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SpawnHellraiser Blog

well with comments like those who wants to leave?

i hate you gamers. always begging me to come back and what not. Fools. I shall get my team of ghouls and follow you to your homes some halo: reach. That'll teach ya to mess with a game Goddess such as myself.

So you've talked me into coming back. I missed my little following. :P

Good news: I created a couple of logos. One is on its second draft and the other is finished. i'll post them up when the other is finished.

So ya'll missed me?

In other news, I recently got some cheap games: The Legend of spyro: Dawn of the Dragon, Dead Rising and Crash Mind Over Matter. All three for Xbox 360. I got a few PSN Arcade games also: All about a Blob, X-men Arcade, Pac-man Championship DX, Spryo 1 and 2, some minis, Angry Birds on PSP, and more. Add me on PSN: SpawnHellraiser.

I also got my Xbox Live Gold back so i'll be looking to play Monopoly games and Halo: Reach with people.

I am looking for gamers who want to join my community clan. We need Xbox recruits so if you're interested, hit me up. I'll be doing some game review later. Justplainlucas talked me into it. lol.

and the Wickedness never ends...:twisted:

For 2011, I'm saying Bye to Gamespot!

Well I think this is it for my time at Gamespot. The effy game lists that keeps adding games I don't have and don't wanna delete them is the final straw. I barely come here and if I do, its only to read some news then move on with my day. I don't post anymore and the other thing I was doing was writing blogs.

I got my own blog and community now so i relly don't need to stay here and drag it out. i've been here for 5 and a half years now so its time to say goodbye for good!

I hope everyone had a very nice new years!

If you wanna keep in contact, im on twitter - @gameyourtherapy,, my blog, and instant messenging - msn: syn_gericho25@live, aim- spawnnliv2die, yahoo - this_is_the_year_hope_fails_you, skype - notoriousqie24, email - same as msn!

So there's no reason why we can't stay in contact. if we don't then its gonna be your fault :P cause im not gonna even try looking for you.

So i'm out.

STAY GAMING FOREVER! :twisted: love you guys for eternity!

"Rubbing one out is a bad idea *looks around the desert*" - Desert Pun

Now that I've got your attention, my new clan is up and running even with a new name - Onslaught of Silence. My clan tag is OoS_Spawnie. Yeah, who saw that one coming? lol.

If you want to check out all the details here's the link:

We are now accepting recruitment applications.

I'm doing this whole community be myself, and im getting less sleep and less game time. grr...

What's your Gaming Therapy?

Ok, so this was bound to happen folks! I am creating my own clan that plays any multiplayer across any system. I am brainstorming clan names and managed to make a poll out of the names I got so far. If you would like to join up or at least read about the new clan then please check out this link on my forum:

If joining then help vote for a new name and promote the thread to get more members. I would like to close the poll by next week on the name.

In the meantime, I'm updating everything in the community. So far, I removed the company running the community. It's just now going to be all THE WICKED GAMING COMMUNITY. Once I get some money I'm going to register it and get a domain name.

Currently the WGC has a website, forum, toolbar, a twitter page and facebook page (with two Facebook apps). For more information about what we are doing visit us at It's not professional looking yet but it's getting there.

in other news, whose going to watch Spike TV's VGA's tonight? I'm gonna watch it and post some news up in the forum.

my new ending slogan: "And we GAME our Therapy...!"

This is why I don't like Trophies

Ok, so this marks the third game that doesn't come up in the PSN on the website so that means by trophy tracking sites don't pick it up either. WTF?

I recently played COD: Black Ops, probably got like 5 trophies. I can sync it fine with my PS3 but on the sites, its a different story. So to hell with it then. I tried to give trophies a chance, but its not even posting the games I play, so what's the point of pointhunting? Xbox 360's achievements don't give me this problem. Their gamerscore tags are very reliable.

Well just had to vent that out guys! are you having problems too?

Forever the Wicked Gamer...,

Q Annie

Fitness and Video Games

Yesterday my mom and I are having a discussions about things I want to do with my life. since I don't have a job yet and still looking she wants me to get myself into a healthy life and I started to. I have a long road ahead of me but its going ok so far. I've lost 6 inches off my weight and a couple of inches off everywhere else. I'm pretty happy. Wasn't enough to start getting a new wardrope but still a good thing. I feel good too.

Anywho, I'm with TeamBeachBody's Turbo Jam by Chalene Johnson. It's a really good exercise program. She mixes dancing with kickboxing moves and she has pretty good music in the background. I also do The Food Lovers 21 Day Transformation program. I haven't turned myself completely into it but I'm using some recepies that's helping.

When first signing up on Team Beach Body's website, you are given a coach. The coach I have is awesome. I talk to her practically everyday and she cheers me up when I'm down or lazy. Recently she posted a video on her facebook page about becoming a coach and trainer and also selling fitness products with team beach body. Fitness and Health is a multi-billion dollar industry yearly. You can't go wrong if selling products in that field. So becoming a entreprenuer selling vitamins and other cool products sounds pretty cool. Not only are you taking the products and getting fit on it but you're helping other people achieve their weight loss goals and healthier lives as well. I think I want to look into that.

so I mentioned this to my mom and she said it would be a test of the titans because she and I both know I'm NOT into fitness whatsoever. It's one thing to exercise because you have to, its quite another to exercise because you LOVE to do it and you start to coach others on it. she obviously sees something in me that I don't see but what the hell. There's nothing to lose and everything to gain! She also said that instead of doing some stuff I was trying to do with the video game company, I can just concentrate on fitness. I said HOLD THE HELL ON A SECOND. No one's gonna tell me to hold on to my video game dreams dammit. There's another way to mix the two genres.

Its called exergaming. Fitness and video games. This sub genre has been around for a while now. now its becoming even more popular because of the Nintendo Wii. I can become an expert in the genre and recommend fitness games to people based on their level and targets of fitness they would like to try. Cause let's face it, people are lazy. If you have someone pointing out the stuff they can try, then they are willing to spend money on it. And on the side I can be a coach and trainer of Turbo Jam. Sounds like a plan?

Forever the Wicked Gamer...:twisted:,

Q Annie

Long time no see guys!

Hi guys. Missed me? I know you have. Been busy these last couple of months. I worked at a job for lie one day and I quit cause they were real chumps and they didn't deserve me. So I said "Dueces" and went bout my business.

I got into this new job search marketing called Guerrilla Job Marketing for Job hunters 2.0 book and it's been very helpful. It gives you marketing strategies, campaigns and the resources to get the job you desire. I got some results but its only been bout a week since I started. Plus i'm trying to figure out what area is best for me to apply since I was moving back and forth from my mom's house to my dad's. (yeah some real drama)

Because of this massive job hunting I haven't been playing my games. But I shall get back into them with a bit of time and project management. Also I will be starting a daily column of my video game expertise in my blog and website: (still in construction)

The Wicked Gaming Community has taken a back seat but I will soon update it when I get back home next week: (still somewhat active)


Has anyone got PS Move? If so what you think of it and what games you got? I plan on getting it as soon as I get the funds.


I started my weight lost program. Been on it about a week now. Cutting back on food intake, starch and fatty foods. I walk 1 - 2 times a day @ 45 mins per walk and do Turbo Jam Learn & Burn. So far I feel really good, but the last 3 days I've had lower back pain. Today i feel good though so tomorrow I'm gonna resume by walking. I feel I'm definitely losing inches and/or weight.


and the Wickedness shall proceed...:twisted:

p.s. if you have a linkedin account, add me:

My Birthday + New Purchases

Hello gamers! Missed me? Well I got some good news for you. I finally got the HDTV I've been wanting for so long. Also, I got a couple of new gaming items - one Wii MotionPlus accessory and Transformers: War for Cybertron on PS3. Here's the pics on my forum:

Latest Acquisitions

I didn't do much for my birthday beause I had to go to a job orientation early that morning. I was mega tired for the rest of the day. Just went out to eat and then home. I did screw a little bit though. LMAO.

So in total I got like three Birthday gifts - a recliner, an HDTV, and some money. now i'm broke as hell.

In other news, I changed my gaming blog link address to so save it and subscribe.

My family is going to TEXAS the following week and gone for a few days, this gives me ample time to plan and execute a nice little party. And that's what I'm trying to do using facebook. My mom wants to be the party-killer and coming back mid-week so I have about three days to do a party next week. I might end up having two parties cause not everyone can come in one day for some reason. This always happens when I try to plan a party. Only one person shows up.

In gaming news, What do you guys think of Street fighter X Tekken? I think it's hella cool. Also, any of you getting the Kinect or/and PS Move? I definitely plan to get the move but the Kinect, I'll wait till it comes out for review on it.

Everyone needs to get DeathSpank. that game is too funny!

The Wicked Gaming Community - Made by a girl gamer for EVERY type of gamer!

After some more thought - IM STAYING!

and what was I thinking? I freakin love you guys! You gamers been my friends since 2005! How could I just leave you all. And you guys came out and posted sending me the love and support. I just wanna cry!

So I decided to stay and continue to chat with you guys and write blogs! May even get back to posting in the forums. I won't do the union thing though so sorry.

In other news, My Modnation Racers trophies aren't syncing to the server network but I could sync it on my PS3. Weird! so I wrote an email to both Customer Service and United Front Games to get their input on this. PS Customer Service pretty much had nothing to say. Said they forward my complaint to SCEA's management and perhaps I should put my PS3 into Safe MODE and try to sync. Why? No other game is giving me problems. and my PS3 is prefectly fine.

United Front Games haven't responded yet cause I just sent them an email. Hopefully something gets done. Have any of you had trophy problems recently?

In more news, I've been selling books on to make a quick buck. Selling textbooks can get you some quick money. Downside: Trading in textbooks for money only gets you an amazon gift card with the money you make from the sale. IF you sell your books via Amazon Marketplace, then the money you make goes into your checking account. I do both. I sold 3 books via Amazon Marketplace so far (total of around $40) and sold 8 books for Trade-ins (first set of 4 bks - $80-something; second set of 4 bks - $111). Not bad huh?

---Wicked Legacy (my new company name and btw, I'm working on having my own video game show and consulting service soon so stay tuned for more news by following my blog -