I personally think shooters get unfairly judged. Gamers hate it when it feels like the same old shooter but when a new game comes out with something unique like binary domain's use of headsets to talk to your team mates or a fps trying to change up their multiplayer people complain they want the same old experience. I think shooters are stuck in too broad of a genre. Is there really too few of every other genre? It feels like just recently a bunch of fighting games just got released and more a scheduled to come like Doa5. Same with rpgs like kingdoms of amalur and the witcher 2; and dragon's dogma is coming soon. I know technically there is alot of shooters but I think a many are hybrids. Resident evil 6 could be thought of as a shooter but it is more than that. Same with Mass Effect 3 and Borderlands2. Inversion is out or about to come out I don't quite remember and it seems like it really is going to change up the shooter formula using gravity. How many people are going to try it? Hardly any which is sad.
I think money decides and people are buying Cod and Bf. I think there are a lot of fps because those are what have found some kind of success or at the very least popularity. If you want different genres and new IP convince developers with your money. I swear anything new coming out gets "This sucks, this is bull!" As for "why is Crysis 3 coming out if it didn't do so well?" So what should they bring out? It is easier to sell a sequel with a established fan base than a new IP gamers will crap on. The companies are obviously making money elsewhere either will dlc or tech like Epic has done with their Unreal engine.
As for the 3ds I was planning on buying one but changed my mind because their just are not many games that I am all that excited about. Besides the remakes only the two Mario games seem like must buys. Other titles like Cave Story and Dream Trigger look interesting but in a more "rent first" kind of way. I am looking forward to other titles that will come out in the future like Luigi's Mansion 2 and Monster Hunter if it comes out in the US and of course the rumored Smash Bros which should come out for the Wii U and 3ds, but the fact that it is inevitable that Nintendo is going to rerelease the 3ds to have a built in analog stick makes me just want to wait until the library has gone up. I personally think that the 3ds needs more 1st party support and more 3rd party exclusives. The ds had multiple ds versions of COD and Marvel games but in the end it is the games I could only find on the ds that made me buy one. Once Nintendo finally makes a standard 3ds without fluctuating the price and format and grows its library I will definitely buy one, but that seems a long way off. (possibly when the Smash Bros 3ds games comes out.)
I think the problem with the Wii U is that while it says it will have graphics surpassing the ps3 and 360, the fact remains that the next gen console for Sony and Microsoft will most likely surpass the Wii U. I am glad that the Wii U will have a good supply of 3rd party games but a number of the ones listed will already be available to 360 and ps3 gamers like Arkyam City. It will all depend on their controller and how it will make those games different from their ps3 and 360 versions. The Wii U first stated that only one tablet could work for the system but changed it to multiple although that could mean only 2 or hopefully for Nintendo 4. I think it is important that you can use the Wii controller in case gamers don't want to use the tablet but limiting the use of the tablet to 2 gamers will hurt it in my opinion.
Also, not many people know but the whole COD: MW3 made by infinity ward and sledgehammer games is a joke. One British game magazine had information on who left and stayed with infinity ward and the staff that stayed can hardly be called a studio. With the exception of one of the writers all the other staff that stayed work in file management and random jobs like that. Not to mention that those staff members are only a tenth of what infinity ward was. MW3 is being made by Sledgehammer and i think the Wii U version or multiplayer I forget which is assigned to Treyarch. Infinity Ward shouldn't even be on the cover.
I think it's an interesting interview. I am kinda worried that publishers will release fewer original IPs. Today it's hard enough bringing out something new because everyone is buying sequels and prequels. Look at this year, the number of sequels is crazy. Now that publishers don't want to release as many games, which ones do you think will make the cut? Games which don't make sales don't have much of a chance. I read a review of Medal of Honor (it isn't a new IP, but it is kind of a start over/ re imagining) and the commentators made the point that the game people were expecting would be the next Medal of Honor, but to have a next MoH it would have to make sales and it didn't. Basically if a new game doesn't make sales however good it is, there is little hope for the franchise to continue.
Spartan_1004's comments