First off, apologies once more, real life has significantly reduced my contributions on gamespot, including catching up with friends. Send me a shout about how you're doing, I care. Also, whoever knows where the topic title quote is from gets a special prize, and no, it's not something gay. I've spent a great deal of time with Vegas, Ghost Recon, and Oblivion on both the PC and Xbox360, and the pattern has been the same with all of them; I play them on the PC, become disgusted, try them on the Xbox360, and then become enamoured. My impressions have largely been similar with all my friends, as we've all spent time with previous iterations in those series on the computer, and the quality we've come to expect is diminished, though that may be a misnomer per say (die in a fire funky crap). Either way, in what I observe as a move to market to a wider audience, has essentially diluted it's appeal to PC Gamers. Sales say otherwise, of course, but gamers who were hooked on previous hard core iterations of terrorist hunts have to look beyond Tom Clancy now. Same for Ghost Recon. As for Oblivion, scaling the difficulty is retarded. There, I said it, I'll say it again. Either way, I'm sure it evens out, as some people like it, and others don't. I tried the Armored Core 4 demo, and I was incredibly impressed. It's finally done away with the down syndrome control system, and given people what they want; fast action, simplified mech stats, and lots of shooting action. I'm planning on picking up the game shortly. For those of you not in the know, Jack Thompson is facing some legal trouble from the Florida State bar for disparaging comments against the Judge made infamous for his inspection of bully. Either way, some of the comments he made were
utterly hilarious. Definitely a thread worth reading. I'm going to be purchasing a new computer at the end of May. Everything is as you would expect, 320 gig hd, geforce 8800 gtx, 2 gigs corsair 1066, asus 680 i mobo, intel dual core 2.4 ghz, and yada yada. That may be subject to change based on tech progress and suggestions, but for the mo, this seems good. All of it together is about 2000, and I can get a copy of windows vista for pretty cheap. There you have it, spankings all around. Space Cowboys is working well for me in my latest MMO splurge. I have a lvl 48 I-gear on Joymus server BCU side, and I'm working on a 30 A-gear, same server/side. I joined a really good brig, and we've been fighting the good fight for a while together. If you're interested, we're looking for more people, so take a look see at our webby. Anyway, have a good week, blessings of extra lives unto you.
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