.
You ask for stuff, you get it. Then decide to cry like a little... you know
Because the GAMES (not the PS3) doesn't allow those features (YET)... I'm embarrased.. I freaking hope I'll never see you guys online. Because I would be ashamed to be seen with a bunch of crying kids all around me.

So Diablo.. is back.. woop-de-doo

Well it's true. I just saw it announced..
So now we can all wait for that precious day where we will get to slaughter "him" again
again... again...,zZ


Oh wow. in 15 days I won't even be in Denmark anymore. I'm gonna be at some random hotel. Somewhere in the states
(I am sorry Roger. But don't worry. I'll protect myself so I won't get infected over there with whatever those guys are infected with :P)

So if by any chance you're going to E3, try and find me.
No I will not make a "date" with you and say "hey let's meet up at "insert company" booth."
It's my JOB that "forces" me to go to E3. which means that I WILL BE WORKING. But if you Do bump into a guy who looks tired and has long pretty hair and plays Patapon while working.. then I'll mess you up big time since you freaking smashed my "Fever" in patapon and you deserve to DIE.(I just can't leave that game alone)
Just kidding, I wont be tired. No.. I'll be hooked on different kinds of energy drinks. I still have a ton of boxes filled with Nectar (they Energy Drink you get with Haze) and other energy drinks saved up just for E3.... I can't help it

Quote of the day

яσgєяנαк says:
there is an hot girl coming over to take a swin in my poo
Rogerjak on MSN

I think I will try to quote a ton of weird things I hear on MSN every day.
Now stop reading this and go play games. Summer Vacation you idiots.
'The hell is the matter with you?
I pity you fool

Back from the land of the dead....

Or well. Hospital visit, family visit and then a visit to the world of Mass Effect and of course that game.. You know the one big one .. Metal Gear Solid 4.

As some of you may have noticed. I freaking added a bunch of you on my PSN friendslist thingy.
So now I just need some info because yeah. It's still going on

When do YOU have time to play a bunch of people from Gamespot?
When do you all wanna play? next weekend? early next year? WHEN?!


There are a bunch of games to pick from.

Metal Gear Online: Some people might have it, but I doubt all those "teachers pets" have it yet since they are worried about school
Warhawk: Many people might have that. If you do, you know it can be fun
Resistance: no info from now on, i'm tired.

Well yeah. There are a ton of games out. So what do YOU guys wanna play online?
For me it really doesn't matter. We could be playing that poker thingy and I wouldn't care. I mean come on. The only thing i'm there for is to play SOMETHING with you people...

Now.. I'm off to the land of the sleeping. Probably gonna be violated by the people from the land of the dead (they miss me)
But I have my Old Snake figure thingy to watch me.. And my Tandem Twin figurine thingy (with XXX upper body part for only $1)

I tried my best to get you all added to the PSN btw. But some of you kids are popular. So the ones who hasn't gotten a friend invite from me.. well You're f'ing friendslist is full :P

'Are you coming back to bed?'
Be right there Snake...

If you're not gay for Snake. Then you're no man.

Busy busy busy!!!

Yeah I know, it haven't been active as much.
It's not really a problem tho' I mean it's not like something bad is gonna happen because of that.
I've just been working a lot since a ton of games are about to come out so the office is kinda busy busy busy.
I'm stressed, but it's not bad being stressed "It can harm you" so? stop crying.
"But my father/mother died because of stress" .. Boo-hoo, it makes me work better.

Quick update on the gamenight thingy:
Still haven't gotten all you peoples PSN's and whatever.
People just stopped by the blog and read and never said "PSN *Insert your PSN here*".
Do you think I'm magical and can guess your PSN-ID's in the first try?
Hell no, start writing them in the comments you fools :P
Seriously, the list is short. It's so short that a midget or a dwarf or whatever you wanna call them would go "I FEEL BIG! WOO!!"

So if you have time in your busy non-school schedule then type in your:

Steam ID:
XBL GT(That's "Gamertag" for the idiots):

Now I know that I dont' have a 360 right now, or will have one untill sometime later.. in like.. well a long time.
But some of you other people might have one, and if you need someone to play with you can type it in here and another fellow XboxTurnAround"Wait-this-is-the-same-spot"360 can then add you or whatever

Seriously, don't be shy. And I will get a 360 at somepoint, it just needs more games I would want. But when that happens i'm just gonna go down and buy one.. Maybe 3 to be one the safe side of things incase the first breaks down

This is big!

Through my job I recieved some BIG news.. But I can't share them with you.
So I will just move on.

I've been away from this new thing called the internet (You might have heard of it at some point in life.. It's pretty awesome)
And I have been walking around. Just enjoying life, or games.. Same thing in my case since games earns me money.

I then started thinking 'crickets' (Akward silence follows and a guy is heard coughing)

Yeah so, as I was saying for those still with me, I had been thinking about something for some time.
Now I know most of us here are gamers, some are just here to be old idiots searching for dates with young boys (or girls)
Mostly gamers, anyway.
People here own PS3's, and some of those people are friends of mine on gamespot.. or well "friends" is a big word, not all of you are friends :P (Now start fighting about who's my friend and who's not.. Don't kill eachother)

So I know you own PS3's (I don't have a 360 since anymore it died.. No big surprise there
So this will mainly concern people with PC's and PS3's I guess (No wii, since.. well.. "IT HAS MARI KART... AND... erhm, KICKASS ONLINE GAMES!") right. No games worth my time anyway.
So yeah, now here's the part I was thinking about:
Why don't we people set up some weird gamenight/day whatever, where we all jump online in some game we all have.

Like a game night where we just get together in a game. I could create, others could too. Then others could join up and we could all have some fun...

Of course now is probably not the BEST time ever since many people around this squared globe (is that even possible?) are getting ready for exams and stuff
And some of the posers are gonna say "I'm gonna go out and hang out with chicks" which basically means "I'm gonna stay at home with my mom and sisters because I'm to afraid to get online"

But find a day, night or whatever, where a lot of us have time. Time difference doesn't matter since most people who really enjoy games and knows what "Summer vacation" means would be willing to stay up late, get up early or play whenever the f' they can.

Now I haven't quiet figured out HOW it could be set up.
But I do think it could be a fun time with all you guys..
Sure later on I'll get a 360 (NO WII!) just to play online with you guys who are, to quote the best guy ever, "Not as white as me to afford all systems". But everyone should have a chance to get in on some fun.

As I said, I still need to work something out with how it should go down and all that, and obviously I wanted to start here to see if people are even gonna be the least bit interrested in it. If not then it's ok.

But I do hope at least SOME of you kids (we're all kids untill we die) are up for it at some point.

So discuss, ask question, give some input to how it could be done or how you would like it to be set up.

Just a quick blog, since my blogs never make sense, to inform you on some fun we can have, without actually sitting around together discussing religion or politics (never do that with a friend. Just respect their decision.

Nearing the end of my blog I would just like to give a shout out to one of, if not, the best bloggers of all time. You know I respect you. And that one blogger is called Symphonycometh
You my sir, are a great man. I enjoy your blogs and everything.
I mostly check up on them to see if you give me a good reason to flame you. (So that you will get to chance to be flamed by me :P )
But I always end up with no good reason to do it, and just more respect for you.

Yeah, that's right. I just made that last part to show my respects to a guy worth looking for on the forums.. and also to tell him, that I am still looking for a chance, to give him a chance, to be flamed by me :P
j/k... flaming is bad, and nobody on here knows how it's done anyway

Gears Of War 2: Footage

See, I can spell Gears Of War and therefore not make it sound like you're saying Gay while trying to cram down 20 burgers at once
(You heard me GeoW sounds pathetic. Get it straight, stop doing it wrong. And stop murdering the name of a game you like. You're an embarrassment to the game if you do it)

Anyway, after I have been playing the PC version of the first Gears Of War game more than I played the 360 version I can (and people who can put graphics on highest setting will agree. unless they are weird) That Gears Of War 2, looks to have improved on the graphical deparment, but not by a whole lot. Just the tiny little things that makes it worth looking at

Since I haven't had my hands on this footage and I wasn't the one playing it, I won't get into details about how the controls are feeling, if they fell better. Because I don't know, AND NEITHER DO YOU! so stop acting like it

But from the looks of it, it really looks like the same old same old Gears Of War that we saw in the first game.
And if that sounds like a dissapointment then, you're right.
It probably is, but that's because you can't wrap your little head around it.
A ton of people LOVE Gears Of War
(It's sick, but they do. just a shame their "thingies" are to small for the hole in the disc :) )
And they will obviously love this one too, because there is no denying it that everyone who tries Gears Of War will at least enjoy one part of the game
If it's the graphics (Graphic Whores are silly)
The Sound (Which never sounded more awesome)
Maybe the cheesy voice acting
Or maybe even the chainsaw action. We don't know

I'm gladly looking forward to this game and playing it with some friends on a friends XboxBackWhereWeStarted(360 = Same spot as before).

Old die hard fans are probably going to love this as much as they did the first one (get a girl people)
And Newcomers will probably do the same (because you new gamers are all about the graphics anyway :P )

Now I have a personal goal in that game. Even if it's never gonna be an achivement.
(since they suck anyways. Only two really matters: Have Fun, finish the game)
Personal Goal: Kill everything that can be killed by first initiating a Chainsaw duel..

Edit: And I totally forgot to link to the video...
OH well, let's hope I don't forgot that again.
That would be so uncool of me, wouldn't it?
Just sitting here, talking about posting the link and forgetting to do it a second time?
That wouldn't be cool
Oh well, I'm off. Comment, Discuss, so stuff. I don't care....

oh wait... here's the footage