@drunk_pi: then type each name in your self and look it up your self
SrgtSaggy101's forum posts
We documented 331 black on white murders that occurred in 2014 - John Swoveland Jr, 2, was shot and killed, by black males, while playing in his front yard in South Bend, IN on April 10th, 2014.
So far, we have found 9 white police officers murdered by blacks in 2014. We found 5Â*cases of white killed by black while working at a pizza shop or delivering pizza. There are other cases of white being murdered by black while delivering other things.
We found 6 cases of white taxi cab drivers killed on the job by blacks males. This is a shockingly high number. It suggests that white cab drivers are far more likely to be murdered by a black male than white police officers.
All told, we have tabulated 331 black on white murders. WeÂ*challenged the left-wing to send us white on black murders. We even asked the SPLC for a list of white on black murders. So far we have only found three blacks murdered by white people in 2014.
You can use this form to submit a white on black murder that occurred in 2014.
Black on white murder is being censored at every level. The fact that we could compose a list this big shows that it is even more common that we thought it was. We never dreamed we would get up to 332.
Think we missed one? There is a form to submit more murders at the bottom of the list. Please double check that we do not already have it.
Click here to see the full list.
One white on black murder is a major national news story. Where is the outrage for the daily occurring black on white murders?
Present Tally: 331
Hold Up/Hate Crime/Thrill Kill: 157*
Pizza Shop: 5
Cab Driver: 6
Police Officers Killed: 9
Home Invasion: 56
Killed By A Friend: 16
Killed while providing charity: 2
Femicide: 46**
Femicide Related: 14***
Killed by boyfriend’s brother: 2
Killed by son/daughter: 2
Killed by female in-law: 1
Killed by foster child: 1
Killed by foster parents: 1
Criminal Vehicular Homicide: 13****
*SomeÂ*victims may have been killed by someone they knew, but the media never reported the full details.
**There were numerous suspicious deaths of white females who died of drug overdoses while they were with black males. There is another case where a white female supposedly “shot herself playing Russian Roulette” with her black boyfriend. We only listed cases that were classified as murder by the authorities. We did not list cases in which a black male played an obvious role in the death, but the death was classified as accidental. There was one case of a white female being killed by a black female “ex-wife.” There are also numerous cases of a white female being shot by a play male while in the company of a black boyfriend. we did not count these as “femicide.” However, it seems that white females involved with black males are at a dramatically increased risk of being murdered by a black male in general.
***Femicide related refers to victims killed by the black boyfriend of relative or close friends. Many of these victims are young children of white females dating black males. Some are women who were attacked by the black boyfriend of a white female friend.
****We only listed cases of vehicular homicide in which the perp was committing serious crimes when they killed a victim. In several cases, the perp was fleeing from police. In two other cases, their is strong indication the perp did it on purpose.
I prefer the original's art style more. It's a lot darker and gives better atmosphere which is important for a game like this.
Isn't it amazing all the millions of leftists protesting anti-white apartheid in Zimbabwe. Isn't it marvelous, how they are all standing up to horrible racial laws in Zimbabwe, that stripped the white citizens of Zimbabwe of their most basic rights? Isn't it wonderful, how Twitter and Facebook are full of outrage over the issue? Furthermore, isn't it great, how quickly the international community has condemned the racial laws in Zimbabwe, how quickly the UN imposed economic sanctions on the racist mugabe regime, hell, they are even threatening Zimbabwe with exclusion from the UN, if they dare keep their racist laws. Didn't you see all the NGOs, that sent Mugabe open letters, telling him, that diversity is Zimbabwe's greatest strength and not only should white people there have full rights as citizens, they are a minority and should therefore have a lot of special privileges, such as priority in government jobs, priority in university enrollment, white businesses should have priority in government contracts, white people should get special tax breaks and free health care, Zimbabwean government should take care of the housing for the white minority there, and last, but not least, they should import more white people straight from England so the can give those privileges to more of them. Isn't it just perfect, how they all stood up in unison against this horrible racist atrocity? Bravo, leftists, my hat is off to you, your fight against racism indeed sees no colour. |
On Wednesday, Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe (pictured) told White farmers that they must get off the land, because his nation is not a place for White landowners, according to AllAfrica. Speaking in Mashonaland West at the A1 Model Settlement Tenure Permit, President Mugabe spoke of the reported few hundreds of White farmers who still own land in Zimbabwe. Quote:
President Mugabe then went on to clarify what Whites could actually own in his homeland, “They can own companies and apartments in our towns and cities but not the soil. It is ours and that message should ring loud and clear in Britain and the United States.” Clearly just warming up, President Mugabe then turned his sights on Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, calling him a “boy from the streets.” “We had an agreement with the Margaret Thatcher government and when Tony Blair came he reneged on that agreement. I pleaded with him to review his decision but he was a boy from the street with no experience so he stuck to his guns,” said the veteran leader. “I was not amused and told him to keep his England and we would keep our Zimbabwe. We will not pay for our land and we will not ask our people to pay for it because they never paid for it in the first place. “They were selling to each other among themselves, and we will not recognise any of that nonsense. They were living like kings and queens on our land and we chucked them out. Now we want all of it.” Whites came from Europe and South Africa in the 1890s. The Land Apportionment Act of 1930 divided the lands by tribes: Whites, Shona, and Ndebele. And while traditionally, Africans shared the lands communally, the new laws that favored Whites made it nearly impossible for Africans to get financing, equipment, and training to farm large plots of land. But Whites, who obviously already had a mastery of Western land ideology, understood title deeds to land and were consequently able to buy and develop large areas of land for commercial farming businesses. Their Western and White advantage led to other advantages, such as prime land in the fertile upland region, and not surprisingly, the White population flourished. Meanwhile, Africans were regulated to low rainfall areas, forcing 99 percent of the population on to 25 percent of the land. By 1979, Whites consisted of only 5 percent of the population, with only 4,500 farmers, but owned 70 percent of the fertile land. Mugabe came to power on the heels of the Lancaster House Agreement in 1980, which stated that Mugabe couldn’t make any land reform changes for 10 years. After decades of stops and starts in attempting to redistribute land back to Africans, by 2000, Zimbabwe government instituted the Fast-Track Land Reform Program, violently forcing mostly White farmers off their lands without compensation — earlier iterations of land reform ensured that Whites would be compensated for the lands they occupied. The government reportedly seized 110,000 square kilometers of land and millions of Black farmers were said to have become unemployed. By 2005, the Parliament agreed to nationalizing all farmland, silencing farmers who wanted to contest the land grab in court. Today, the benefits of redistributing land among Africans cannot be comprehensively considered for two prime reasons: many of the beneficiaries of land that was formerly “owned” by Whites have reportedly had little experience in managing commercial farmland properly; this fact has supposedly caused crop production to plummet in the country. In addition, the United States froze the nation’s credit once the Fast Track Land Reform was passed, almost immediately cutting Zimbabwe’s trade surplus deficit of $322 million in 2001 to a deficit of $18 million by 2002. Mugabe Orders White Farmers Off of Land |
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