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#1  Edited By Star67
Member since 2005 • 5401 Posts

It's definitely up there with best PS4 game and best game of the generation. Even if it isn't your personal best PS4 game or best of the generation. It IS in the conversation for most people.

The list below is the MC highest rated of all Time list.

  1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)99
    • User: 9.1
    • Nov 23, 1998
  2. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (PS)98
    • User: 7.4
    • Sep 20, 2000
  3. Grand Theft Auto IV (PS3)98
    • User: 7.5
    • Apr 29, 2008
  4. SoulCalibur (DC)98
    • User: 8.6
    • Sep 8, 1999
  5. Grand Theft Auto IV (X360)98
    • User: 7.9
    • Apr 29, 2008
  6. Super Mario Galaxy (WII)97
    • User: 9.0
    • Nov 12, 2007
  7. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (WII)97
    • User: 9.1
    • May 23, 2010
  8. Red Dead Redemption 2 (XONE)97
    • User: 7.5
    • Oct 26, 2018
  9. Grand Theft Auto V (XONE)97
    • User: 7.8
    • Nov 18, 2014
  10. Grand Theft Auto V (PS3)97
    • User: 8.3
    • Sep 17, 2013

I'm sorry but while many games on this list are fantastic games, some of them are definitely products of their time like Tony Hawk. I seriously doubt there's a large collection of people that consider Tony Hawk 2 to be the greatest game of all time. Which is why I don't think we should look at review scores to determine the GOAT.

Here is a top 10 list of GOAT contenders from Polygon in December 2017

  1. 1. Tetris
  2. 2. SMB3
  3. 3. Legend of Zelda (NES)
  4. 4. Doom
  5. 5. Pokemon Red and Blue
  6. 6. Ms. Pac Man
  7. 7. WOW
  8. 8. Mine Craft
  9. 9. Street Fighter 2
  10. 10. Super Metroid

And for Good measure her is a top 10 GOAT list from IGN

    • 1. Super Mario World
    • 2. Zelda OOT
    • 3. Portal
    • 4. Super Metroid
    • 5. Zelda A link to the Past
    • 6. SMB 3
    • 7. Tetris
    • 8. Half Life 2
    • 9. Red Dead Redemtion
    • 10. Super Mario 64

To me it looks like gaming journalism favors games with HUGE influence to their genre when considering a game to be GOAT. Super metroid has a game genre termed from it in Metroidvania, doom paved the way for all other FPS games, and Tetris is the STANDARD in what makes a good puzzle game.

While God of War PS4 is an amazing game, I don't think it paves the way or breaks new ground in game design like the other games in the above top ten lists. GOW refines and balances design in its respected genre, and does so with near perfection. But it's all elements we've seen in other games such as The Last of Us, Assassin's Creed, Dark Souls, and the previous God of War Games.

GOW doesn't make me scream THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING! GAMES WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN! Like I said before, that's not a bad thing, GOW plays it safe by taking some of the best aspects of the previous and current generation and perfects it, but it doesn't take any risks or tries anything new. So while it may be the game of the Generation or best PS4 game, I don't think we are going to look back on GOW 10 years from now and be like GOAT.

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#2 Star67
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Yakuza 0.

If it had the Dragon Engine used in Yakuza 6 it would be perfect. Along with more VO for side stories

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#3 Star67
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@Ant_17 said:
@Star67 said:

I mean BOTW took inspiration from Assassins Creed, and from the very first Zelda on NES.

Nioh when it first released was called a Dark Souls rip off but it turned out to be a great game that could stand on it's own.

Plus Nioh is better than Sekiro so this could be better than BOTW.

I don't know if I would go that far, but I guess there's always the possibility.

I'm not sure about Nioh being better than Sekiro, but Nioh feels more like Dark Souls with Ninjas than Sekiro does. I feel like some fans thought that's how Sekiro would feel but that isn't the case (The biggest example being Nioh has a variety of weapons where Sekiro only has 1)

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#4 Star67
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I mean BOTW took inspiration from Assassins Creed, and from the very first Zelda on NES.

Nioh when it first released was called a Dark Souls rip off but it turned out to be a great game that could stand on it's own.

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#5 Star67
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@xantufrog said:

@hrt_rulz01: yeah, I just have so little time to game these days, that "hardcore" games requiring tons of repetition and practice, and 300 hour epics actively turn me off. I need to really like the source material to go in for that (TW3 being an example)

Same. I have a full time job, and a family and I can't dedicate all of my free time to video games anymore.

Now on occasion I will play games in the 50 plus hour range. Like Spiderman, Bloodborne, the Yakuza series this gen, and GOW. Those games really interested me and I wanted to play more.

But DMC5 and Nioh are good games, but I finding myself hard pressed to finish them let alone put more than 30 hours into. They aren't grabbing me like the other games.

Does anyone have statistics on what the average completion rate is for games? I remember seeing some Steam stats a while back and it stated the majority of games in a library go unbeaten or only played for a couple of hours.

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#6 Star67
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@npiet1 said:

The problem with PS now is the lack of newer games and you cannot download most of them. I like GP because I can download them. If there's a game I want to play, I'll just get 1 month. It's really no different then going down to blockbuster back in the day and renting a game.

And with that is my biggest problem with streaming services. You're basically just renting games.

For most people yeah that's probably fine. But gaming is a hobby for me, and I want to own the games I play.

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#7 Star67
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@Ross_the_Boss6 said:

Completely agree with the post above. I avoided the Dark Souls franchise for so long because of the difficulty hype.

When I finally gave it a shot, I realized how wrong my assumptions were. I never once felt like i couldn’t make it through the game. All it was asking of me was to learn the enemy attacks patterns and have a little patience.

I agree with both of you.

When I first played Bloodborne, I died numerous times in the first level without making any progress at all. Barely past the wolf part when you first start the game.

I was playing it at the same time with a friend and he was having the same problems. He ended up quitting and never played again. I then asked another friend, who was a Dark Souls Vet, and he told me to slow down and quit playing it like a hack and slash game.

I took his advice and the game immediately clicked for me, ended up beating it twice and beat the DLC.

Sometimes you have to learn how to play a game, like back in the day with NES, SNES, and Genesis.

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#8 Star67
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Very excited for Wipeout.

It's a game I always eye in the store, now I get to try it for free. (Well with my subscription any way)

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#9 Star67
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Shenmue hasn't aged well for starters.

Back in the day we had never seen a game like Shenmue before, an open world game with time and date mechanics and characters with specific schedules was a cool novelty.

But time and date management was pretty boring, I found myself wondering the town for things to do to pass the time by, you can only play the same mini games for so long. There's a reason most games don't do this.

Now Yakuza has a lot of the same elements but instead of having to manage time and dates you are free to progress the main story at your own leisure. So you can play as many mini games, side stories, or explore as much as you want. Or you can play straight through the story.

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#10 Star67
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@Pedro said:
@MarkoftheSivak said:

OOT is trash. I've tried multiple times to play through it, putting multiple hours into each time but get bored. Granted I didn't try this until 15 years after it was out, but by today's (or then's) standards it is objective trash.

I don't agree that its trash but it has failed to draw me in like the others and I played it about 8 years after the fact.

OOT has not aged well at all, along with a lot of other 3D games from that Gen. However I think it's pretty obvious that reviewers give Zelda some special treatment when it comes to reviews.

Example Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess.

Skyward Sword is so uninspired! The art style is bland, character models look funky, the game is extremely hand holdy, and the level design is bland and extremely linear!

And Twilight princess has some of the same problems as Skyward Sword! Character models, level design, are horrible and the game has a horribly slow start. Then it introduces a wolf mechanic that PALES in comparison to Okami. If you want a good Zelda game from the Gamecube generation play Okami.

Yet THESE TWO GAMES received universal praise and got 9's and 10's. And lord when Gamespot gave Twilight Princess an 8.9 this entire site flipped shit. At BEST Twilight Princess is an 8. AT BEST!