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#1 SoyUnPerdedor
Member since 2006 • 426 Posts

It bothers me that Frank has a gun in every single screenshot (check the top left corner) and the aiming reticle is always on the screen. Like they're trying to turn Dead Rising into Resident Evil 4: Mall Edition.

They're going to take out a whole bunch of zombies, I hope they don't take out a whole bunch of weapons, too. They shouldn't emphasize shooting like that, the most fun part of dead rising is jumping into a huge crowd of zombies and taking them down with a sword/pipe/mailbox/baseball bat/cactus/teddy bear/excavator/etc.

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#2 SoyUnPerdedor
Member since 2006 • 426 Posts
What in the hell kind of name for a show is DKS3713? Does that even mean anything?
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#3 SoyUnPerdedor
Member since 2006 • 426 Posts
Uncharted, mos definitely
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#4 SoyUnPerdedor
Member since 2006 • 426 Posts

Dead rising got banned in Germany. That pretty much makes it better than any game ever.

I need some sweet zombie love on my ps3.

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#5 SoyUnPerdedor
Member since 2006 • 426 Posts

Dead Rising is gonna be MASSIVELY scaled down on the wii. There's a few parts of the game where you're surrounded by, I don't know, maybe 500 zombies. I doubt they can do this on the wii, but if they can, major props. I'll buy it either way, I love Dead Rising.

This actually gives me hope that the 360 version will be ported to ps3.


I mean imagine what we would miss. Partying zombies, stripper zombies, and hooker zombies all unavaliable for us to kill!:o


Zombie Strippers!

You mean inside the car park? Holy crap that whole place was just zombies.:P And yeah I hope Capcom will notice how much we want it.

And I'm afraid to click the link.:?

I'm not going to ruin anything for people who haven't played it, but I was thinking about the end of the game. The car park is absolutely packed, too. So was the outside plaza, the long hallway shaped one with the fountain. I'm racking my brain trying to figure out how this will work on the wii. There's some screenshots in the article and they look pretty good, so they're not sacrificing graphics to fit a ton of zombies on the screen.

Click the link, It'll change your life!

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#6 SoyUnPerdedor
Member since 2006 • 426 Posts

Dead Rising is gonna be MASSIVELY scaled down on the wii. There's a few parts of the game where you're surrounded by, I don't know, maybe 500 zombies. I doubt they can do this on the wii, but if they can, major props. I'll buy it either way, I love Dead Rising.

This actually gives me hope that the 360 version will be ported to ps3. I mean, I never thought it would go to wii. A ps3 version could happen.

I mean imagine what we would miss. Partying zombies, stripper zombies, and hooker zombies all unavaliable for us to kill!:o


Zombie Strippers!

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#7 SoyUnPerdedor
Member since 2006 • 426 Posts

Like people have been saying, it's all because Final Fantasy's executive producer left the company in 2001 or 2002, and apparently he took a whole bunch of employees with him. I didn't know that.

The way I see it, Final Fantasy ended at part 10. I don't know what these new games and movies calling themselves Final Fantasy are. I knew Final Fantasy, and you sir, are no Final Fantasy.


:roll: ... lot of you are saying SquareEnix sux, just cuz they go 360 style ... but we all were praising them before that ...

Still SquareSoft >>>>> SquareEnix by far ...

What i don't get is how these company are going bankrupt when they sell millions of copies with every single title they put on the market ...and a lot of them being terribly bad. I mean what do they do with all that money ??


Simply ... mostly because of this It's actually a very hard blow when you invest a lot in the process and simply end up losing 130 millions.

I personally think they didn't release the movie at the right time ... way too soon, people were not ready for this kind of technology and from the get go it scared them ( I don't remember the term for this) Not that it was good ... it was not ... but not bad to THAT point

Yeah, that was a big fudge up. It didn't have anything to do with the games, and people hadn't warmed up to the idea of a computer animated movie aimed at adults (they still kinda haven't, Beowulf didn't do so well last year) So they alienated fans of the game and most of the movie-going crowd.

If they'd made a live action adaptation of one of the games, it might have done pretty well.

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#8 SoyUnPerdedor
Member since 2006 • 426 Posts

virtual sausage fest.. come on!
i think it'll be fine, i think the percentage of girl gamers
is at almost 10% now, i know 3 or 4 girls who are looking forward to home
not worried about that...
besides, people online
tend to be total
jerks towards
females in


True. They would just want to take them back to their place and have some "fun" all the time. That's what a bunch of guys in RL try to do so I guess this will be pretty realistic!

It'll be pretty sweet when a virtual guy takes some virtual "girl" to his virtual apartment, then she whips out her virtual dong. I can see the look on his virtual face now.

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#9 SoyUnPerdedor
Member since 2006 • 426 Posts
I'm sure there'll be plenty of guys pretending to be girls, so it's okay
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#10 SoyUnPerdedor
Member since 2006 • 426 Posts

1. Uncharted 2

2. Dead Rising 2

3. Quantum of Solace

4. Infamous

5. Skate 2