This is gonna be a long one. I have a lot to say, and you're gonna read it and you're gonna like it.
I turn on my TV. It's on channel 42, TBS. TBS, mind you, is a channel that shows comedy shows and movies. Anyway, I sit down and just decide to look at whatever's on.
There are two women in lab coats looking at a dead body on a table. It has a wound on its neck. Anyway, they're kinda just poking the body with a stick. One of them says something about something, and the other woman is like, "You can go if you want." and she's like, "Okay, thanks.". After she leaves, a man enters. He's wearing what looks like SWAT gear. It's black, he's got a vest, he's got a... utility belt, he's got a gun, he's some kind of soldier. He says something. I forget what it was, so it probably wasn't important.
The camera cuts away and we see a group of men with identicle gear making their way through a corridor. I notice that their leader is The Rock. Then it hits me.
I was watching Doom.
I'll try and describe what happened at the beginning as best I can.
Okay, there's this research station on Mars (I think it's Mars, anyway. It should be Mars. I mean, it's where the ****ing games take place.) where they're doing... science, and conducting an archeological dig. Anyway, some scientists went missing, so the government sent in a team of soldiers to investigate.
My first complaint- There is no Doomguy. Doomguy is the only main character in Doom 1 or 2. He's the one you play as. He's the hero. He's a staple. Doom 3 has a Doomguy, but there are other characters, and there's an actual story going on around him and... whatever.
You know what Doomguy wears? Green armor. It's what Space Marines wear. It's their unform.
These guys in the movie? No green armor. Instead, they're wearing modern-day ****.
And there's a team of them. Doom is not about teams. Doom is about a lone soldier blowing the **** out of demons.
And their weapons? Modern-day assault rifles, shotguns and pistols. No plasma weaponry here.
That leads me to my next complaint- one of the soldiers has a minigun. That... that doesn't make sense. I mean, I don't care if things make sense or not, but you have to choose one or the other. You either have things make sense, or you have them not make sense. You can't have some things making sense and others not making sense.
And I mean, a minigun? What the hell, they're a bunch of soldiers checking out some dead scientists, and they give a guy a minigun? I... I just don't... I don't know.
Anyway The Rock and Minigun Guy are walking and they hear a noise come from the air duct above them. Heavy Weapons Guy moves a grate and gets a boost so he could look inside. Then a face pops out at him. He falls back.
"What was that", The Rock asks.
"Some kinda monkey!", Heavy replies.
A monkey. He saw a monkey.
Anyway, the thing starts rattling around in the vent and they fire at it. Blood drips through the bullet holes. The Rock, for no ****ing reason, decides to catch a drop on his hand. It seems that there are weird black things in the blood. Not, living things, just... I dunno, black things.
The camera cuts away to the woman we saw earlier. We'll call her Jenny. She's kind of sort of important. They never say her name, so I have no idea what it is. She's a doctor or a scientist or something. She's the woman who stayed back to look at the body from earlier.
Anyway, she's drawing blood from the dead guy. He has those black things in his blood.
Now, if you're like me, you get it right away- demons have that black stuff in their blood.
Anyway, some other guy from The Rock's team say something about the sewers, and they all meet up in there. Anyway, they're looking around, and they see a dead body. Out of nowhere, a monster attacks one of the guys. It pins him down and puts it's mouth on his neck. He then pulls away, and his tongue remains attached to the guy's neck. Then it falls off and slithers away.
A few complaints here.
1. The dialog between the soldiers is ****ing stupid.
2. Alien ripoff?
3. His tongue is a seperate organism?
4. This monster is not actually from Doom. Now they kinda resemble the imps from Doom 3, but they aren't brown, they don't have spikes, they're bodies are a little different, and they're like, flesh-colored. They kinda look like a combonation of the imps and hell knights from Doom 3.
Why couldn't they just use imps? Why the tongue bull****? Seriously, why aren't the using monsters from the game?
Also, two things I'm gonna point out now. I'm just sorta mentioning them now because they're going on, they're supposed to be important but they really aren't important, and I don't really know when or how to bring them up, so I'm just gonna spit it out now.
1. The UAC logo is all over the place.
The UAC is a staple of the Doom series. In Doom 1 and 2, you see it on some crates and stuff, it's not really important, but there, so whatever. In Doom 3, they're actually important. In Doom 3, they're in charge of the outpost on Mars, and you hear a bit about them. They're important, that's all you need to know.
2. There's this guy with... wheelchair legs. He has a wheelchair from a lower body. They call him Pinky.
For those of you who didn't know or have forgotten, Pinky is the name for one of the enemies in the Doom series. They're a staple as well. Now, in Doom 3, the pinkies have robot legs. Like, they have a massive... front half, but they're missing they're back half. It's like they were cut and half. And given robot legs. I have no idea why, stop asking.
Oh! I forgot, the dead guy who Jenny was messing with, he was referred to as Carmack. John Carmack is one of the biggest figures behind Doom. He's a pioneer in the games industry. He's important. He's like Gabe Newell, or Shigeru Miyamoto, or Hideo Kojima. Look, he made FPSes. You should respect him.
So with Carmack, Pinky and the UAC logo, it seems like they're making references to the series.
Anyway, like I was saying, the monster (We're calling them imps from now on.) was on top of the dead dude and some guy comes and shoots it. Then another imp comes out. And I think one more does. Anyway, they kill the demons.
So they drag the wounded guy to Jenny, throw him on an operating table and begin doing emergency room ****. They take his vest off, apply pressure to the wound, and apply some... things to his chest. Oh, and they use one of those oxygen mask-pump-things.
And it's not doctors doing this, it's the ****ing soldiers. They seem to be doctors. Or nurses. Or interns. Or maybe their mother's friend's cousin's roomate was a doctor and they went in one day and learned how to save lives.
So the guy his hooked up to equipment, his heartbeat is being monitered. They come in with the... defribulators? Anyway, they come in with those shocking paddle things and press them to things they stuck on his chest.
Anyway, they spent a minute or two trying to revive him. They give him an adrenaline shot (SOLDIERS) and zap him about 5 dozen times. Unfortunately, he died.
Then they notice that there's a bloody table where Carmack once was.
The Rock's all like, "RAAAARRL!" and Jenny's like, "I dunno where he is. Stop asking."
Then they call a quarintine. They lock down the station. They move all the people to... some place and a bigass door closes behind them. Pinky is there for some reason and The Rock hands him a handgun and some grenades and tells him to throw a grenade if the demons get through.
They're using a cripple as a sentry. I have no idea why it became his responsibility. He even says, like, 5 times, "I'm not a soldier!". I assume that The Rock is just being a dick. Or maybe this movie is totally ****ing stupid.
And Jenny's in her lab. She has these weird doors, they're solid... metal or stone or something, but if you punch in a code and hit the buttong next to it, it turns into a... forcefield-looking thing. You just walk through it. Anyway, she's safe in her lab. I have no idea why she's staying back. Oh, and there's a soldier with her.
I swear, I don't know what's going on either.
Anyway, the soldiers go to the dig site. Remember the archeological dig I mentioned earlier? Well, The Rock thinks that if he checks it out, he might learn where the demons come from. Anyway, they look around and find... nothing, I think. There might have been a dead a guy, I don't remember.
So, Jenny's walking in this hallway, and the soldier protecting her scares her for no reason. Then, a puppy steps out of the shadows and starts snarling and foaming. The soldier points his gun at the dog. They just sort of stand off until the dog wimpers and runs off. Then the guy looks behind him and there's an imp. Anyway, he shoots and misses a few times, Jenny opens the door to the lab, they run in, and they close the door on the imp. Like, the stone forms around him and he's stuck in place. Then his tongue flies off into the lab.
Then all the soldiers split up. I have no idea why. The Rock goes and gets a BFG because it makes him feel like a big man. The other guys... I don't know. They're doing something, I'm sure. Anyway, Heavy Weapons guy is standing at a door with this one guy who's always making stupid comments. We'll call him Random. Anyway, Random turns to Heavy and says, "I gotta take a dump.". He says "****" in the movie, but I was watching this on TV, so he said dump. Heavy gives him a weird look and says something and Random's like, "Unless you want me to take a dump right here in my pants." or something, and then he goes to the bathroom.
We see a bunch of shots of Random on the toilet. I... I dunno, I guess to show us what he's up to. Meanwhile, Heavy hears a weird noise and goes to check it out by himselfOH GOD WHAT THE **** ARE YOU DOING? ARE... ARE YOU ****ING STUPID OR SOMETHING? And to make things worse, he's black. The black guy never lives. Anyway, he goes to some... big hole. There's chains hanging down into it. I have no idea what it's supposed to be. Then, a demon attacks him.
He drops his huge retarded gun and gets... I think the demon grabs him and swings him around. Anyway, he takes a beating and gets tossed into the Mysetery Pit. It's like, 3 stories deep.
So, he's lying there. Then he gets up. He shouldn't be getting up. He should have broken bones. Anyway, the demon leaps into the hole. Now, if I recall correctly, this demon was bigger than others. He resembled one of the hell knights from Doom 3. Anyway, there's this computer in the Mystery Pit. It looks like it's from the 90s. It's got a huge off-white moniter. And you know what Heavy does with it? He grabs it by the cord and swings it around like a flail. He hits the demon in the face with it. I think he also hits it a few times. And he eventually grabs a giant ****ing pipe (I have no clue where he got it) and... what you need to comprehend is that this pipe is giant. It's huge. Anyway, he thrusts it into the demon and pins it to the wall. And you know what? The Mystery Pit has electrified walls. I... I have no idea what's going on. Anyway, the demon's getting electricuted, and somehow, the pipe is like... it's against the opposite wall. It's that big. I have no idea how it got that way. I don't know where Heavy got it from. I don't know how he can swing it. I don't know why he isn't ****ing dead. Anyway, he climbs one of the chains. The demon bends the pipe to free himself, and tugs the chain. This sends Heavy flying towards the ground, where he meets his doom.
That scene is totally ****ing stupid.
Oh, and Random gets attacked on the toilet. Some demon makes a hole in the ceiling and grabs Random and it starts swinging him around. All the other guys come in and The Rock fires a shot from his BFG at the hole. This like, melts the ceiling. I... I don't know. Anyway, Random falls down and he's crispy. He's dead. I think the demon is dead too, I'm not sure.
The Rock storms into Jenny's lab with this one guy who is important to the story. He's got some codename I can't remember, but I think he's also referred to as John. Anyway, The Rock says that four of his soldiers died (Four? I counted three. I must be missing one. Whatever.) and demands to know where the demons come from. Jenny's like, "I don't know anything, all we do here is science!" and The Rock's like, "WHAT KIND OF SCIENCE?!" and Jenny's like, "I don't know! Normal stuff.". Then she says that she doesn't know anythign about ten more times and then she admits that she does know something. I... I don't know why. Anyway, she's supposed to protect some data. They look at the data, and it's a video of some guy getting injected with some **** called Chromosome... 24? I think it's 24. Anyway, he gets injected and he goes crazy, he's kept tied down and he's lowered into the Mystery Pit on some table and he turns into a demon.
Something I forgot- They brought Random and Heavy's bodies back to the lab. I have no idea why. It would also seem that they got Heavy's body of the the MP somehow. I'm not even touching that one.
Anyway, it seems as though the demons are caused by experiments with Chromosome 24.
Do you realize what this means?
There were no demons. They were mutants all along.
WHAT THE ****? There's no demons in Doom? You... you can't do that. I mean, demons are a part of Doom. They come from Hell. They throw fireballs, they make pentacles all over the place, they're demons. I just... that pisses me off.
Anyway, the guy, I think his name is John, so we'll call him that, John wants to destroy the data, The Rock wants to take it.
Anyway, the de... mutants broke through the door that Pinky was in charge of. It seems as though leaving someone with no legs or military experience to guard something is a bad idea. Anyway, The Rock and John go through the door into a portal. It says that the portal took them to Nevada. I... I don't know what to say about that. Anyway, The Rock wants to kill everyone and everything at the... base? We'll call it a base. So they go around shooting corpses in the head so that they don't to turn into demonsImeanttosay mutants.
Then uh... some stuff happens. I think the remainders of the team get back together and they go around. Anyway, one of the soldiers, Kid, finds a room full of people. He tells The Rock and The Rock wants Kid to kill them. Kid doesn't want to. The Rock says to kill them again. Kid says "Go to Hell". The Rock shoots him in the head. John is there and he's pissed, and out of nowhere, Pinky rolls up and he points his gun at The Rock, and then there's a d-DAMMIT-mutant behind him. The Rock and John shoot the demooooooh, dammit, mutant and it just completely beats the **** out of Pinky.
Then there's demons everywhere... there's mutants everywhere and John and The Rock run down a hallway and try to close one of those weird doors, but it won't close, and The Rock gets caught by the mutants and the door closes.
I'm not sure how, or in what order it happens, but the soldier protecting Jenny dies, and John meets up with Jenny. Then John and Jenny run someplace and they make a barricade and John is hurt and he's gonna die and Jenny injects him with Chromosome 24.
I forgot to mention, only some people turn into demons...
I forgot to mention, only some people turn into mutants. Demons...
Demons won't....
Mutants won't stick their tongue into the necks of people who won't turn into monsters. That's why some die, others turn.
In fact, Chromosome 24 will actually make you superhuman if you take it and don't turn. That's why Jenny gave it to John.
Anyway, John wakes up and looks into a mirror. This scene of the movie is done in the first-person. He picks up his gun and loads it. He steps out and kills some zombies.
Yes, there are zombies. I have no ****ing clue how they got there. They're fast zombies, too.
Anyway, John's just going around shooting zombies and imps. There's this one part where a zombie's holding a hatchet in the air, and John shoots it and the hatchet flies out of his hand and sinks into his head. I... I don't know why that zombie was the first to use a weapon. And where did he even get it? I mean, there aren't just hatchets lying around at bases with teleporters. I dunno. Anyway, John encounters a zombie with a chainsaw next. It reminds of me the enemies from Doom 3. Wait... THEY'RE USING ENEMIES FROM THE GAME?!
Anyway, he kills that, then he gets attacked by a pinky, just like the ones from Doom 3.
I... It doesn't make sense to me. I mean, they're waiting until the end of the movie to start actually using material from the game? That's... it's...
Anyway, the pinky is Pinky. It's got his wheelchair legs. I have no ****ing clue why he's the only person to turn into a pinky. And why a pinky? I mean, I understand people mutating into zombies and imps, but a pinky looks nothing like a human. Whatever.
Anyway, he drops his gun, and for no reason, there's a chainsaw next to him, and he fights the pinky with it. Then he drops it and picks up his gun again and shoots the pinky in the head, killing it.
Then John finds Jenny. I don't know how they got seperated. Whatever.
Then The Rock shows up and he's got a wound on his neck.
Then there's a stupidass fistfight between John and The Rock. During the fight, The Rock says, "Semper Fi" leading me to believe that they're US Marines. I mean, everyrone in the movie has an American accent, so it doesn't really suprise me that they're American. And in Doom, the main character is a Space Marine, so it's just like the game!
Anyway, John opens a portal, The Rock gets sucked into it, for some reason, and John throws a grenade in after him. I assume this kills The Rock.
And then John and Jenny ride an elevator. They ride it home.
I still don't know her ****ing name.
In case you havn't noticed, this movie is completely ****ing awful. It fails as a movie, it fails as an action movie, it fails as a videogame movie, it just fails. I mean, the only reason I watched it is because it was Doom. If it was anything else, I wouldn't have watched it. I mean, even my desire to finish a movie once I started it couldn't keep me watching that movie. I only watched it because I was a Doom fan, and I needed to finish eating the **** they put on my plate.
In conclusion-
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