It's definitely up there with best PS4 game and best game of the generation. Even if it isn't your personal best PS4 game or best of the generation. It IS in the conversation for most people.
The list below is the MC highest rated of all Time list.
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)99
- User: 9.1
- Nov 23, 1998
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (PS)98
- User: 7.4
- Sep 20, 2000
- Grand Theft Auto IV (PS3)98
- User: 7.5
- Apr 29, 2008
- SoulCalibur (DC)98
- User: 8.6
- Sep 8, 1999
- Grand Theft Auto IV (X360)98
- User: 7.9
- Apr 29, 2008
- Super Mario Galaxy (WII)97
- User: 9.0
- Nov 12, 2007
- Super Mario Galaxy 2 (WII)97
- User: 9.1
- May 23, 2010
- Red Dead Redemption 2 (XONE)97
- User: 7.5
- Oct 26, 2018
- Grand Theft Auto V (XONE)97
- User: 7.8
- Nov 18, 2014
- Grand Theft Auto V (PS3)97
- User: 8.3
- Sep 17, 2013
I'm sorry but while many games on this list are fantastic games, some of them are definitely products of their time like Tony Hawk. I seriously doubt there's a large collection of people that consider Tony Hawk 2 to be the greatest game of all time. Which is why I don't think we should look at review scores to determine the GOAT.
Here is a top 10 list of GOAT contenders from Polygon in December 2017
- 1. Tetris
- 2. SMB3
- 3. Legend of Zelda (NES)
- 4. Doom
- 5. Pokemon Red and Blue
- 6. Ms. Pac Man
- 7. WOW
- 8. Mine Craft
- 9. Street Fighter 2
- 10. Super Metroid
And for Good measure her is a top 10 GOAT list from IGN
- 1. Super Mario World
- 2. Zelda OOT
- 3. Portal
- 4. Super Metroid
- 5. Zelda A link to the Past
- 6. SMB 3
- 7. Tetris
- 8. Half Life 2
- 9. Red Dead Redemtion
- 10. Super Mario 64
To me it looks like gaming journalism favors games with HUGE influence to their genre when considering a game to be GOAT. Super metroid has a game genre termed from it in Metroidvania, doom paved the way for all other FPS games, and Tetris is the STANDARD in what makes a good puzzle game.
While God of War PS4 is an amazing game, I don't think it paves the way or breaks new ground in game design like the other games in the above top ten lists. GOW refines and balances design in its respected genre, and does so with near perfection. But it's all elements we've seen in other games such as The Last of Us, Assassin's Creed, Dark Souls, and the previous God of War Games.
GOW doesn't make me scream THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING! GAMES WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN! Like I said before, that's not a bad thing, GOW plays it safe by taking some of the best aspects of the previous and current generation and perfects it, but it doesn't take any risks or tries anything new. So while it may be the game of the Generation or best PS4 game, I don't think we are going to look back on GOW 10 years from now and be like GOAT.
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