what a bunch of hogwash, take your fake boy shit some where else. There's only like 0 games worth buying these new consoles for.
Sony will only refund $150 of the $600 that was taken.The money will be in PSN credit, and not refunded into the bank.If the user escalates the payment dispute with his bank, his account will be banned.If his account is banned, his purchased licences for games, such as The Last of Us Remastered, will be wiped.If the licences are wiped, there is no way of restoring them.The user's PlayStation 4 cannot be designated as the primary console for another 6 months, meaning it is locked out of the account until then.http://www.gamespot.com/articles/sony-won-t-refund-ps4-user-who-lost-600-from-hack/1100-6425885/Don't worry cows sony has your back
@AM-Gamer said:@MonsieurX: Lmao. THEY all sold more on consoles! They wouldn't get sequels if it wasn't for console sales.waaah waah my console matters
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