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SpawnHellraiser Blog

Update on new Phone Pt 2!!!

Alright, I know I have been giving everyone the run around but it's finally come to an end.So here is the story about what happened on Wednesday....

My mom cut me a check from Citibank to cash so I could get my G1 at the t-mobile store the night before. I get a ride to where the store is and I'm meeting my boyfriend there. We meet up and head to the store. Upon entering, the store has a sign that says "Due to computers acting up, the store cannont access your account and blah blah blah." I look at him and say, "This is going to be a long a$$ day."

I still go in to double check because sometimes employees forget to take down out of order signs. Luckily, the rep says that the computers are back online and can check the account so we can add a new line. However, I have to go to the bank first to get the money out.

We process to the bank, and its hot as hades outside. Get on the line and I'm next. Take my stuff out and process to the teller. Gave the teller my ID and the check. He asks do I have an account there. I said no. He says, oh do you have another forum of ID? I'm like waaa? I have a bill on me but he doesn't accept it. So he then sympathizes and tries to cash the check anyway. He comes back after like 5 mins and says "I'm sorry, but your ID is expired." I'm like "WHAT, LET ME SEE THAT." Shonuff the dang thing is expired. Expired on my birthday too. So he says "Sorry, but I cannont cash it for you. I tired but your ID is expired." I'm like fine and storm out the bank cursing like I'm a sailor.

I said that "I'm never going to get my phone. I'm doomed. This is bull!"

I call my mom but we are playing phone tag for some reason. I'm so pi$$ed off that I just get on the bus to go home. When we get off the 1st bus, we see a cash checking place. So I'm like maybe it will work but they gonna break up my dollars bills and what not. We also see a Wireless store that does T-mobile accounts. We go in there and the G1 phone is like $200! I'm like "oh hells naw". We go to the check cashing place, stand on this semi-long line. Finally get up there and the dude tells me "Sorry, we don't cash personal checks."

By this time, I'm ready to forget about a phone and eveything else and just go home. However, my bf says we can do it online instead of going to the store. Why he didn't say that from the beginning is beyond me. I finally talk to my mom when we get home and she said she could actually deposit money into my bf's account for us to use. WHY DIDN'T THESE PEOPLE SAY THAT FROM THE BEGINNING?

I'm real happy now. My bf is on the phone with a representative, ends up just doing the transaction on the phone instead of online. The phone is ordered and due to arrive today at my bf's house. My bf will come over tomorrow to deliver it.

What seemed like a day in hell turned out to be an ok day.

In other news...

I thought getting the Gen-X Genesis/NES gaming system would play SNES games. Well I was mistaken. Sp I had to research if there are any retro gaming systems that play NES/SNES/Genesis games. There is one. The FC3 Plus 3-1 gaming system. Woot! I ordered that on Wednesday as well via ebay. When I get that, i'll ordered 5 games - Duck Hunt NES, Super Mario All stars SNES, Simpsons: Bart vs Aliens NES, Mike Tyson's Punch Out NES, and Teens Titans PS2. woot!

And the Wickedness goes on...:twisted:

Update on new Phone

Apparently there was a misunderstanding. I love how parents say one thing, then a few days later, they retract what they said and try to make the kid look like a damned fool.

My mom told me that I'm not getting the phone on Wednesday. she said it was discussed that me and my bf check it out at the T-mobile store on Wed, but that doesn't mean I'm getting the phone on wednesday. So like we just gonna walk up in there ask a few questions and walk out? WTF? He qualifies for an upgrade and a new line. We know this, so why the hell is there a problem? The next time he has off work is Saturday. I gotta wait like 6 more days! This is ridiculous. And parents wonder why when their childen move out they hardly talk their trifflin' a$$es. Makes me sick...

So who knows when I'm getting my phone. I'm just spazin right now.

Trifflin' + New Phone

Well gentlemen nmore than ladies. Had a helluva week and it ain't end yet. My boyfriend's bday was yesterday. We had tons of fun, ;) that's why my muscles ache right now and I should be in bed and playing vid games, but instead I have to go to this stupid BBQ at my cousin's house. grrr...

Update on the phone situation: MY MOM BROKE DOWN - she is going to pay for a T-mobile G1 phone for me! YESS. I'll be on my boyfriend's plan. We getting it on Wednesday. Good things do happen to those who wait. I'll post the pic of the phone when I get it. Its 149.99 but it might be cheaper cause i'm just opening up a new line on my bf's plan.

In other news...

The job hunting is still going. I just mailed some applications off for state and city employment (civl service they call it). I have to take the tests though If I qualify. I have to go to different agencies at a time to see what they have, so boring.

I might be getting some used games soon, depending on what Vansulis gets for his b-day. I'm looking at Price of Persia, Assassin's Creed, and Mirror's Edge for starters. They are dirt cheap.

Also, if you have a Gamertag and a Wii, feel free to add me...

and the Wickedness goes on...:twisted:


Microsoft charged my expired and closed credit card for the year of Xbox Live. It was automatic reschedule on July 20th. They won't let me change it for some reason prior so I was gonna change it that day to my bf' card. Then they sent me an email saying how they charged it to the credit card already. hahaha. Idiots. But I'm not complaining. i still have Live. I'm going to ride it out till it catches up with me.

I played my Wii for like 4+ hours today - Zelda: Twilight Princess, you got me again! So addicted. And I saw Zelda with his shirt off doing the sumo wrestling scene. So delicious....I'm just sayin'!

In other news...

I was supposedly getting a new phone today, but sadly, the person responsible of getting and activating the new phone has not come through. Its no surprise since the person always seems too busy for life. I think they would be too busy for their own funeral. It was going to be a Samsung bar phone AT&T. I wanted to switch carriers to T-Mobile for the G1 or MyTouch, but my mom said she's not paying for a full contract phone. (the plan i'm on already we are due for an upgrade). Whatever the case may be, I need a new phone and no one wants to get me one. If I could I would and they know that.

freakin humans...

In more news...

I'm back to volunteering. It's just something to do while I look for a paying job.

And the Wickedness Goes On :twisted:

My Birthday + My Review of G4's Comic-Con Coverage

I wrote my review in my gaming forum. If you want to read it, check here. And while you're at it, sign up and you won't be disappointed.

In other news, I had got quite a few PSP games from my boyfriend's aunt that she never played. A list of them: Wipeout Pure, Lumines: Puzzle Fusion, Fight Night Round 3, The Hustle: Detriot Streets.

I also recently got Monopoly 360, Sonic The HedgeHog 3 XBL, and played my friend's copy of BlazBlue which we will soon get cause I totally owned on that one and I didn't even know how to play unlike freakin' Street fighter IV - that game is so broken.

In more news, I celebrated my 25th birthday this weekend. It wasn't too bad. It would have been much better if someone suprised me with a new phone and/or a Playstation 3. But I guess good things come to those who wait. Whoever said that is a totally butthead.

Lord SpawnHellraiser at my best :twisted:

holy crap!

justplainlucas is taking a break. Now i've seen the worst on GS. Well I guess alot of people are taking breaks - SenMaruko, Neon sometimes, a few other people. Though I have managed to migrate some to my forum because my forum is kick a$$. What I need is more female gamers.

I need some facebook fans too. If you have a facebook, give me a holla!

in other news, my bf got Sonic 3 and TMNT in Xbox live Arcade. Easy Gamescore points. I've also started playing Prototype. It's so awesome!

I watched "The Knowing" last night. It wasn't too bad. Did you guys watch it?

Post or Die - Wicked Gaming Promotion!

Hello everyone. It's that time again. I don't feel like sending a PM to everyone on my friends list, so if you read this please respond to it. I'm promoting my independent forum - Wicked Gaming Community Forum, WGC for short aka Wicked Gaming/Wicked Arts.

Wicked Arts is my parent company. Under it will be my video game store and The Wicked Gaming Community made up of gamers like you posting in my forum, on facebook, on twitter, and other social networks, blogs, etc.

The forum is getting looks - we curently have 11 or 12 members @ damn near 400 messages. It spiked over 100 messages in the past few days. And its only increasing. There's plenty of topics and features. I have implemented points and rep for some tournaments happening soon. User ranks just went up as well.

There's a toolbar that complements the community very nicely - custom searches, gaming links at your finger tip, gadgets, rss feeds to latest gaming news, and direct feed from the forum. It's a work in progress, but its still nice to have.

If all else fails, just join the forum - POST OR DIE!

Wicked Gaming promotion

Last. FM + forum makeover

Who has a Last.FM account? I want to add you to my friends list. I only have two friends.


My forum got a new makeover. It's slicker, meaner, in your face GAMING topics. Post or Die!


I'm such a procrastinator. I'm bout to download the new bleach and watch naruto cause im behind like 20+ episodes in naruto. I need to make more graphics for my forum and toolbar, but alas laziness prevails!


what else is there to talk about? I don't feel like writing reviews. But I don't feel depressed anymore. I'm on my menstral so everyone can kiss my

Are you a manipulator?

i would like to know how many of you ever used your manipulation skills to get a game, console and/or gaming accessories?

I have had my share of gameulation (manipulation + gaming). :lol: however, some of my systems came from straight kindness. For instance, I made good grades in school or there was a special occasion like my birthday or there was a crazy event that happened and someone just got me what I wanted.

This recent gameulation was on my father. My original plan was to sap him into paying half on a PS3 bundle from Walmart. However, I just wanted to see what he says cause I knew he wouldn't have anything near $200+ under short notice. Plus it said limited time only. I was poking around and found that Gen-X Genesis/NES gaming system (my last blog) on for only $39.99. I still have my genesis and snes games so why throw out what's not broken?

So I put on my skills and sho nuff, he said he can put it on his girlfriend's card. I sent her the link and everything. It should be ordered by the next couple of days. He owed me anyway that's how I see it.

And what is your story?8)

"What's the matter? Came to see a Madwoman but found a Goddess?:twisted:

Some WGC news

I got myspace a new myspace account, only to add a couple of friends/family that I don't have in facebook or whatever. I don't really use the thing anyway. I tried to delete my old profile but myspace is anal about it all. so if you want to add me

In other news - I've been keeping up with my toolbar and my forum. Trying to find new clever ways to make it more marketable, but in awe, I actually need people to join and make it more active. I figure about 12 people actually use the toolbar and 7-11 people signed into my forum. What sets my forum apart is how its not restricted to a whole bunch of rules and you can be free chatting bout what gamers love - games. Plus its so cool cause I made it, a female gamer, BOOYAH!

So for now on, I'm going to post current topics in the forum. also, if you have facebook, feel free to add me and WG (info in profile). When we get more members, I'll put the chatroom box back. I'm gonna make more tags, sigs and banners and make some widgets.

In other, other news - I'm buying this:

It's $39.99 on the thinkgeek website, here. Ohh yeh. I got some SNES and Genesis games I didn't wanna through out because the systems are 'going'. My SNES still works but the Genesis has lines in it when you start the system. I wish they have something to play Sega Saturn games though :cry:

What's the Matter? Came to see a madwoman but found a goodness?:twisted:

Edit: picture of my toolbar in my Flock Browser:

toolbar in Flock