@Umar Nexus I've considered forza to be the better racer for years now. Before forza, GT was the be all end all when it came to racing, but IMO Forza holds that crown now. Its just a more complete package.
@Tee_Mal After skimming any comment thread on any gaming site I really cant blame them. If "core" gamer stands for ignorant, drooling, mouth breathing idiots, aka 90% of people posting to gaming sites, then yes please by all means ignore that crowd. I would very much like them to not be part of my gaming community.
They say that the majority of gamers range from their mid 20s to mid to upper 30s. If the people posting here fit into that age range then I feel very very very sorry for them, their families, and their sad sad lives they must lead.
Sooooo... pay to play and a real money auction house. Sounds like a real winner. :S
I guess that will shut all the fanboys up who were calling this the next big thing. I'm still enjoying GW2 and with their continual improvements will probably continue to do so in between the heavy holiday release schedules. Splinter Cell, Watch dogs, GTAV, battlefield 4, Assassin Creed 4, Arkham origins, and others will fill game plate to overflowing for months to come if i can even afford or have time to play all those.
@LordCrash88 @scraper2k @leviathanwing @digits52 @Gamesfetch PC is the past, present, and future. It has been, is, and will be for the foreseeable future.
@Slade968 Pure stealth and no mark and execute on hardest difficulty. Add to that amazing co-op and the awesome "best multiplayer mode ever" as you said and this is chocked up in my book as being the most complete SC ever.
People are too caught up on Ironside to pay attention to the fact that they listened to as many of the fans as they could on this one. (im sure ill miss ironside too, but he would've gone eventually. )
It delivers something for the super stealth types and the action oriented. Cant wait till next week. Just wish I knew people with a good PC :/ going to suck not being able to co-op with friends.
@proceeder Boxes are still great hiding places :/ right... right...
Well the enemies from MGS think so anyway. The new MGS looks like the first real MGS worth taking a look at. Emphasis on "worth". I have played 3 of the MGS titles. 2 of them to completion.
Splincir's comments