A Geeky Thought Yes I've gone from Snagglepuss to Freak and Geek. A 20-sided dice or what I used to call a 'hit-die' now replaces the cartoon cat. I know what the die is, because I used to play Dungeons and Dragons when I was a young teen. But I've never ever completed any of the quests. My character, whom I always named 'Spyrick' always got killed. As thief, cleric or bard, I was always the first to die. Often times, it was on purpose, I never had the time to complete a single quest, and my treasures were often divided among my uncompassionate companions. I wonder now about my time here at TV.com, will I stay here for long, or will my gains again be divided among the others. I've also noticed those emblems that TV.com have been giving out, emblems I know I will never get. I'm simply not available for live chats in the morning. It's simply not possible.
A Picture I'll Always Remember
Goodbye to a talented man who will be sorely missed. Your work will forever be ecthed in my mind. Thank you for saving the memories for us.
Freaky Thought On My Mind It’s no secret that I do not like advertisements, commercials and even marketing. I tend to tune them out of my mind and my eyes have the ability to even filter out the large ads. But still, it’s a never ending war between me and them. The things they’ve tried so far to grab my attention are to raise the decibels for their ads on my TV, run a string of ads below and above the show I'm watching, increased the frequency of the ads, post me letters, etc. And now I’m beginning to think that these marketing people actually think I like to see their ads. Why would I think that? Well months ago, a voice announcement was made on my television telling me to stay tune right after my show in order to catch the new movie preview of a coming attraction. Were they kidding me? An advertisement telling me to stay tune for another advertisement to come on!!? What were they thinking? Is it possible that one day we’ll have advertisements telling us to watch for previews of an advertisement that will be accompanied by an advertisement sponsoring that advert?! I pray that that will never ever happen.
Last week's riddle was a disappointment to me. Standard of my riddles have dropped because I haven't had time to ponder over them. I've had too many things on my mind. And apart from thoughts of other matters, I had thought about starting a 'Murder Mystery Theater' game on my blog. However, I've changed my mind about organising the game as I believe no one will be interested in it. In the mean time, here's this weeks riddle.
Riddle#37: Locating the ab ent is the r pri ary vi ion. The answers to the cryptic riddles are titles to television shows. If you know the answer to any of the cryptic riddles, PM me. Please do not leave the answer in the comment box. There are also emblems to be awarded to those who manage to solve a certain number of riddles correctly. See here for details: The Emblems And if you're looking for the rest of my cryptic television riddles,
Interesting links: Blog of cool and not so cool links Exercising your Music Muscle Sleuth Noir
Links to other uninteresting profiles of me: My Gamespot.com My mp3.com My TVRage.com
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