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I Feel Alright

Things have been going okay lately.


Crap, I was gonna say something.

Uh... So there's a sequel to BlazBlue coming out. It's called, "BlazBlue: Continuum Shift". This series seems to be working with subtitles, so I guess I should refer to the first by it's subtitle, Calamity Trigger.

So BlazBlue just came out recently so it seems kind of weird that it's already getting a sequel, but I'm okay with it, actually.

I guess that's all I have to say about that.


Dammit, I had stuff to say the other night.


I really do say "uh" a lot. I did a presentation for school once and everyone anonymously wrote a card listing one pro and one con, and I got a lot of people pointing out that I said "Uh..." too much. That may be because I had no presentation prepared, so I was just talking off the top of my head, but I was unaware that I did it so much.

No change on the art thing. I'm still just thinking about it. But that's kind of good, that I continue thinking about it after all this time. Maybe I'll do something sooner or later, I don't know.

Days feel long, in a weird sort of way. What I did in the morning just feels so distant after a few hours. It's not a bad thing, it's just odd.


It's getting colder. I don't mind dressing in layers, but my hands and feet get cold. My feet also sweat, so socks are uncomfortable. It's a predicament.

I hate it when you don't realize how cold your hands and feet are, and then you touch them and it feels bad.

I was thinking about what to do today and I think I might play a Castlevania game.


I made myself laugh today. I was just thinking about things, and I started laughing to myself.

I guess I'll talk about MANGA now because no one ever reads these so I guess I'll talk about it at the end.

I finished Part 5 of JoJo. I liked it. It seemed to drag on in an uncomfortable way sometimes, though, the kind of thing where you're reading it and you just want it to be over.

There's a part where Gio spends 7 pages punching a guy. I dunno, but I just find that outrageous.

I'm a fair bit into Part 6 now. It's significantly different, in that most of the characters are women.

Almost every woman before Part 6 has been completely useless and unnecessary.

Anyway, it's alright.

I guess that's it. This is all pretty unorganized and uninteresting, but that's what you should expect from my thoughts.


I'm annoyed with my brother. He's 20 year old and unemployed.

Just a while ago, I see him walking out of the house with some games.

"Where are you going?", I ask.

"GameStop.", he replies.

I walk over, annoyed, as I can clearly see that he has one of my DS games.

"They're just some old games we never play anymore." He informs me, as I see FOUR of my games.

So I take away my Crackdown, Tetris DS and Metroid: Zero Mission (goddammit), and I don't even mention that Rainbow Six: Vegas is mine, because I don't care enough to challenge him.

I'm annoyed that he's selling my games like it's no big deal. This isn't the first time he's done it, either, but I'm more annoyed about it now, for two reasons.

1- He has no excuse not to be working.

He has a car, and nothing going on in his life that's occupying his time or holding him back. I know work is hard to find, but he's been sitting around doing nothing since he left his last job, a month ago, or something.

2- He smokes.

I know it might sound like a weird complaint, but I lose a lot of sympathy for a person short on money when I find that they're wasting what they have on an expensive habit. He's willing to sell my stuff, but cigarettes, no, that's an unreasonable cutback.


Speaking of personal stuff, I'm taking a GED exam on the 17th. As you can see, I'm going places.

I read more JoJo. Part 5 is a lot crazier than Part 3, because people have more complicated superpowers.

I'm going to explain what a "stand" is. A stand is like a personal guardian. It's a power within a few exceptional individuals.

A stand can take a variety of forms. Often, they take the shape of a man or woman. However, they can also take the shape of an animal, a vehicle, and there are some exceptionally odd ones.

Pretty much, it's something inside a person that kills things. I'm sorry if my explanation is terrible.

So Part 3 had some pretty simple stands. These are the heroes.

Star Platinum- Punches things
Magician Red- Makes fire
Hermit Purple- Vines
Heirophant Green- Can stretch itself out
Silver Chariot- Has a sword

I admit I'm being a bit simple, omitting a few details, but hey.

Part 5's stands are a bit more complicated

Gold Experience- Can turn inanimate objects into living creatures
Sticky Fingers- Can place zippers on objects
Moody Blues- Can see the past
Sex Pistols- 6 small people
Aerosmith- A plane
Purple Haze- Can spread a flesh-eating disease

You may notice that Part 5's stands are all named after music. Part 3's were named after Tarot cards, but there are only 22 major arcana, so they ran out before Part 3 was even over.

I find I enjoy fights more when the enemy is thinking, "Oh ****, how am I gonna get out of this?".

I don't like this blog. I'm going to eat a taco.

The Gold Experience

I posted a blog just yesterday, so if you're a loser who wants to read everything I type and you missed it, it's there.

So I'm reading Part 5 of that JoJo's Bizarre Adventure I was talking about. I read a few chapters a couple weeks ago, but I read more because I was bored.

I don't know if it's supposed to be funny, but it is.

So it's about about a 15 year-old Italian gangster named Giorno Giovana, or "Gio" for short. His dad was the villain of Parts 1 and 3, Dio Brando. But I'm a little confused about it, because his father's head was sewn onto the body of Part 1's protagonist, Jonathan Joestar. So when he was concieved, it was using Jonathan's body, not Dio's. But they're treating him like Dio's son, he's got Dio's hair color, "Gio" is only one letter from "Dio", they SAY he's Dio's son, he's saying "MUDA" when he punches, like Dio, but another character is says that Gio reminds him of the Joestar family , so I'm not sure whose son he's supposed to be. It seems that he's inheriting traits from both Jonathan and Dio.

ANYWAY, with that nonsense out of the way, Italy is full of gangsters with superpowers. Gio can turn objects into living creatures, as displayed in a scene where he turns a guy's gun into a banana and the guy blows his brains out. Some other guy has a power involving zippers that makes NO SENSE AT ALL.

And there was this one part I thought was pretty funny. 1, 2, 3, 4. Also, these two show off how awesome these people dress.

Tomorrow's Yesterday

I was depressed yesterday. Or it might have been earlier today, I'm not sure. Anyway, it seems to have passed. I'm glad it did.

I've become somewhat motivated to improve my artistic skill. I just had this feeling earlier, "I want to be a great artist. I want to make the art I had always wished was made.". I can't say how long I'll care, but at the moment, I feel good about it.

First order of business would be to learn the human body. What I have in mind is tracing, and lots of it. Several times, several poses, several angles, until I become as familiar as any artist should be.

I'm not really sure how to approach this, though. What I have in mind are drawings, black outlines, undetailed figures that are ideal for tracing. I'm not sure how to find these, though, unless if someone made a book or a website or something for people who have had my idea. I suppose I could make my own, but that would suck.

Art is just such a broad subject, and there are so many books and websites and classes out there that it makes it hard to know where to jump in.

Well, I havn't even begun, and I've got setbacks and excuses. I'm really not sure how far I'll go with this, I don't know myself well enough. This might just be another thought I have that will fade away, maybe I'll actually improve something about myself. I dunno. It's not a huge thing, though, I'm not in a rush to get going. It will be on my mind, though. I do not know how this will develop.

I sat for a few moments thinking about what else to say, but I really don't have anything.

Hey guys

I was suspended for two weeks for "Offensive Content". Let's take a look.

Topic: If your girlfriend had coffee with another guy, would it bother you?

Yeah, I'd punch her in the stomach. SpidersRMe

I didn't find it offensive.Anyway, they also warned me that my next moderation would lead to a permanent ban, so I simply cannot post anymore.

I wrote some stuff about videogames, but I didn't like it, so I deleted it. I might type something another time.


I've decided that Disgaea is radical. I just turned a whole bunch of men into women and now they're stronger than ever.

Originally, I wasn't as excited about my team's development as I was in Final Fantasy Tactics A2, but now that I'm exploring the depth of the customization, it's pretty bangin'.


I just beat Persona 4. After the credits, I just sort of stood there for a moment, unsure what to do with myself. I decided to get back into Disgaea, if that doesn't work out, I'll replay MGS2 or We Love Katamari or something. I've been playing a lot of Japanese games lately.

Anyway, Persona 4's ending was alright.

Now, before I start saying things you won't understand, let me explain something. Persona 3 recieved an expansion after release. It was called Persona 3: FES. I do not know what "FES" means. It added some stuff to the main game and included an extra campaign, called The Answer. The main campaign is The Journey. The Answer was a lot shorter, focused on combat, and was frustrating and kinda bad.

Back to Persona 4- I'd say it pulled off the happy ending better than The Answer. The Answer's ending was kind of stupid, while 4's is just sort of uninspiring. I preferred 3's story and ending.

3 is pretty much a tragedy. Bad things happen and the heroes carry on. 4 is much less tragic. There is a bit of loss, a bit of dread, but no one gets shot and dies in front of all their friends.

I'm not sure which endboss I prefer. 3 has an angel, and 4 has a giant bloody skeleton thing with ten arms. I know that might sound odd after I said 4 is a lot sunnier, but that's how it went.

I think 3 had better characters. No side characters from 4 stand out at the moment, but 3 had one that was memorable to me. I actually liked 3's characters and felt emotion for them at the end of the story, while I don't really care that I won't see 4's characters again. 4 also contains some of the most awful crying I've ever heard. 4's cast had nice, clean speakin' voices, but those automotons are incapable of expressing emotion. One character, Kanji, sounds like he's trying to do a voice. I don't know where I'm going with this. Anyway, 3 had Fuuka Yamagishi, and her voice and hair are turrible.

3 is also longer. 4 took about 70 hours, 3 took 90. 4 improved the combat mechanics, but 3's dungeon crawling felt better to me.

I dunno, I guess that's it. As far as I know, the 5 people who may potentially read this havn't played Persona, so I might be talking to shadows, but whatever. It's my blog, I'll do as I please.

I also beat Professor Layton and The Curious Village. It took 6 hours, but this is a puzzle game, so it's only as long as it takes you to input the answers. You also can't really stretch a puzzle game out for length. It's not like you just add another building full of enemies, you have to make puzzles. Or take age-old ones and hope your audience is unfamiliar with them.

There are 120 puzzles, I've done about 100. I only cheated on, like, 6.

I was also a bit surprised when I found that it was Japanese. It doesn't look Japanese.

I also found that the fourth game is in development and the second just recently came out in English. I'm guessing that's because not all puzzles translate perfectly.

I guess that's it. The title is the name of a spell from Persona. Megidolaon is the third-level Almighty spell. The first level is Megido. Megiddo is a mountain in Isreal, and where the word "Armageddon" originates from. I saw this on some special about Nostradamus. I've also seen a special on Revalations. I think this 9/9/9 stuff is causing a stir.

Oh, and Persona 3 had better music. There's 11 songs from 3 that I downloaded and only 3 songs from 4's soundtrack that I actually listen to.

Stuff You Don't Care About

I advanced further into Persona 4, avoiding the Bad End. It turns out that to avoid it, you have to pick five specific choices at this one part. I got 3 out of 5 on my first try. Anyway, I'm a few hours further.

I finished Part 3 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. The ending was sort of lame, the two opponants have similar abilities, and victory pretty much went to the one who punched hardest.

Part 4 is just unreadible. I'm reading fan translations, and the one for Part 4 just sucks. I knew it was trouble when I read "esplorer". The first 2.5 parts had fine translation and scans, halfway through 3, the translator changed. The scans were much poorer and I noticed the odd error, "by" and "buy" being mixed up, for example. It was still fine, though. 4, though, 4 is just too much.

That's it, I guess.


I got a 24 hour suspension that lasted 48 hours. It was for "Offensive Content". I believe it was due to use of the phrase "skanky ho" in a thread related to HIV. I'm not sure whether it was the phrase itself or the disrespect for HIV and those who carry it. Regardless, I now have reason to believe that one or more of the moderators have HIV and are a bit sore about it.

"Offensive Content" is such a bull**** reason, though. "Offensive" just means that you don't like it. If a person disagrees with anothers taste in, say, music, then they find the other person's taste offensive. We're offended every day.

So, really, it's not that my post was offensive, it was that it wasn't politically correct. Not enough for GameSpot.

Anyway, I'm reading JoJo's Bizarre Adventure at the moment. It's open in another tab. I'm on the 179th chapter, out of, I think, 500 or so. I'm nearing the end of Part 3.

Part 3 was better than Part 2, Part 2 was better than Part 1, and Part 1 was better than getting sand in your urethra. The plot is also like something out of a videogame. The characters are making their way from Japan to Egypt, knocking off bad dudes left and right, each representing a major arcana of Tarot. The chapter I'm on is for The High Priestess, and after that there's... well, it seems all that's left is The Fool and The World. Anyway, they gained travelling companions, two of which were once enemies, and they all have greatly differing abilities. I dunno, seems like a videogame.

That said, there was a JoJo videogame, but it was a fighting game, while this has an RPG sort of plot and Devil May Cry sort of combat.

And Zappa, my main from Guilty Gear? He's straight out of JoJo. The way he fights, especially with Raou, it's just like JoJo. He also sort of dresses like Dio, and is named after a figure in music. It's the hearts on their outfits that remind of the other.

And I'm 50-something hours into Persona 4. I'm enjoying it.

Like Persona 3, though, it gets easier as you progress through it. You start out with nothing, but later on, you have tons of money and you can pull Satan out of your ass. And Satan is in Persona. He has six breasts.

Unfortunately, most of my pictures are official art. I'm more interested in pictures of the demons than porn of the characters, and there's a whole lot more of the latter. The best compromise you can get is erotica of female demons, and my favorites aren't very sexy. Or maybe Mothman is, because I have art of him.

Oh yeah.

Update: I just beat Persona 4. It's to my understanding that this game has multiple endings, and I clearly got a bad one. I recieved no closure.

I don't know what I did to deserve a bad ending. And it was a "bad ending" in more than one respect. One of the party members runs away, three months fly by, and I'm on a train. I currently don't know what's up, so I'm consulting a guide.


The Internet is stupid and I am upset with it.

Not my connection, or provider, but the people of the Internet. The Internet is mainstream enough to have its people represent the entire world, which upsets me even further.

Common stupidity and ignorance bothers me. In inescapable, but intolerable.

I dunno. I guess it's just a bad day.

Anyway, I got up to 40 hours in Persona 4. I just reached the Secret Laboratory and Yosuke, Chie and YUkiko's links have maxed and their personas have metamorphosed. Chie's lost its weakness to fire and gained an immunity to ice, while Yosuke's is immune to wind and resistant to fire. Yukiko's is still weak to ice, which sort of bothers me, but I guess the healer is supposed to weak. I like Kanji, but I was unwilling to use him when his link's rank was so much lower than everyone else's, so he fell behind, and I likely won't use him at all. The characters' personalities hardly shine through in combat, though, so it's no problem.

I didn't really like Yukiko, but I don't mind her now. I can't identify any qualities I actually like about her, but I guess she just grew on me. Chie and Yosuke have always been pretty cool dudes, so they're alright.

I've also memorized all the names of my party's personas. Yosuke has "Jaraiya", which turns into "Susano-O", Chie has "Tomoe" and "S... I forgot. I remembered an hour ago.", Yukiko has "Konohana Sakuya" and "Amaterasu", and no one else matters. I dunno, I just memorized the personas and skills of the games, and... I don't know. I want to use this knowledge. It's like Pokemon, only darker and the nomenclature makes more sense. The is a system of nomenclature for the attacks, that's more than Pokemon can say.

I don't even know what I'm talking about. I feel like the last paragraph was a whole lot dumber than the one before it.

Whatever, I'm done. No one read the previous entry.