I really want this game to be awesome, I hope they really do acknowledge what made Origins popular and at least avoid throwing it all out of the window and ending up with another shallow bastardized action RPG like DA2. For me Dragon Age was about engaging dialogue and characters, a grim and more adult setting/story with loads of blood, gore and sex, and most importantly group combat and a heavy focus on tactics. Origins was absolutely an adult game so they should respect the audience and leave out the shallow OTT combat and keep it firmly based in reality (with magic and dragons).
@jtthegame316 @DeViLzzz Everybody had a Wii remote on their Wii, how many really good games did we get from third parties on the Wii? That's just Microsoft saying "hey everybody buy this Kinect and we're sure somebody will make a game worth playing on it one day!"
Every few days I see an article of a different MS suit defending the Kinect. I would've received the message by now but hey I didn't go to business school. Maybe if you tell people they need something enough times they will start to believe you, it works in the cosmetic, health and insurance industries.
Rainbow Six Vegas? That game is like 6 years old? I don't think MS are seriously trying to compete with Sony's offers, I see it more like a token gesture to try to appear like they are and check it off their list. If I wanted to go back and play that game I could get it in the bargain bin for some spare change, not entising me to join XBL gold.
I'm no Sony fanboy, I only play on the PC but looking at them objectively Sony is quite generous while MS aren't really trying and are only giving this game away because nobody is buying it anyway.
They're doing a Beta for Dragon Age? They obviously have a focus on multiplayer. Now I know they're going to finish the job they started with DA2 and destroy everything that Origins was about.
St0Ne4Ge's comments