SpidersRMe Blog
Some random thoughts. *Includes Mount & Blade rant*
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I'm irratable today.
Queens of The Stone Age is a cool band with a stupid-ass name.
I got a shirt that says "BEST OF THE BEAST" from my brother, and I thought it was thoughtful of him to get me a gift, so I'm wearing it.
I watched Lucky Star. All of it. It was good.
I'm bothered by how much my hands and feet sweat. I'm not expert, but I think I sweat more than normal.
I noticed that I pronounce some of my 'T's funny. I tried saying, "Martin", but said, "Mar'n". My accent ate the 'T' and its accomanying vowel.
I recently saw Tropic Thunder and Pulp Fiction. I enjoyed them both.
I wish I had more friends, but I have a hard time interacting with people.
And that's it, I guess.
Edit: I also got some things to say about Mount & Blade. It's a fun game. But it's also a hard game. Also be warned that I'm probably going to **** up names a bit.
So I'm riding through Khan terrritory. I'm a man of Veagir, and we are at peace with them. I'm level 10, I've got 36 men riding with me, I've got about 3000 denars worth of armor on myself, and I'm feeling good.
Anyway, I was going to buy salt and sell it back a...
****, I've got my story wrong. Sorry.
I had just escaped from a battle with our enemy, the Rhodoks. I had come to the aid of...
Wait, that's not it either.
I was trying to help a castle under seige. I wanted experience, and jumping into a balenced fight and totally steamrolling the enemy with your bigger army is an effective tactic. But the castle was actually at the disavantage. And not 10, 20 men short- they were ****ed, man. But I didn't realize this until after I decided to be a goddamn superhero.
So I was knocked unconsious during the battle. My men- my ten, wounded men- had dragged me out of the fray. So... we're weakened by this. We're not looking too good. We've only got three or five men in fighting condition, and it's a dangerous world. If we don't rally some more troops, we're ****ed. And I'm broke, I had just spent all of my money on cattle. I was going to save a village.
So that's when I made my way for Khan territory to get salt.
And that's when Steppe Bandits ****ed us up. My men and I were captured.
But I escaped. I ran away with my horse and loot when I got the oppertunity.
Then bandits got me again.
And again.
And again.
I was left naked- naked. All I had was my sword and sheild. I had a peice of sharp, pointy metal and a painted board in a world were bandits pilliage, rape and murder those who can't defend themselves.
I was broken.
Double edit: I'm really showing the Enter key some love today.
I've also perked up a little bit.
On a recent trip to the icy North, I wore two pairs of jeans at once. It was awesome. It's how I imagine being a robot would feel- stiff and extrememly comfortable.
Lately I've been bored.
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I wish they sold ponchos at normal clothing stores.
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On a random note...
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I'm listening to an episode of subbed Lucky Star, open in another tab, despite being unable to understand the Japanese dialog.
I dunno, I just think that's interesting.
So I've been thinking...
by SpidersRMe on Comments
Maybe I should look into building a PC and, more importantly, learning how to. It's something practical that I'd really like to learn.
Boring blog, yeah.
by SpidersRMe on Comments
I'm talking about videogames. Not just videogames in general, though. I'm talking about how I think item limitations should be used in videogames. I strive for niche appeal.
Non-linear Games
Don't give only a limited number of _______s before the player runs out of them entirely.
When the sky's the limit, it's bothersome to see the ground swept from under your feet. It's saddening to see that I've exhausted my supply, and I'm unable to replenish it. It's upsetting to see that I've used up every first-aid kit in the game, and I'm not even close to finished. It's just not fun to be empty-handed.
Linear Games
Here's some bullets because I'm too lazy to make another paragraph.
-It's fine to give a limited number of items, but give experienced players a good chance of being able to beat the game on their first try.
-The Resident Evil series (pre-4) isn't a good role model.
-I'm lazy.
-I don't think I like item limitations in general.
-This is a disapointing blog post.
-That's not the kind of thing I should tell you.
-I think I'm witty.
-Not "ha ha" funny, but clever.
-"Smirk Material", you know?
-I'm going to stop doing this.
-Not that you've read this far down my post.
Okay, I've made up my mind
by SpidersRMe on Comments
I do like Fallout.
Update: I don't really see myself ever beating it though.
Update, a week later: I beat it! And it was good.
So... Fallout
by SpidersRMe on Comments
I'm having a hard time deciding whether or not I like this game. I enjoy it one minute and hate it the next. Also: (spoilers for those of you who havn't playedit yet)
[spoiler] [/spoiler]
What do I do? I have a save file before I talked to the you-know-whos, but I want to play out this little scenario to the end.
And I'm not going to GameFAQs, because then I'd feel defeated. I'm fine with asking you guys though.
Update: On my file before I talked to the you-know-whos, I killed the you-know-whos because they're big, mean you-know-whos. Not all of them, of course, just the ones at the Necropolis.
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