Not a very happy person!
by Spyrick on Comments
For those who do not know this, I will show you now some of the HTML codes that can be used to help your images look more presentable on your blog or on any other place you wish to put them. They are: Vspace="number of verticle spaces between your image and your text" VSPACE sets the vertical space between the image and surrounding text. Hspace="number of horizontal spaces between your image and your text" HSPACE sets the horizontal space between the image and surrounding text.text. Align="left|right|middle|top|texttop|absmiddle|bottom|Absmiddle|baseline" ALIGN sets the alignment of the image relative to the text around it
Note: Some of these commands may not work, I have not tried them all yet Alt="Name of image you wish to display if image does not display" ALT specifies text that should be displayed if the picture is not displayed Here is an example of how this codes may be used: <Img src="" align="absmiddle" Alt="Butterfly Emblem"> The text appears in the middle of the image. The result is: The text appears in the middle of the image. Another example of how the codes may be used: <Img src="" Vspace="2" Align="right" Alt="This user has great friends"> The image is positioned on the right and lowered. The result is: The image is positioned on the far right and lowered.
I advise those interested to please experiment with them to get a full understanding of their use.
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