My guess is that they'll refund the 50 cents. I've had other companies use verifications like this and they've always instantly refunded the money back into my account. It isn't worth 50 cents to anger their customers. The small (for SONY) amount of revenue it would bring isn't worth it.
I'm not sure that some of these developers know how pranks work. Saying you're working on a game that could be legitimate but (fooled you!) it isn't real -- that isn't a prank.
When I was a kid I worked at a pizza place where the manage would "prank" us by coming into the back room and saying the store was packed and we were needed in the front room. Then we'd rush out to help and the place would be empty. "Oh man, I got you good!" But that's not a prank. The restaurant getting busy was something that would actually happen sometimes.
Similarly, SE makes tactics games sometimes. Arika makes fighters. There's nothing outrageous about either video that makes someone a sucker for believing they're real.
"Gambit System, was very unique. There were no other games that had that kind of system at that time."
Wait, didn't all the WRPGs have something like this at the time to control your party. I seem to remember being able to "program" companions in KoTOR and Baldur's Gate.
Maybe, FF12 was the first to do this RIGHT. When the conditions arose that triggered a gambit, the character does the action immediately. Man I loved that. No swearing at the screen yelling "why aren't you healing me you idiot?!"
I never know when to get strategy guides. I like them in principle, but they make playing through a game a bit like homework. If there are lots of missable secrets I usually get them -- Final Fantasy games are a good example.
For all three Mass Effect games I think I found everything important, and never used a guide.
Just make MP and SP completely separate. Is that really so hard? I'm being made to have a gaming experience I definitely don't want in order to get full enjoyment out of a game I DO want to play. Why would they do this? People who like both MP and SP will play both anyway... they don't need an incentive.
StammBladecastr's comments