@MigGui @St0Ne4Ge It still all comes down to the perception of the website, most large gaming websites still can't be completely honest because it will inevitably cause problems in their relationship with the publishers that pay them. Gamespot has to balance the relationship with their fans and publishers. I think you are overlooking how important the publishers are to Gamespot who ultimately rely on their content. I'm not saying every review is for sale but there has definitely been instances where GS have not given their fanbase the truth in order to protect the publishers and I think it shows that publishers > gamers.
Gerstmann admitted "We did what an editorial team does. We did what we were supposed to be doing. We reviewed games, we instructed people about the quality of games, and we were completely honest," he added. "This management team buckled when faced with having a lot of ad dollars walk out the door."
Alienating the publishers is not an option so they just have to be subtle and manage perception of dishonesty (ridicule the idea like he does in this video).
This isn't a theory, Gamespot is part of a large corporation, a large corporation's soul priority is to make as much money as it can. Receiving money for a particular score from a publisher who also happens to be a large corporation is a big profit deal if the website can still appear to have integrity. It's also obviously profitable for the publisher since it's a much cheaper way to improve the perceived quality of their game than to actually improve the quality of their game.
I personally have no doubt that Gamespot has received money from publishers for reviews, the Jeff Gerstmann incident was just the cherry on the top of this particular conspiracy "theory".
I fucking hated the animus and all the weird white lines and shapes and matrix crap that came with it, I think if the series stayed within its time period the games atmosphere would have been so much better. I really agree with Danny in this episode, AC could have been a really great franchise but now I'm sick of it already.
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